similar to: Bug report: Disappearing text when using a long "expression" in ylab

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Bug report: Disappearing text when using a long "expression" in ylab"

2012 Jan 30
Getting htmlParse to work with Hebrew? (on windows)
Hello dear R-help mailing list. I wish to be able to have htmlParse work well with Hebrew, but it keeps to scramble the Hebrew text in pages I feed into it. For example: # why can't I parse the Hebrew correctly? library(RCurl) library(XML) u = "" a = getURL(u) a # Here - the hebrew is fine. a2 <- htmlParse(a) a2 # Here it is a mess... None of
2011 Oct 06
anova.rq {quantreg) - Why do different level of nesting changes the P values?!
Hello dear R help members. I am trying to understand the anova.rq, and I am finding something which I can not explain (is it a bug?!): The example is for when we have 3 nested models. I run the anova once on the two models, and again on the three models. I expect that the p.value for the comparison of model 1 and model 2 would remain the same, whether or not I add a third model to be compared
2011 Jan 25
Failing to install {rggobi} on win-7 R 2.12.0
Greetings all, I am failing to install the package rggobi on windows 7 with R 2.12.0. On R 2.11.1, the package was installed fine. I asked for help on the rggobi google group 4 days ago, and didn't receive any help, so I was wondering if someone here might have a suggestion. Here are the details: ----------------------------------- I am having a similar (bot not exact) problem as Tom had
2009 Dec 21
checking Rd cross-references ... WARNING
Dear all I am getting this strange error when checking my package. Would you have an idea what causes it? Thank you Liviu * checking Rd cross-references ... WARNING Error in .find.package(package, lib.loc) : there is no package called 'KernSmooth' Calls: <Anonymous> -> lapply -> FUN -> .find.package Execution halted > sessionInfo () R version 2.10.0 (2009-10-26)
2009 Dec 07
options(width=100) ignored on start-up: bug or feature?
Dear developers I've tried this a couple of days ago on r-help, unfortunately with no feedback. Could you please take a look and confirm whether it's a bug, feature, or bad eye-sight when reading Help: Is it normal that R ignores options("width"=100) at start-up? Although liviu at debian-liv:~$ cat /usr/lib/R/etc/ | grep width options(width = 100) , R will
2010 Jan 16
'tcltk' freezes related to event-loops (PR#14188)
This report is related to the bug `'tcltk' crashes related to event-loops' PR#14187 [1]. The difference to that bug is an inversion of the command sequence. [1];user=guest With the following sequence I get sporadic freezes of tcltk. require(cairoDevice) require(tcltk) Unlike for the previous bug, I am unable to identify a simple
2009 Nov 03
lmer and estimable
Hi everyone, I'm using lmer and estimable (from packages lme4 and gmodels respectively) and have the disconcerting happening that when I run exactly the same code, I get different results! In checking this out by running the code 50x, it seems to be that answers may be randomly deviating around those which I get from another stats package (GenStat, using the linear mixed models functionality
2009 Dec 13
debug an error that incapacitates R?
Dear all How should I attempt debugging this error? > sosInit() Error: invalid connection When this happens R refuses to run anything: > 2+2 Error: invalid connection > sessionInfo () Error in stdout() : invalid connection Debugging it seems impossible. > options(error=recover) > sosInit() Error: invalid connection Error during wrapup: invalid connection The error also
2010 Jan 11
trouble with installing pbatR
Hello folks, I am having a problem installing pbatR package. (My R version is 2.8.1.) As I execute a command > install.packages(lib='/usr/local/apps/R-2.8.1/lib64/R/library', "pbatR") it detects lack of rootSolve package and attempts to install it. But cannot seem to compile it, and the rest is aborted. Any hint as to what I can do? Thank you in advance for your
2010 Mar 18
Hi, there´s something that really bothers me about R and after hours and hours of internet research, I´m still stuck with the same problem: I installed R and it is in Spanish, as the system on my work. I would really like it in English and there seems to be no way to change that!?! I´m doing an abroad internship, so my Spanish is far from perfect and my tutorial is in English. Is there any
2009 Sep 26
mboost_1.1-3 blackboost_fit (PR#13972)
Full_Name: Ivan the Terrible Version: 2.9.2 OS: Windows XP SP3 Submission from: (NULL) ( When using the method blackboost_fit of the package mboost appear following error : Error in party:::get_variables(obj at responses) : trying to get slot "responses" from an object (class "boost_data") that is not an S4 object Simple test case that produce bug:
2012 Aug 23
party package: ctree - survival data - extracting statistics/predictors
Dear R users, I am trying to apply the analysis processed in a paper, on the data I'm working with. The data is: 80 patients for which I have survival data (time - days, and event - binary), and microarray expression data for 200 genes (predictor continuous variables). My data matrix "data.test" has ncol: 202 and nrow: 80. What I want to do is: - run recursive partitioning on
2012 Jun 03
Problems installing Packages
Hello, I am going through Zhao's RDataMining PDF, and to redo all the graphics on my computer, I need several packages, 'coin' and 'party' to name two. I get the following error: > install.packages("coin") Installing package(s) into ?/home/sven/R/i686-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.15? (as ?lib? is unspecified) trying URL
2005 Nov 29
rotated ylab with xyplot
hi all, in R, what's the best way to have a rotated ylab in a graph plotted with either xyplot or xYplot? I tried this but it didn't work. xyplot(y~x,data.frame(x=1:10,y=runif(10)),ylab=list(srt=90,crt=90,rot=90,label="my label")) more generally, how do you output a text at an angle in a lattice graph? what would be a good reference for R lattice graphics? I need more
2003 Jul 05
Font size of xlab & ylab.
Hi! How thy font size of xlab & ylab can be set? Eryk
2010 Aug 19
Math symbols in ylab with vis.gam() or plot.gam()
Hi all, Has anyone tried to plot math symbols with vis.gam() - a function that uses (I think) plot.gam() internally? This is from the package mgcv - I am new to gam(). For example, with the normal plot(), the expression() works fine for Math symbols: plot(xx, ylab=expression(paste(Delta,"H",sep=""))) # works fine But, with vis.gam(), the same
2009 Dec 09
Greek symbols on "ylab=" using barchart() {Lattice}
Hi All, I'm trying to write "ug/m3" as y-label, with greek letter "mu" replacing "u" AND "3" going as a power. These commands works in general: text(0.5, 0.5, expression(symbol("m"))) But, I'm sure about how to do it using barchart() from "Lattice". Can anyone help please? Thanks, Peng Cai [[alternative HTML
2010 Mar 18
greek symbols on ylab=
Hi All, I'm trying to get following but not successfully: # this works okay ylab=expression("PM2.5 Concentration ("*mu*g/m^3*")") # But I need "2.5" as a subscript to PM and below this an additional line saying some text, like. ylab=expression("PM[2.5] Concentration ("*mu*g/m^3*")"\n(random text in brackets)) Square brackets doesn't
2005 Nov 12
Updating in attempt to rotate ylab
What am I doing wrong? (please cc me when replying) yy <- 1:10 xx <- yy*2 xYplot(yy~xx,ylab="") #this plots as it should text(.4,5,expression(paste(log, frac(p(b),p(a)) ))) Error in text.default(0.4, 13, expression(paste(log, frac(p(b), p (a))))) : has not been called yet This is the case even when I write: xxyy <- xYplot(yy~xx,ylab="") xxyy <-
2003 Jan 07
plot.ts don't accept ylab (PR#2428)
Full_Name: Joerg Maeder Version: R-1.6.1 OS: Solaris Submission from: (NULL) ( plot.ts crashs when you have a multi-dimensional time series and you try to define the ylab argument. #Test Data: simple 2dimensional time series testdata <- ts(cbind(runif(24),runif(24),freq=4)) #this command works well plot.ts(testdata) #this command don't work