similar to: Lack of consistent cross-platform behaviour of tools:::buildVignettes()

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Lack of consistent cross-platform behaviour of tools:::buildVignettes()"

2011 Mar 22
R_HOME path getting munged in inst/doc/Makefile on Windows
Hello, I have come across two separate packages that have a Makefile in inst/doc which use the R_HOME variable. In both cases, the path to R_HOME gets munged in such a way that commands that include R_HOME fail on Windows: For example, one Makefile, for the xmapcore package ( readonly) has this:
2010 Jun 09
Question on trying to build R 2.11.1 on Tru64(aka OSF1)
First I tried 'setenv R_SHELL /usr/local/bin/bash', as bash is the weapon of choice for the faculty wishing to use R, then ran ./configure as before. The ./configure output line using as R_SHELL for scripts ... /usr/local/bin/bash would seem to indicate that the R_SHELL environment variable was recognized and acknowledged. However, I got the same build error: gnumake[2]: Entering
2005 Feb 10
Problem with "R CMD Rd2dvi": Rd.sty not found
Hi, I run into a problem with "R CMD Rd2dvi" command: it gives me "File `Rd.sty' not found" error (See the output message on the bottom). I get the same error when running "RCMD check". My system is: Windows 2000, R version 2.0.1, MiKTeX version 2.4. I do have a Rd.sty file in R_HOME/share/texm directory. I looked through newsgroups for any related discussions
2008 Apr 07
R_SHARE_DIR not defined for use in tests/Makefile running under Windows
The make variable $(R_SHARE_DIR) seems to be available for use in tests/Makefile when running under Linux, but not Windows (R-2.6.2, R-2.6.1, R-2.7.0 alpha 2008-04-06, under Windows XP 64 bit, built locally for 32 bit). Is this intentional, or an oversight? Is it OK to use $(R_HOME)/share instead (seems to work OK)? I notice the following in /src/gnuwin32/front-ends/rcmdfn.c (from R-alpha
2005 Sep 08
Install packages to non-default lib on Windows
We are trying to setup a Windows server that will allow any of our users to build a binary R package given a source package. The idea is to have a central R installation and allow users to install packages to their own package library for the purposes of binary package building. It seems, however, that write access to $R_HOME is required as part of the install step even when -l is used to
2010 Oct 11
'R CMD build' not cleaning the src/ folder on Windows
Hi, 'R CMD build' (with R 2.12.0 RC) fails to clean the src/ folder on Windows: D:\biocbld\bbs-2.7-bioc>ls meat/BUS/src BUS.cpp BUS.h D:\biocbld\bbs-2.7-bioc>R\bin\R CMD build meat\BUS * checking for file 'meat\BUS/DESCRIPTION' ... OK * preparing 'BUS': * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK * cleaning src * installing the package
2010 Jun 10
R-based version of R CMD build broken on Windows
Hi, The R-based version of R CMD build doesn't work for me on Windows: E:\biocbld\bbs-2.7-bioc>R\bin\R CMD build meat\Biobase * checking for file 'meat\Biobase/DESCRIPTION' ... OK * preparing 'Biobase': * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK * cleaning src * installing the package to re-build vignettes Warning in shell(sprintf("%s > %s
2003 Dec 23
Rd.sty not found -
Hi I am still trying to wrap up a package using Rcmd (in windows 2000 professional with R 1.8.1). I have made some progress - and now at least Rcmd check works - it still giving me an error message when it creates latex help files though. Thus I get: c:\rpack> Rcmd check test * checking for working latex ... OK * using log directory 'C:/rpacks/test.Rcheck' * checking for file
2010 Mar 17
Sweave and kile
Dear R-users, I want to give a try to Sweave and Latex but I am having some problems compiling my .Rnw files within Kile. I have followed the recommendations given in, but they do not seem to address my particular problem. I am using R 2.11.0 and Kile v 2.0.83 on an OpenSUSE11.2 installation (KDE 4.3 environment). According to the log (see
2010 Sep 12
More strange R CMD build/check errors on Windows
Hi, This is a follow up to: The Bioconductor daily builds have been reporting a lot of strange things lately on Windows using R-2.12. This started 2 or 3 months ago and things are not getting better with recent R-2.12. Here is a sample from today's build results. We use Windows Server 2003 R2 for the 32-bit builds, Windows
2009 Sep 28
Sweave, TEXINPUTS problem
Hi, I'm trying to use Sweave in my .tex-documents using \usepackage{Sweave} notation. I have this line in my .bash_profile export TEXINPUT=.:/Users/jrara/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/share/texmf:$TEXINPUTS When trying to typeset this .tex document, I get an error message saying ERROR: LaTeX Error: File `Sweave.sty' not found. I tried to google this problem but could not
2004 Feb 01
error in building R-1.9.0 sources under Win32
I am trying to compile the R-dev sources on WinXP using mingw 3.1.0-1 and fpTeX 0.7. In the past I have been able to build the sources fine but now I receive an error in the process that I havent seen reported on the list before. Everything works fine until I get to 'make docs'. I now get the message below while building the R-admin manual (refman.pdf builds fine) and the make process
2011 Jun 27
R CMD check --force-multiarch does not install all the archs for testing
Hi, Why isn't 'R CMD check --force-multiarch' installing the package for all the architectures that are going to be checked? For some packages, it only installs for the default arch ('i386'). Then testing the package for 'x64' fails. For example, Output of R CMD check --force-multiarch fabia_1.5.0.tar.gz: ----------------------------------------------------------- *
2003 Oct 23
texi2dvi and buildVignettes() on Windows
I am currently writing a (private) package in which I produce pdf files from within R using LaTeX. To do so I mainly copied some lines from the buildVignettes() function in the tools package. This uses the texi2dvi which is included in R's bin directory: system(paste(file.path(R.home(), "bin", "texi2dvi"), "--quiet --pdf", bft)) This runs
2013 Sep 15
FOSS licence with BuildVignettes: false
Dear All, I have been checking the metafor package against R-devel. R CMD check --as-cran metafor yields one note: FOSS licence with BuildVignettes: false Yes, I have 'BuildVignettes: FALSE' in my DESCRIPTION file. I see at Tue, 25 Jun 2013 CHANGES IN R-devel UTILITIES 'R CMD check --as-cran' warns about a false
2013 Mar 13
Failed to locate 'weave' output file / vignette product does not have a known filename extension
Hello, I'm seeing three different vignette-related errors with recent versions of R-3.0.0 alpha. First, with the package BitSeq (, I get the following when trying to build the package: Error: processing vignette ?BitSeq.Rnw' failed with diagnostics: Failed to locate the ?weave? output file (by engine ?utils::Sweave?) for
2006 Oct 14
Sweave, R and complex latex projects
Hello all, I've been able to use R very successfully to run simple statistics and generate the plots I require. I've been evaluating Sweave, and have hit upon a small problem that I don't seem to be able to workaround. Sweave runs very well for single file latex documents, but I have a complex thesis made up of several parts and chapters. These are arranged with a master latex file
2004 Jul 14
RCMD fails in Windows XP
I have setup R 1.9.1 on my Dell laptop running windows XP. I have installed it to C:\R\rw1091. Rgui runs fine, but Rcmd fails if run with parameters (i.e. install). The windows dialog box cheerfully says "R for Windows front-end has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." Running the visual C++ debugger informs me that there is an unhandled
2010 Jun 08
Question on trying to build R 2.11.1 on Tru64(aka OSF1) system
Hello, I am trying to build the R-2.11.1 software for university faculty to use in research projects on a DEC/Compaq/HP AlphaServer model GS160 16CPU/64GB memory running Tru64Unix aka OSF1 version 5.1B-5. Is it known whether it is possible to build the R-2.11.1 software on the platform I am using? In my attempts to build the R-2.11.1 software, I first used the native C and Fortran 77/90/95
2009 Sep 08
makefile for sweave
Hello, I have the following makefile. The problem is that the bibliography doesn t work. Any help would be appreciated! I really don t don t what to do..:-( # The sources of the report (tex, Rnw and other files (e.g. bib, idx)) TEX_CMPS = Report problem RNW_CMPS = prop1 prop2 ExeExps OTHER = Report.bib # The name of the report to produce all: Report.pdf code: $(RNW_CMPS:=.R) clean: rm