similar to: Pointer to fourteen patches to speed up R

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2010 Sep 03
Fourteen patches to speed up R
I've continued to work on speeding up R, and now have a collection of fourteen patches, some of which speed up particular functions, and some of which reduce general interpretive overhead. The total speed improvement from these patches is substantial. It varies a lot from one R program to the next, of course, and probably from one machine to the next, but speedups of 25% can be expected in
2010 Aug 21
Speed improvement to evalList
I've been inspired to look at the R source code by some strange timing results that I wrote about on my blog at (see the posts on "Speeding up parentheses..." and "Two surprising things...". I discovered that the strange speed advantage of curly brackets over parentheses is partially explained by an inefficiency in the evalList and
2010 Aug 23
Speeding up sum and prod
Looking for more ways to speed up R, I've found that large improvements are possible in the speed of "sum" and "prod" for long real vectors. Here is a little test with R version 2.11.1 on an Intel Linux system > a <- seq(0,1,length=1000) > system.time({for (i in 1:1000000) b <- sum(a)}) user system elapsed 4.800 0.010 4.817 > system.time({for (i
2010 Aug 23
Speed improvement to PROTECT, UNPROTECT, etc.
As I mentioned in my previous message about speeding up evalList, I've been looking at ways to speed up the R interpreter. One sees in the code many, many calls of PROTECT, UNPROTECT, and related functions, so that seems like an obvious target for optimization. Indeed, I've found that one can speed up the interpreter by about 10% by just changing these. The functions are actually macros
2010 Aug 23
Speeding up matrix multiplies
I've looked at the code for matrix multiplies in R, and found that it can speeded up quite a bit, for multiplies that are really vector dot products, and for other multiplies in which the result matrix is small. Here's my test program: u <- seq(0,1,length=1000) v <- seq(0,2,length=1000) A2 <- matrix(2.1,2,1000) A5 <- matrix(2.1,5,1000) B3 <- matrix(3.2,1000,3) A4 <-
2017 Jan 09
accelerating matrix multiply
> From: "Cohn, Robert S" <robert.s.cohn at> > > I am using R to multiply some large (30k x 30k double) matrices on a > 64 core machine (xeon phi). I added some timers to > src/main/array.c to see where the time is going. All of the time is > being spent in the matprod function, most of that time is spent in > dgemm. 15 seconds is in matprod in
2010 Aug 23
Internal state indicating if a data object has NAs/no NAs/not sure (Was: Re: Speeding up matrix multiplies)
Hi, I'm just following your messages the overhead that the code for dealing with possible NA/NaN values brings. When I was setting up part of the matrixStats package, I've also though about this. I was thinking of having an additional logical argument 'hasNA'/'' where you as a user can specify whether there is NA/NaN:s or not, allowing the code to avoid it or not.
2010 Sep 08
Correction to vec-subset speed patch
I found a bug in one of the fourteen speed patches I posted, namely in patch-vec-subset. I've fixed this (I now see one does need to duplicate index vectors sometimes, though one can avoid it most of the time). I also split this patch in two, since it really has two different and independent parts. The patch-vec-subset patch now has only some straightforward (locally-checkable) speedups for
2010 Oct 20
Increasing the speed of speex playback
Hi, Jean-Marc, and thanks for the quick reply. Let me just say I'm a huge fan of speex, and the work you've done. I actually barely understand what I'm reading so far in the source code and documentation, just enough to understand just how cool the algorithms are. LPC10 and MELP allow me to speed up speech with a simple hack on the decoder frame size. Playing fewer samples per
2010 Sep 21
Speeding up squaring of vectors
I see that some of the speed patches that I posted have been incorporated into the current development version (eg, my patch-for, patch-evalList, and patch-vec-arith). My patch for speeding up x^2 has been addressed in an inadvisable way, however. This was a simple addition of four lines of code that speeds up squaring of real vectors by a factor of about six (for vectors of length 10000), by
2003 May 14
Patch: Allow statistics to specify xferred bytes greater than MAXLONG
Hi all: Below is a patch against 2.5.6 which fixes a problem when more than MAXLONG (2147483648) bytes are in the file system when statistics are output (and the compiler supports long long). Before the patch, I would get a core dump during statistics generation on large f. Now I can get statistics like: wrote 1139440 bytes read 20 bytes 17666.50 bytes/sec total size is 2154562788 speedup
2010 Oct 20
Increasing the speed of speex playback
Hi, Steve. I tried your the time_scale_tests program, and it works well! Especially for low speed changes, it's the best I've heard so far. For high speed increases, there is what sounds like static added to the sound output. I've attached two sound samples of high speed speech, which is a 4X speed up of a popular TTS voice in the blind community (voxin/Eloquence). I've sped
2018 May 08
Proposed speedup of ifelse
Hugh, (Note I speak for myself only and not for R-core) Thanks for looking into this. I think it's great to have community members that are interested in contributing to R and helping it continue to get better. And I think, and my local experiments bear out, that using anyNA as a fastpass condition does allow us to get a significant speedup over what's in there now. To do so, though, I
2018 May 04
Proposed speedup of ifelse
Thanks Radford. I concur with all your points. I've attempted to address the issues you raised through the post. The new method appears to be slower for test lengths < 100 and possibly longer lengths (not just < 10). Of course length(test) < 100 is very quick, so I simply added this to the conditions that cause the old ifelse method to be invoked. I'll leave it to
1998 Jul 07
S speedup in R
Venables and Ripley describe a speedup where you take a structure like x<-NULL for(i in sequence) y<-c(y,function(x,i)) and convert it to one like x<-numeric(its length) for(i in sequence) y[i]<-function(x,i) I tried this speedup on some simple examples and it made them twice as fast. But now I am hitting a snag with some real code. This original version works:
2010 Oct 19
Increasing the speed of speex playback
You're asking the wrong question. The question is not "why does it would bad with Speex?", but "why does it sound good with LPC10 and MELP?". And the answer is that both are vocoders. Try dropping frames/subframes with anything else (Vorbis, MP3, G.729, u-law, ...) and it'll sound terrible as well. The only reason it sounds good with vocoders is because the
2011 Apr 19
doSMP package works better than perfect, at least sometimes.
Some might have noticed that REvolution Computing released the doSMP package to the general public about a month and a half ago, which allows multiple cores to be accessed for parallel computation in R. Some of our physical habitat calculations were taking an extraordinary amount of time to complete and required over-weekend runs, which prompted our interest in this package. What follows
2015 Jun 01
sum(..., na.rm=FALSE): Summing over NA_real_ values much more expensive than non-NAs for na.rm=FALSE? Hmm...
This is a great example how you cannot figure it out after spending two hours troubleshooting, but a few minutes after you post to R-devel, it's just jumps to you (is there a word for this other than "impatient"?); Let me answer my own question. The discrepancy between my sum2() code and the internal code for base::sum() is that the latter uses LDOUBLE = long double (on some system
2018 May 03
Proposed speedup of ifelse
> I propose a patch to ifelse that leverages anyNA(test) to achieve an > improvement in performance. For a test vector of length 10, the change > nearly halves the time taken and for a test of length 1 million, there > is a tenfold increase in speed. Even for small vectors, the > distributions of timings between the old and the proposed ifelse do > not intersect. For smaller
2005 Oct 12
Using matprod from array.c
Hi, I was wondering if I could use the matprod function from array.c in my own C routine. I tried the following as a test /* my_matprod.c */ # include <Rinternals.h> /* for REAL, SEXP etc */ # include <R_ext/Applic.h> /* array.c says need for dgemm */ /* following copied from array.c */ static void matprod(double *x, int nrx, int ncx, double *y, int nry, int ncy, double *z)