similar to: Installing a Tcl/Tk Extension on OSX

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "Installing a Tcl/Tk Extension on OSX"

2015 Sep 28
Link R with Tcl 8.6 on Windows
Dear all, I am working on an R package intended for CRAN that requires Tcl version 8.6 because of the TclOO tcl extension and the -angle option for canvas text items. R for Windows currently still ships with Tcl 8.5. Does anyone have experience with linking R under Windows to a Tcl interpreter of version 8.6? When I link R 3.2.2 (installed from the binary on Windows 8) to a custom Tcl
2010 Aug 30
Including C Code for Tcl and Tk in an R package
Dear R Community, I adapted the C-Code found at ( implementing fast image resizing for Tk images for my R package. The C Code differs for tcl/tk version 8.4 and 8.5. I have the working code for both versions. How do I integrate this C-Code into my package so that R CMD INSTALL takes care of compiling the function correct for each OS and tcl version? (such that I can
2003 Sep 05
Installing R on Red Hat Linux, Tcl/Tk
Hi, I've been trying to install R on Red Hat Linux 9 for some potential users of my R/TclTk application. I tried using the rpm for R 1.7.1 for Red Hat Linux 9. It told me that I needed: so I looked for a binary release of Tcl 8.3.x on but found that the link to the Tcl 8.3.x binaries pointed to ActiveTcl 8.4.x . I couldn't see
2010 Aug 12
accessing tcl variables within R and tcl
Dear R users, I have some troubles with dealing with tclObj objects. I try to explain it with a toy example: Say I define the following tcl procedure which just prints out each list element library(tcltk) .Tcl('proc test {myList} { foreach i $myList { puts stdout $i } }') and I call it with: > tcl('test',letters[1:5]) # Works as expected Now say I define
2011 Feb 08
Compiling a Tcl extension for an R package
Dear R developers, I plan to upload a first version of my R package RnavGraph to the R CRAN server in a week or two. However I'm still struggling with an image resizing function written in C as a tcl extension. I did all my development in Ubuntu, and everything works fine in Ubuntu, however my attempts to compile this C function under Windows or OSX have all failed. I provide a minimal self
2010 Aug 10
Adding Tcl source to an R package
Dear R Community, I'm writing an R package with a lot of Tcl and Tk code. I use the Tcl wrapper functions provided by the tcltk package if possible. However I also define "pure" Tcl functions. I so far defined them with the .Tcl function, for example (in R): .Tcl('proc test {a b} { return [expr {sqrt(pow($a,2)+pow($b,2))}] }') so that I can use the procedures later on
2003 Apr 17
R Install problems with Redhat 9 : "" versus ""
Hi, I'm having problems with a R Redhat Linux install. Please bear with me, I've only been working with Linux for about a week here. I have Redhat Linux 9 running on a recent Pentium machine. Here's the install, showing I'm running kernel release 2.4.20-6. [root at localhost root]# uname -a Linux localhost.localdomain 2.4.20-6 #1 Thu Feb 27 10:06:59 EST 2003 i686 i686 i386
2003 Sep 18
Installing from RPM on Red Hat 9
Hi Folks, Sorry to bring up this kind of issue (though any discussion may help some other people). I've just installed Red Hat 9 Linux (opting for GNOME) and now want to install R. I downloaded the RPM for Red Hat 9 from CRAN (as well as the patched readline). Attempting to install ( rpm -i R-1.7.1-1.i386.rpm ) I get, pretty quickly, the following: warning: R-1.7.1-1.i386.rpm: V3 DSA
2005 Aug 23
Using tcltk to display jpeg images
Dear R Helpers, Does anyone know how to use tcltk to display jpeg images? The manual says that one must use Tk_PhotoCreateImageFormat to register the jpeg image handler. The "ActiveTcl User Guide" ( says:- "The package img::jpeg is a sub-package of Img. It can be loaded as a part of the complete Img support, via package require
2003 Jan 02
unable to install redhat 8.0 rpm
I've just installed Redhat 8.0 + latest updates on a Intel PC and am trying to install the R 1.6.1-2 rpm but get the following: # rpm -i R-1.6.1-2.i386.rpm warning: R-1.6.1-2.i386.rpm: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 97d3544e error: Failed dependencies: is needed by R-1.6.1-2 is needed by R-1.6.1-2 What am I missing? Hubert -- Hubert Wong, PhD
2002 Aug 06
Using Tcl/Tk on Windows
Hello, I would like to try Tcl/Tk library on Windows. I installed ActiveTCL and add the environment variable TCL_LIBRARY linking to the directory of installation. When I load the Tcl/Tk package, I have the following error: +--------------------------------------------------------------+ Error in firstlib(which.lib.loc, package) : Can't find a usable init.tcl in the
2010 Jun 11
Windows, OSX and Linux: updating a graphic device and double buffering
Hello there, I'm struggling with the base graphics system on different operating systems. I would like to get an animation effect by re-plotting with the plot function. See the attached code example: move the slider quick from one side to the other. I experience different levels of success, depending on which OS I use. - Linux (Ubuntu >9.10, R 2.9.2-3): Each plot command gets
2003 Apr 17
Help with TCL packages
Hello, I am exploring the TCLTK package under R and try to load and use additional TCL libraries (under Windows, with TCL8.3). For example : > addTclPath("C:/TCL/lib/bwidget1.5") > tclRequire("BWidget") <Tcl> 1.5 Loading seems to work, but when I try to create a specific widget : # The main window appears correctly > top=tktoplevel() # Trying to insert a
2004 Jul 27
Re: R-help Digest, Vol 17, Issue 25
hello, I'm trying to use R to take an image matrix and paint it into a tcltk canvas. I'm using R-1.9.0 within ess-5.2.0 on a linux machine running the 2.4.30-31.9smp kernel. I'm using the ActiveTcl8.4.6.1-linux-ix86 tcltk libraries. When I run the following comands, however, I get an R segmentation fault: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2011 Oct 29
Bruker Topspin 3.1
Hello everybody! Started to install wine today and I have to say - Great work. Nevertheless I ran into some problems while trying to install Bruker Topspin 3.1 (Scientific NMR Analysis Tool). But unfortunately I cannot install it. I have seen that there is a topic about an old Topspin version but it didn't help me. As I am starting to get familiar with wine the chance is great that the
2006 Jun 21
Some R-Tcl/Tk-BWidget newbie questions.
Dear list, Could somebody who is more experienced with the Tcl/Tk interface from R please help me clarify the issues I've put below with ### --> tags? Several things go wrong, and it's probably because of messy code, but I have a difficult time finding out what is the cause. Thanks very much, JeeBee. require(tcltk) || stop("Package tcltk is not available.") # Add path to
2002 Nov 06
Combo Box Wdget for Tcl/Tk under R
Hi, I have two questions: First, does anyone know how to put a combobox inside a GUI made with Tcl/Tk ? I think there isn't a simple way to do this (a command like tkcombobox()!), but is it possible to write a more complex code to achieve this ? Second, when I put two listboxes in the same window or frame (even in two different toplevel windows), I cannot select things in the two lists
2007 Nov 06
library(tcltk) fails
Dear list, I cannot load the tcltk library: > library(tcltk) Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... Error in fun(...) : Can't find a usable tk.tcl in the following directories: /usr/share/tcltk/tcl8.4/tk8.4 ./lib/tk8.4 /usr/local/lib/tcltk/tk8.4 /usr/local/share/tcltk/tk8.4 /usr/lib/tcltk/tk8.4 /usr/share/tcltk/tk8.4 ./library ./tk8.4.16/library This probably means that tk wasn't
2004 Apr 23
Tcl Tk table
Hi I've a problem with the following example: library(tcltk) .Tcl("array unset tclArray") myRarray <- matrix(1:1000, ncol=20) for (i in (0:49)) for (j in (0:19)) .Tcl(paste("set tclArray(",i,",",j,") ",myRarray[i+1,j+1],sep="")) tt<-tktoplevel() table1 <- tkwidget(tt,"table",variable="tclArray",
2009 Mar 25
Hi, I am a biologist (relatively new to R) analyzing data which we predict to fit a power function. I was wondering if anyone knew a way to model piecewise functions in R, where across a range of values (0-x) the data is modeled as a power function, and across another range (x-inf) it is a linear function. This would be predicted by one of our hypotheses, and we would like to find the AICs