similar to: segfault in embedded r after call to repldlldo1

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "segfault in embedded r after call to repldlldo1"

2006 Nov 27
R.DLL mapping by P/Invoke
After a long processing, I was able to create a version of a small C# class that was able to emulate the rproxy by P/Invoke. This is mostly to find a workaround a performance problem of the StatConnector. It's almost work but ... I have strange memory exception when I call the print function. The variable seems to not survive from one call to the other. As there is no debug symbol for
2008 Mar 19
R_ParseVector problem: it's cutting off after the decimal point
Dear all, my aim is to integrate R in an interactive visualisation software called Bulk Analyzer developed by VrVis ( the code: SEXP e, tmp; ParseStatus status; PROTECT(tmp = mkString("x <- c(1.234,-3.45)")); PrintValue(tmp); PROTECT(e = R_ParseVector(tmp, -1, &status, R_NilValue)); PrintValue(e); UNPROTECT(2); produces the following output: [1] "x
2003 Jul 16
Fatal error in SJava.
Dear r-helpers, I have been trying to invoke R from Java in a Windows 2000 computer (unfortunately). All my environment variables seem to be properly set, everything seems to be in order, but I obtaining a Fatal error: unable to open the base package error window. Also, the output of the invoker is Loading RInterpreter library R_HOME: R_HOME=C:/Programas/R RVersion: R_VERSION=1.6.1 whereas
2012 Aug 20
Problem with initializiing R main loop under Windows (R.dll-version: 2.15.1)
Dear R-developers, even though I may not be the first one to encounter the problem described below, I would really appreciate some help or a link to a forum where this topic is being discussed. Probably I am simply misinformed on the usage of structRstart but see for youselve. I did check multiple forums and the whole internet on the topic without success. I am using the shared library version
2006 Apr 14
[rfc] [patch] 32/64-bit hypercall interface revisited
Last year we had a discussion[1] about how the hypercall ABI unfortunately contains fields that change width between 32- and 64-bit builds. This is a huge problem as we come up on the python management stack for ppc64, since the distributions ship 32-bit python. A 32-bit python/libxc cannot currently manage a 64-bit hypervisor. I had a patch but was unable to test it, and some other things were
2007 Jan 18
Emulating a REPL in frontends
A common need in R frontends is to provide some sort of read, (parse), evaluate, print loop. However, there are also a number of points where frontends may want to differ from the standard REPL as available e.g. in R_ReplDLLdo1(). First some thoughts on what is needed, and what is already there, or missing. If you want to skip over this, a short summary is provided in the second half, below
2000 Sep 28
creating custom I/O for R
Dear R developers, I am building an ActiveX Com wrapper for R. I have successfully implemented an Evaluate function using rproxy_impl.c and rtest.c as examples. The Com object as it stands at the moment is similar to Thomas Baier's automation server StatConnectorSrv.exe except that it does not use the Proxy. My goal it to include a couple of activeX controls in the library: One to provide a
2005 Sep 22
Rf_initEmbeddedR in Windows
Hi All My C++/linux program uses Rf_initEmbeddedR to start R and then calls some R functions. Now I try to port it to Windows. Give the fact that Rf_initEmbeddedR is missing in Windows, I try to use the implmentation in Rserve by Simon Urbanek. When I build in MS Visual Studio, I get the following linking error error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__putenv referenced in function
2007 Oct 17
Using R.dll in .NET IPC
Hi - I wrapped R.dll up using somebody code online (see below). I am comparing R on .NET IPC with R(D)COM. I got it all working. Except, I realize that in my client code of the IPC remoting, if I call 'plot' function in R via EvaluateNoReturn, I don't seem to see any results on the R plot window (although the window pops up). Is there anything to do with the code of R.dll wrapper
2009 Jan 08
Callbacks seems to get GCed.
Dear list, I am trying to implement a publish-subscribe mechanism in for an embedded R interpreter. But somehow my registered closures seem to get collected by the GC, even though I have protected them. I have reducted my code to the following sample. Sorry if it is a little verbose. The first couple of call of calls still work, but at some point one of the callbacks (callback1 in my
2001 May 13
Dynamic C Symbols and Embedding Suggestion
Hello, I've been playing around w/ the new dynamic C symbol stuff (thank you for doing that!) in the, um, 5/11/01 R-devel package and, unless I've missed something incredibly obvious, there doesn't appear to be a mechanism for registering functions of an embedding executable. It seems like this would be a Good Thing to have. Since I'm doing most of my work in Windows at the
2010 Sep 07
Is an R sub-session somehow possible?
I wrote the interface between R and TeXmacs. Recently, I added tab completion. However, there is one slight problem. In order to enable easy interaction with R, I (I.e. my program) interact with the command-line interface. This means that the user can invoke demo(), and then R will interact with the user and ask to press enter. It also means that the user can enter a<-c(3,4 and then R will
2012 Dec 15
Could Rstd_Busy do something (src/unix/sys-std.c)?
Currently the function Rstd_Busy() does nothing (src/unix/sys-std.c): void attribute_hidden Rstd_Busy(int which) { } The function is called through a pointer and R interfaces can change this pointer and, thus, use a different function. I don't plan to create a whole new interface to R, but I maintain a package whose aim is to provide a new feature to R when it's running in a
2013 Feb 13
[PATCH 0/3] FLASK policy build rework
These patches update the example FLASK policy shipped with Xen and enable its build if the required tools are present. The third patch requires rerunning autoconf to update tools/configure. [PATCH 1/3] flask/policy: sort dom0 accesses [PATCH 2/3] flask/policy: rework policy build system [PATCH 3/3] tools/flask: add FLASK policy to build
1999 Oct 09
Re: R-0.65.1 for WinNT/9XRe: R-0.65.1 for WinNT/9X
Hello. I've dowloaded R-0.65.1 for WinNT/9X. >There is more support for (support of) ActiveX Automation via the >Rproxy.dll: see the file front-ends/readme. And where is this "the file front-ends/readme" which describes R's ActiveX Automation ? In "readme" under "r-install path\" and FAQ for Win port, no description about this. Please teach me.
1999 Oct 09
Re: R-0.65.1 for WinNT/9XRe: R-0.65.1 for WinNT/9X
Hello. I've dowloaded R-0.65.1 for WinNT/9X. >There is more support for (support of) ActiveX Automation via the >Rproxy.dll: see the file front-ends/readme. And where is this "the file front-ends/readme" which describes R's ActiveX Automation ? In "readme" under "r-install path\" and FAQ for Win port, no description about this. Please teach me.
2007 Dec 12
Farward calls between 2 sip servers
Dear all, before installing asterisk would like to know if it is possible to config the software to forward an incoming call from a sip server1 to a sip server2. I need to route the call to anoter number using another sip server. Thx a lot. Juki ____________________________________________________________________________________ Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast
2000 Nov 07
error handling
Hello R developers, Platform: Windows 2000. Compiler: GNU GCC - 2.95.2 (CRTDLL) I have a C function for evaluating commands using eval(SEXP,SEXP) which is included in a personal make of R.dll. (Similiar to R_Proxy_evaluate() in rproxy_impl.c) Using SETJMP to catch errors works but there is a problem. For example, the following code: if (SETJMP(R_ToplevelContext->cjmpbuf)) //
2015 Aug 21
Problems with embedded R, ReplDLL
Along with getting pqR to work on Windows, I've also been testing it in the context of embedded R, and in the process have found some problems with the examples given of embedded R use. One problem can be seen in R_ReplDLLinit, in src/main/main.c: void R_ReplDLLinit(void) { SETJMP(R_Toplevel.cjmpbuf); R_GlobalContext = R_ToplevelContext = R_SessionContext = &R_Toplevel;
2008 Sep 03
suggestion of new API function for embedded programming.
While doing some embedded programming and trying to figure out how to generate a hand coded SEXP equivalent of the line "t.test(x,conf.level=(1-p))$[2]" I had an idea for an addition to the embedded API. There are a number of hidden or static parse functions (R_ParseBuffer, R_Parse1Buffer, etc.) which take an IoBuffer* and returns a parsed tree. If one or more of these