similar to: seek() and gzfile() on 32-bit R2.12.0 in linux

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "seek() and gzfile() on 32-bit R2.12.0 in linux"

2004 Feb 01
bzfile() in R
I'm putting together a data package and am finding that I get enormous savings in space by using bzip instead of the usual gzip in save(). Is it safe to assume that for R versions, say >= 1.7.1, that the function bzfile() will always be available? Thanks, -roger
2002 Aug 05
pipe and binary i/o
I often want to use "pipe" with "readBin" to read (binary) data from the standard output of a Perl or C program. For that I need "pipe" to work with the "open='rb'" option. It never worked for me, and after a look at the connections.c file, I see that in "pipe_open" the mode gets passed directly to "popen" (I'm using Linux on
2002 Jan 30
Patch: update zlib/* to 1.1.3
This patch (apologies for the size) updates zlib/* to the files that ship with zlib 1.1.3. Index: zlib/ChangeLog =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/rsync/zlib/ChangeLog,v retrieving revision 1.1 diff -u -r1.1 ChangeLog --- zlib/ChangeLog 7 May 1998 06:19:41 -0000 1.1 +++ zlib/ChangeLog 30 Jan 2002 01:12:41 -0000 @@ -1,6 +1,54 @@ ChangeLog
2010 Oct 25
Possible bug with scrambled messages on Win7-64bit using R2.12.0 (32/64 bit version)
When executing 'dyn.load("this/dll/does/not/exist.dll")' the resulting error message is scrambled. Not all characters will be displayed and when I select the empty region text disappears/reappears. For a screenshot see: and Note: I had the same problem with xlsReadWrite
2010 Oct 19
Fix for xlsReadWrite 1.5.2 running in R2.12.0 (32-bit) on a Win7 64-bit platform
Argh, just now I saw a scrambled start-up message when running xlsReadWrite1.5.2 in R2.12.0 (32-bit) on a Win7 64-bit platform. If you have this situation and use xlsReadWrite 1.5.2 (probably all earlier versions also) you can download a quick fix, see below. I don't know if this also affects Vista/XP 64 bit. - Probably on the weekend I'll have time to release a proper new 1.5.3 version.
2008 Sep 05
reading and parsing gzipped files
Hi all,I have large compressed text tab delimited files, I am trying to write efficient function to read them, I am using gzfile() and readLines() zz <- gzfile("exampl.txt.gz", "r") # compressed file system.time(temp1<-readLines(zz )) close(zz) which work fast, and create vector of strings. The problem is to parse the result, if I use strsplit it takes longer
2012 Feb 27
win zip archive of library(HH) for R2.12.0
Dear R Group Can any body point me to a link from where I can get zip archive of the package HH for R 2.12.0? Thanks & Regards Vijayan Padmanabhan "What is expressed without proof can be denied without proof" - Euclide. Please visit us at ****************************************************************************** This Communication is for the exclusive use
2017 Jul 07
[New Patch] Fix disk corruption when writing
Le 07/07/2017 ? 01:09, Duncan Murdoch a ?crit : > On 06/07/2017 6:44 PM, Sokol Serguei wrote: >> Duncan Murdoch has written at Thu, 6 Jul 2017 13:58:10 -0400 >>> On 06/07/2017 5:21 AM, Serguei Sokol wrote: >>>> I propose the following patch against the current >>>> R-devel/src/main/connection.c (cf. attached file). >>>> It gives (on my linux
2010 Dec 02
make check from R2.12.0.exe installation
Hi, I typically install new versions of R on windows using the downloadable executable file rather than the full tar. I need to now document the success of the installation in addition to my preferred procedure of running an old dataset against the new build. I found quickly that this is all available to me but the tests directory I have does not contain the scripts that the tar file does. How
2010 Sep 16
funciones en R potencialmente peligrosas via web?
Hola: Para el desarrollo del nuevo PluginR de Tiki (para poder ejecutar scripts de R desde Tiki: en páginas Wiki, hojas de cálculo web, etc, ), por ahora estamos usando la lista de funciones que se usaban en el proyecto r-php, y que fueran heredadas por la extensión R de MediaWiki. Como r-php se hizo hace algunos años (2006), me pregunto si alguien sabe si hay
2017 Jul 07
[New Patch] Fix disk corruption when writing
Le 07/07/2017 ? 16:52, Duncan Murdoch a ?crit : > On 07/07/2017 9:54 AM, Serguei Sokol wrote: >> Le 07/07/2017 ? 01:09, Duncan Murdoch a ?crit : >>> On 06/07/2017 6:44 PM, Sokol Serguei wrote: >>>> Duncan Murdoch has written at Thu, 6 Jul 2017 13:58:10 -0400 >>>>> On 06/07/2017 5:21 AM, Serguei Sokol wrote: >>>>>> I propose the
2009 Feb 08
compressing data without writing output to file
This might seem like a strange question but is there any way to compress an R object (such as a matrix) and know its resulting size in bytes ? Clearly, I could implement this in the following way (if x is my matrix): zz <- gzfile(fname,"w"); write.table(x,zz); close(zz);[,"size"]; However, I need to do this for hundreds of thousands
2002 Dec 05
writing to gzfile: segmentation fault (PR#2347)
Full_Name: Vadim Ogranovich Version: Version 1.6.0 (2002-10-01) OS: Red Hat 7.1 Submission from: (NULL) ( The following sequence of commands crashes my R session. The first weirdness happens after the second command that appears not to change the "foo.gz" file, no error generated. > con <- gzfile("foo.gz", open="w"); cat("goo\n",
2012 Jan 31
how to unzip files in R
Hi, I have downloaded a bunch of bz2 files. I wonder if R will be able to unzip them in a batch mode or even one at a time? I was looking at the unz function. But it didn't work well. Say I have a bz2 file in H:/Temp/65502805_532.pair.bz2. Anyone has any suggestion? thanks John > setwd("H:\\Temp\\") > getwd() [1] "H:/Temp" >
2008 Mar 07
Problems installing packages using the inbuilt facility: "Error i n gzfile(file, "r") : unable to open connection"
Hi I have been trawling the web, FAQs, and R manuals for help on the following issue, but have failed and was wondering if anyone has a solution to the following problem: After having installed R 2.6.2 for Windows (binary), I tried to install various packages. Every time I try loading a package (any package) via the built-in menu, I run into the following error message. >
2015 Nov 06
corrupt PACKAGES.gz?
Is it just me, or did a corrupt PACKAGES.gz file get installed in the bin/windows/contrib/3.2 directory of CRAN mirrors recently? gzfile() complains about it and Cygwin's gzip cannot decompress it. I tried the following repos <- "" v <- "3.2" pkgs.gz <- paste(sep="/", repos, "bin/windows/contrib", v,
2006 Oct 02
2.3.1: interacting bugs in load() and gzfile() (PR#9271)
Hello, If repeated calls are made to save() using the same pre-opened gzfile connection to a file, and then the connection is closed, the objects saved by the second and subsequent calls are not correctly restored by repeated calls to load() with a new gzfile connection to the same file. What follows are a session exposing the bugs, analysis (see ANALYSIS), patches (see PATCHES), and a session
2018 May 10
readLines() behaves differently for gzfile connection
When I read a .gz file with readLines() in 3.4.3, it returns text (and a warning). In 3.5.0, it gives a warning, but no text. Is this expected behavior or a bug? 3.4.3: > source_file = "1k_annotation.gz" > readfile_con <- gzfile(source_file, "r") > readLines(readfile_con, n = 5) [1] "#chr\tpos\tref\talt\t <truncated output here> Warning message: In
2010 Jun 06
R CMD in 2.11.1 error
Hi, I have a set of user defined package which I have installed in 2.8.1 for quite some time. I installed 2.11.0 and 2.11.1 a couple of days ago while still having 2.8.1 version in my system. For the package, package.skeleton works fine in R 2.11. However, it comes problem when I run Rcmd check/intall. The intall.out shows below. I further tested that I reran R-2.8.1/bin/R CMD check in
2009 Oct 27
Why I get this error? Error in close.connection(f) : invalid connection
I don't understand why I can not close 'f'. This may be very simple, but I don't see why. Could somebody let me know? $ cat gzfile.csv "","V1","V2","V3","V4","V5" "1",1,5,9,13,17 "2",2,6,10,14,18 "3",3,7,11,15,19 "4",4,8,12,16,20 $ Rscript gzfile.R > f =