similar to: Issue with aggregate.ts and/or %\% on Windows

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Issue with aggregate.ts and/or %\% on Windows"

2010 Apr 20
bug in aggregate.ts
Hi, I am getting unexpected behaviour from aggregate.ts(). The 'ndeltat' argument is effectively being reduced by 1 in some cases, even when it is an integer, with the result that the blocks to be aggregated are not of the expected size, and also that the end() of the aggregated series is much later than the end() of the original series. rawts <- ts(rep(1:10, each = 5), start = 1) ##
2005 May 16
Omitting NAs in aggregate.ts()
I have a time series vector (not necessarily ts class) that has NAs in it. How can I omit the NAs when using aggregate.ts() to compute a function on each window? If there is at least one non-NA value in each window, I'd like to proceed with evaluating the function; otherwise, I would like NA returned. I'm not wedded to aggregate.ts and don't need ts class if there is another fast,
2009 Apr 24
Managing DLLs with the same names in an R session
I am having a problem using two DLLs with the same name, but obviously located in different directories, in an R session. The troublesome package is the (Bioconductor) Rgraphviz package. It relies on (3rd party software) graphviz and imports functions from (Bioconductor) package graph. Unfortunately, the current stable release of graphviz for Windows
2008 Jan 08
Using aggregate() and apply() on circular data
I would like to use aggregate.ts() and apply() on circular data, but I can't figure out how to get the circular data components to pass through: library(circular) x <- circular(c(20, 30, 355, 5, 345, 25), units = "degrees") % I want to get the mean angle for each successive pair; answer should be c(25, 0, 5): aggregate.ts(x, ndeltat=2, FUN="mean.circular") Error in
2000 Apr 11
start.ts, end.ts (PR#513)
I'm having trouble with column-subsetting a multivariate time series. The underlying problem is with start(). R> x <- ts(matrix(rnorm(100), ncol=2)) R> y <- aggregate(x, ndeltat=2) R> y[,1] Error in ts(y, start = start(x), freq = frequency(x)) : invalid start R> start(y) [1] 2 1 R> frequency(y) [1] 0.5 The point where the error occurs in ts() is:
2009 Aug 18
aggregating values at discreet irregular time intervals into hourly values
Hello R users, I'm a newby to R (and programming software at large) and I would need some help to sum up event data at discreet time and irregular time interval into a hourly frequency. Here is an example of my time series frame (irregular time-serie object - irts in the tseries package): time value 2008-12-19 19:11:03 GMT 1 2008-12-19 19:12:00 GMT 0 2008-12-19
2012 Sep 03
Typo (?) in 'aggregate.formula'
In the code for 'aggregate.formula', there is if (as.character(formula[[2L]] == ".")) I believe that it is meant to be if (as.character(formula[[2L]]) == ".") However, if (as.character(formula[[2L]] == ".")) gives the expected result. Tracing: - formula[[2L]] == "." is equivalent to as.character(formula[[2L]]) == "." From the help page for
2006 May 31
Inconsistent behaviour when manipulating a ts object with frequency = 12 or 4
Dear All, I found the following under R 2.3.0 on WINXP (tested on 2 PCs, I do not have access to Linux from this PC, sorry ... ) > set.seed(10) > x <- ts(rnorm(6),frequency=7) > x Time Series: Start = c(1, 1) End = c(1, 6) Frequency = 7 [1] 0.01874617 -0.18425254 -1.37133055 -0.59916772 0.29454513 0.38979430 > x[24] <- NA > x Time Series: Start = c(1, 1) End = c(1, 6)
2009 Jun 22
question about using _apply and/or aggregate functions
Hi R-list, I'll apologize in advance for (1) the wordiness of my note (not sure how to avoid it) and (2) any deficiencies on my part that lead to my difficulties. I have an application with several stages that is meant to simulate and explore different scenarios with respect to product sales (in units sold per month). My session info is at the bottom of this note. The steps include (1) an
2011 Nov 29
aggregate syntax for grouped column means
I am calculating the mean of each column grouped by the variable 'id'. I do this using aggregate, data.table, and plyr. My aggregate results do not match the other two, and I am trying to figure out what is incorrect with my syntax. Any suggestions? Thanks. Here is the data. myData <- structure(list(var1 = c(31.59, 32.21, 31.78, 31.34, 31.61, 31.61, 30.59, 30.84, 30.98, 30.79, 30.79,
2009 Oct 21
How to average subgroups in a dataframe? (not sure how to apply aggregate(..))
Dear all, Lets say I have the following data frame: > set.seed(1) > col1 <- c(rep('happy',9), rep('sad', 9)) > col2 <- rep(c(rep('alpha', 3), rep('beta', 3), rep('gamma', 3)),2) > dates <- as.Date(rep(c('2009-10-13', '2009-10-14', '2009-10-15'),6)) > score=rnorm(18, 10, 3) > df1<-data.frame(col1=col1,
2008 Mar 06
can't merge zoo ojects and convert to ts (been trying for 2 days)
I'm stuck, but am sure it can be done I just don't understand how. I have data in an irregular timeseries. I want to be able to use stl to visualise the data (see seasonal parts etc), so I need to change to regular series of class ts (I think). I am using 2 zoo objects one is regular and the other is my irregular data. I am then merging to create the object I want but when I try to change
2011 Feb 04
aggregate function - na.action
Can someone please tell me what is up with na.action in aggregate? My (somewhat) reproducible example: (I say somewhat because some lines wouldn't run in a separate session, more below) set.seed(100) dat=data.frame( x1=sample(c(NA,'m','f'), 100, replace=TRUE), x2=sample(c(NA, 1:10), 100, replace=TRUE), x3=sample(c(NA,letters[1:5]), 100, replace=TRUE),
2009 May 10
In C, a fast way to slice a vector?
Hello, Suppose in the following code, PROTECT(sr = R_tryEval( .... )) sr is a RAWSXP vector. I wish to return another RAWSXP starting at position 13 onwards (base=0). I could create another RAWSXP of the correct length and then memcpy the required bytes and length to this new one. However is there a more efficient method? Regards Saptarshi Guha
2010 May 24
AM/PM strptime %p failing 2.11.0 WinXP
I am attempting to import dates in the following format to R: 5/20/2010 6:45:32 PM Unfortunately I am unable to get the AM/PM function (%p) to work correctly under either 2.11.0 or 2.8.1. > strptime("5/20/2010 6:45:32 PM", "%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p") [1] NA but > strptime("5/20/2010 6:45:32", "%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S") [1] "2010-05-20 06:45:32"
2012 Feb 16
Unstable reproduce for potential issue with CHARSXP creation
I stumbled across one of those intermittent bugs where the code sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. Below is an example run showing a failure where a CHARSXP object was not properly created (by the sub function?). I was able to reproduce this error on three different R builds in fresh R sessions, but it sometimes takes a few start up R -> run code -> close R iterations for the
2008 Apr 09
Windows problem related to using shortPathName for Sweave style file
In the process of updating R to R 2.7 alpha or R 2.7 beta for the BioConductor 2.2 builds on Windows, I have hit a snag because the BioC build system has long path names (e.g. D:\biocbld\bbs-2.2-bioc\R) and these path names are not resolving properly by MiKTeX 2.7 during vignette construction. Take, for example, the attached vignette from Biobase, Bioconductor.Rnw. I have built R from source
2010 Feb 12
Unexpected behaviour of x[i] when i is a matrix, on Windows
Hi, when running the following on different instances of R (Linux and Windows), I get different results. The one for Linux seems to be the intended / documented one. When using numeric indices rather than characters, Windows seemed to behave as expected. -----------On Windows-------------- x = matrix(FALSE, nrow=3, ncol=3) colnames(x) = LETTERS[1:3] rownames(x) = letters[1:3] x # A
2010 Apr 23
doBy and Hmisc on R version 2.11.0
I installed R 2.11.0, and I don't think I can load the doBy package now. Any suggestions? > library("doBy") Loading required package: survival Loading required package: splines Error in loadNamespace(i[[1L]], c(lib.loc, .libPaths())) : there is no package called 'Hmisc' Error: package/namespace load failed for 'doBy' > sessionInfo() R version 2.11.0
2010 Jan 02
Help needed on applying a function across different data sets and aggregating the results into a single data set
Hi folks, Wish y'all a Happy New Year 2010! I need some help with the following: Say I have lots of data sets, on which I have to apply a certain function on the same set of columns in each of the data set. Let's take, for ex, the typical data set is: df1 <-,rnorm(10))) names(df1)[1] <- "A" names(df1)[2] <- "B" There are many