similar to: p.adjust.Rd sugggestion

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1100 matches similar to: "p.adjust.Rd sugggestion"

2005 Jul 14
Partek has Dunn-Sidak Multiple Test Correction. Is this the same/similar to any of R's p.adjust.methods?
The Partek package ( allows only two selections for Multiple Test Correction: Bonferroni and Dunn-Sidak. Can anyone suggest why Partek implemented Dunn-Sidak and not the other methods that R has? Is there any particular advantage to the Dunn-Sidak method? R knows about these methods (in R 2.1.1): > p.adjust.methods [1] "holm" "hochberg" "hommel"
2010 Aug 08
p.adjust( , fdr)
Hello, I am not sure about the p.adjust( , fdr). How do these adjusted p-values get? I have read papers of BH method. For independent case, we compare the ordered p-values with the alfa*i/m, where m is the number of tests. But I have checked that result based on the adjusted p-values is different with that by using the independent case method. Then how do the result of p.adjust( , fdr) come? And
2004 Dec 20
[BioC] limma, FDR, and p.adjust
You asked the same question on the Bioconductor mailing list back in August. At that time, you suggested yourself a solution for how the adjusted p-values should be interpreted. I answered your query and told you that your interpretation was correct. So I'm not sure what more can be said, except that you should read the article Wright (1992), which is cited in the help entry for p.adjust(),
2005 Jan 16
p.adjust(<NA>s), was "Re: [BioC] limma and p-values"
I append below a suggested update for p.adjust(). 1. A new method "yh" for control of FDR is included which is valid for any dependency structure. Reference is Benjamini, Y., and Yekutieli, D. (2001). The control of the false discovery rate in multiple testing under dependency. Annals of Statistics 29, 1165-1188. 2. I've re-named the "fdr" method to "bh" but
2018 Jul 23
Suggestion for updating `p.adjust` with new method (BKY 2006)
Dear R contributors, I suggest adding a new method to `p.adjust` ("Adjust P-values for Multiple Comparisons", This new method is published in Benjamini, Krieger, Yekutieli 2016 Adaptive linear step-up procedures that control the false discovery rate (Biometrika). This paper
2011 Sep 30
Hi, There is a question that I am confused. I have a set of data like this: hsa-miR-205--GATA3 0.797882767 1.08E-13 hsa-miR-205--ITGB4 0.750217593 1.85E-11 hsa-miR-187--PGF 0.797604155 3.24E-11 hsa-miR-205--SERPINB5 0.744124886 3.28E-11 hsa-miR-205--PBX1 0.734487224 7.89E-11 hsa-miR-205--MCC 0.72499934 1.80E-10 hsa-miR-205--WNT5B 0.717705259 3.33E-10 hsa-miR-200c--PKN2 0.721746815
2004 Dec 19
limma, FDR, and p.adjust
I am posting this to both R and BioC communities because I believe there is a lot of confusion on this topic in both communities (having searched the mail archives of both) and I am hoping that someone will have information that can be shared with both communities. I have seen countless questions on the BioC list regarding limma (Bioconductor) and its calculation of FDR. Some of them involved
2004 Dec 19
limma, FDR, and p.adjust
I am posting this to both R and BioC communities because I believe there is a lot of confusion on this topic in both communities (having searched the mail archives of both) and I am hoping that someone will have information that can be shared with both communities. I have seen countless questions on the BioC list regarding limma (Bioconductor) and its calculation of FDR. Some of them involved
2011 Oct 04
a question about sort and BH
Hi, I have two questions want to ask. 1. If I have a matrix like this, and I want to figure out the rows whose value in the 3rd column are less than 0.05. How can I do it with R. hsa-let-7a--MBTD1 0.528239197 2.41E-05 hsa-let-7a--APOBEC1 0.507869409 5.51E-05 hsa-let-7a--PAPOLA 0.470451884 0.000221774 hsa-let-7a--NF2 0.469280186 0.000231065 hsa-let-7a--SLC17A5
2010 Jul 13
permutation-based FDR
Hola a todos, Tengo un pequeño problemilla... Tengo unas 9000 variables que he contrastado con 1 en concreto con el test de wilcoxon. He calculado el p-valor, y queria corregirlo con el permutation-based FDR. He encontrado una funcion con R comp.fdr()que hace esta corrección, pero te pide que le pongas las variables con las observaciones y te hace el test (según he entendido). Yo solo quiero
2004 Dec 20
Re: [BioC] limma, FDR, and p.adjust
Mark, there is a fdr website link via Yoav Benjamini's homepage which is: On it you can download an S-Plus function (under the downloads link) which calculates the false discovery rate threshold alpha level using stepup, stepdown, dependence methods etc. Some changes are required to the plotting code when porting it to R. I removed the
2015 Aug 30
[OT] new R logo in vector graphics format
L.S. Since some time there is a new site as announced here: The logo has changed on the site, but I fail to find a vector graphics file. For the previous logo I used to go to Is there anything similar for the new logo? Many thanks in advance. Kind regards, Tobias --
2013 Sep 21
regenerate Rscript after moving R installation
L.S. In this bug report it is mentioned that after moving an R installation one should regenerate the Rscript executable. Is there an easy way to do so (after an R installation has been moved)? I have not found any information in the R installation and administration manual. Many thanks in advance for any pointer. Best wishes,
2009 Jun 21
Roxygen vs Sweave for S4 documentation
Hi, I have been using R for a while. Recently, I have begun converting my package into S4 classes. I was previously using Rdoc for documentation. Now, I am looking to use the best tool for S4 documentation. It seems that the best choices for me are Roxygen and Sweave (I am fine with tex). Are there any users of Roxygen or Sweave who can comment on the strengths or weaknesses of one or othe
2015 Jan 23
Programming Tools CTV
Hi all, Sorry if this doesn't end up in the thread. Tobias Verbeke forwarded that e-mail to me, because he thought I would be interested in maintaining the Programming Tools CTV. I wasn't subscribed to R-devel yet, but I would indeed like to volunteer to maintain the Programming Tools CTV. It will be my first time creating a CTV, so some guidance on getting it setup will be appreciated.
1998 Jul 14
Are post-hoc tests being developed for R?
Hi- Is anyone working on multiple comparisons of means or post-hoc tests (ie: Tukey, Bonferroni) for R? I saw in the winter 98' archives of the R mailing lists that these tests had not been implemented yet, I was just wondering if I could look foward to having them. ;-) I also looked through the contributed packages and didn't see anything that offered such tests. I guess I could check
1998 Jul 16
R-beta: Re: Post-hoc tests
Matt, Here's a Bonferroni-corrected multiple one-sample t-test that I wrote some years ago. It took a while to get it into R, as na.omit doesn't seem to handle vectors and I had to write a quick kludge (na.remove). Another more general point was that I discovered that the help page for t.test gives the name "parameters" for the degrees of freedom, as in S. However, the name
2009 Mar 18
p.adjust(p, n) for n>length(p)
Hi all, I am having a problem with the function "p.adjust" in stats. I have looked at the manuals and searched the R site, but didn't get anything that seems directly relevant. Can anybody throw any light on it or confirm my suspicion that this might be a bug? I am trying to use the p.adjust() function to do Benjamini/Hochberg FDR control on a vector of p-values that are the
2015 Jun 06
NEWS file inconsistency
Many thanks, Duncan. We will check the prerelease versions of R 3.2.1. Best regards, Tobias ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Duncan Murdoch" <murdoch.duncan at> > To: "Tobias Verbeke" <tobias.verbeke at>, "r-devel at" <r-devel at> > Sent: Saturday, June 6, 2015 2:37:04 PM >
2015 Jun 06
NEWS file inconsistency
L.S. I noticed the NEWS file as made available at became inconsistent in describing CHANGES for a new R version: $ wget $ cat NEWS | grep 'CHANGES IN ' CHANGES IN 3.2.0: CHANGES IN R 3.1.3: CHANGES IN R 3.1.2: CHANGES IN R 3.1.1: CHANGES IN R 3.1.0: CHANGES IN R 3.0.3: CHANGES IN R 3.0.2: CHANGES IN R 3.0.1: