similar to: Why is there no c.factor?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Why is there no c.factor?"

2006 Nov 14
Hi, Given factors x and y, c(x,y) does not seem to return a useful result : > x [1] a b c d e Levels: a b c d e > y [1] d e f g h Levels: d e f g h > c(x,y) [1] 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 > Is there a case for a new method c.factor as follows? Does something similar exist already? Is there a better way to write the function? > c.factor = function(x,y) { newlevels =
2013 Mar 08
Unexpected behaviour of apply()
Hello everyone, Considering the following code sample : ---- indexes <- function(vec) { vec <- which(vec==TRUE) return(vec) } mat <- matrix(FALSE, nrow=10, ncol=10) mat[1,3] <- mat[3,1] <- TRUE ---- Issuing apply(mat, 1, indexes) returns a 10-cell list, as expected. Now if I do: ---- mat[1,3] <- mat[3,1] <- FALSE apply(mat, 1, indexes) ---- I would expect a
2010 May 02
help with tapply or other apply
Hi, my data looks this: id forma program kod obor rocnik 1 10001 kombinovan? Matematika M1101 matematika 1 2 10002 prezen?n? Informatika N1801 teoretick? informatika 1 3 10002 prezen?n? Informatika B1801 obecn? informatika 3 4 10003 prezen?n? Informatika M1801 softwarov?
2011 Aug 29
Basic question about re-writing for loop as a function
Hello- Sorry to ask a basic question, but I've spent many hours on this now and seem to be missing something. I have a loop that looks like this: mainmat=data.frame(matrix(data=0, ncol=92, nrow=length(predata$Words_MH))) for(i in 1:length(predata$Words_MH)){ for(j in 1:92){ mainmat[i,j]=ifelse(j %in% as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(predata$Words_MH[i], split=","))),
2011 Sep 12
Solve your R problems
R-help is all about solving R problems. So here ya go: -- Patrick Burns pburns at twitter: @portfolioprobe (home of 'Some hints for the R beginner' and 'The R Inferno')
2013 Feb 28
I think the rule is that you can do anything as long as you don't complain. If you want to complain, you must follow the instructions. -- Jari Oksanen in Re: [Rd] Keeping up to date with R-devel -- Patrick Burns pburns at twitter: @burnsstat @portfolioprobe (home of: 'Impatient R' 'The R
2010 Feb 12
Using seq_len() vs 1:n]
Pat Burns makes a good point. -Peter -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: [R] Using seq_len() vs 1:n Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2010 09:01:20 +0000 From: Patrick Burns <pburns at> To: Peter Ehlers <ehlers at> References: <4B746AEF.10900 at> If you want your code to be compatible with S+, then 'seq_len' isn't going to work.
2009 Jan 09
The R Inferno
"The R Inferno" is now on the Burns Statistics website at Abstract: If you are using R and you think you're in hell, this is a map for you. Also, I've expanded the outline concerning R on the Burns Statistics 'Links' page. Suggestions (off-list) for additional items are encouraged. Patrick Burns patrick at
2010 Feb 25
two questions for R beginners
* What were your biggest misconceptions or stumbling blocks to getting up and running with R? * What documents helped you the most in this initial phase? I especially want to hear from people who are lazy and impatient. Feel free to write to me off-list. Definitely write off-list if you are just confirming what has been said on-list. -- Patrick Burns pburns at
2010 May 30
Data Frame as Hash Table
I'm interested in using a data frame as if it were a hash table. For instance if I had the following, > (d <- data.frame(key=seq(0.5, 3, 0.5), value=rnorm(6))) key value 1 0.5 -1.118665122 2 1.0 0.465122921 3 1.5 -0.529239211 4 2.0 -0.147324638 5 2.5 -1.531503795 6 3.0 -0.002720434 Then I'd like to be able to quickly retrieve the "value" of "key" 1.5
2010 Jul 04
arr.ind argument to which.min and which.max
Is there a reason that 'which.min' and 'which.max' don't have an 'arr.ind' argument? The context in which I wanted that was a grid search optimization, which seems like it would be reasonably common to me. -- Patrick Burns pburns at (home of 'Some hints for the R beginner' and 'The R Inferno')
2014 Jan 03
wishlist: decreasing argument to is.unsorted
I've just realized that it could be handy to have a 'decreasing' argument in 'is.unsorted'. And I'm cheekily hoping someone else will implement it. It is easy enough to work around (with 'rev'), but would be less hassle with an argument. The case I have in mind uses 'is.unsorted' in 'stopifnot'. Pat -- Patrick Burns pburns at
2013 Mar 02
if value is in vector, perform this function
Hi, I'm trying to set up R to run a simulation of two populations in which every 3.5 days, the initial value of one of the populations is reset to 1.5. I'm simulation an experiment we did in which we fed Daphnia populations twice a week with algae, so I want the initial value of the algal population to reset to 1.5 twice a week to simulate that feeding. I've use for loops and if/else
2011 Oct 06
Running *slow*
Anyone got any hints on how to make this code more efficient? An early version (which to be fair did more than this one is) ran for 330 hours and produced no output. I have a two column table, Dat, with 12,000,000 rows and I want to produce a lookup table, ltable, in a 1 dimensional matrix with one copy of each of the values in Dat: for (i in 1:nrow(Dat)) { for (j in 1:2) { #If next
2012 Jul 17
complexity of operations in R
Hello! I am optimizing my code in R and for this I need to know a bit more about the internals. It would help tremendously if someone could link me to a page with O()-complexities of all the operations. In this particular case, I need something like a linked list with O(1) insertLast/First ability. I can't preallocate a vector since I do not know the final size of the list ahead of time. The
2009 Jun 16
The most straightfoward way to write a function that sums over the rows of a matrix
Hello! I am trying to write a function with vector and data.frame parameters that uses the sum() function and values from the rows of the data.frame. I need to pass this function as a parameter to optim(). My starting point is: observs <- data.frame(y, x1, x2, x3) Fn <- function(par, observs) { sum( (y - (par[1] * (x1 + 1) * x2^(-par[2]) * x3^par[3])^2 ) }
2013 Mar 25
nested 'while' loops
Hi everyone, I'm using the following code to go over every element of a data frame (row wise). The problem I am facing is that the outer 'x' variable is not incrementing itself, thus, only one row of values is obtained, and the program does not proceed to the next row. This is the code: while(x<=coln) { while(y<=rown) { n<-as.numeric(df[[y]][x]);
2011 Nov 11
Why does length("") == 1?
It seems obvious to me that the empty string "" is length 0. cheers Worik [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Aug 20
strange behavior of ifelse with factors
Dear R experts: this is probably correct behavior, but I do want to point out that it is unexpected to someone not too well versed: > test=factor("A","B","C","A") > ifelse(test=="A", as.factor("A"), test) [1] 1 2 3 1 ok, my factor was just coerced into integers, even though I have a logical vector as my condition and factors as
2012 Jan 26
What does [[1]] mean?
I know that [] is used for indexing. I know that [[]] is used for reference to a property of a COM object. I cannot find any explanation of what [[1]] does or, more pertinently, where it should be used. Thank you. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]