similar to: Confusion regarding allocating Matrices.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Confusion regarding allocating Matrices."

2009 Aug 25
Clarifications please.
Hi I think I have asked these questions earlier, but I been able to find answers from the documentation (which I found poorly written in several places). Will someone be kind enough to give me answers and enlighten me? (as in explain with CODE?) I want to embed R in my application and use the fPortfolio package for carrying out risk management computations. Right now I'm reading the Rmetrics
2009 Nov 11
Help with fPortfolio
Hi I'm getting the following errors while using the efficientPortfolio function even though I'm setting the target return to the mean of the TargetReturn I obtain from the portfolio object created by the feasiblePortfolio function. First Error: Error: targetReturn >= min(mu) is not TRUE Second Error: Error in .rquadprog(Dmat = args$Dmat, dvec = args$dvec, Amat = args$Amat, :
2010 May 19
Why does my RPy2 program run faster on Windows?
Hi This is my function. It serves an HTML page after the calculations. I'm connecting to a MSSQL DB using pyodbc. def CAPM(self,client): r=self.r cds="1590" bm="20559" d1 = [] v1 = [] v2 = [] print"Parsing GET Params" params=client.g[1].split("&") for items in
2009 Aug 25
R command line behaving funny
Hi I am unable to try out examples from the Rmetrics Ebook from the R command prompt. Below is an example of what happens: > Covariance<-cov(SWX.RET) Error in cov.timeSeries(SWX.RET) : no slot of name "Data" for this object of class "timeSeries" I have loaded Rmetrics and fPortfolio using the library function but still I get these errors. However, if I embed the R
2009 Sep 16
I want to get a reference to this time series object
I'm trying to get a reference to this object in C SWX.RET[1:6,c("SBI,"SPI","SII")] While i am able to access and use a plain SWX.RET object, I'm getting confused on how to create an object with the array subscripts like above. Here is what I tried to do. It doesn't work because "[" is obviously not an operation or function on SWX.RET. So how do I
2009 Sep 29
How do I access class slots from C?
Hi I'm trying to implement something similar to the following R snippet using C. I seem to have hit the wall on accessing class slots using C. library(fPortfolio) lppData <- 100 * LPP2005.RET[, 1:6] ewSpec <- portfolioSpec() nAssets <- ncol(lppData) setWeights(ewSpec) <- rep(1/nAssets, times = nAssets) ewPortfolio <- feasiblePortfolio( data = lppData, spec = ewSpec,
2009 Oct 29
Help with lang4
Hi I seem to have run into a situation where I have more than 3 arguments to pass to a function from C. the following functions help me build an expression for evaluation: lang lang2 lang3 lang4 What should one do if there are more arguments than lang4 can handle? Regards Abhijit Bera [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Nov 01
reducing a too-large matrix obtained with allocMatrix()
Hello, I have some C code (for a shared lib called via .External) that uses PROTECT(w= allocMatrix(REALSXP, m, n)); mostly successfully. In rare cases, though, the row count m will be an overestimate. Is there a way to reallocate the matrix in-place, something like reAllocMatrix (w,m-excess,n) /* where excess is > 0 */ to chop off the last excess rows of w? I only find out about the
2001 Feb 18
confused about names()
Hi all .. there is no doubt a simple answer to this, but it eludes me. In the first session below ( with jarque.bera.test) you will see that p.value prints with a name of X-squared . This is easily fixed by changing the source to assign a more appropriate name - no name is assigned in the source listing below (the original source code of jarque.bera.test() from tseries).. but what I
2007 Jan 19
Problem with C extension
Hello, I try to write an extension in C, to get a faster functions. Therefore I have to add an element (vector) to a vector. The command in R is very simple: x = c(x,a) But in C I have the problem to reallocate my vector for getting more space. Everything I tried, I get a "Segmentation fault". So, how can I combine two vectors in C and give the result back to R (return(x))? Thanks
2010 Nov 17
Jarque-Bera test
Hello, I'm so confused why I can't run Jarque-Bera test on my data. I have 9968 observation and I want to run Jarque-Bera test on them, but no matter how hard I am trying I can't get it work. please let me know what should I do. Best, Kiana [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Apr 27
Jarque-Bera and rnorm()
Folks, I'm a bit puzzled by the fact that if I generate 100,000 standard normal variates using rnorm() and perform the Jarque-Bera on the resulting vector, I get p-values that vary drastically from run to run. Is this expected? Surely the p-val should be close to 1 for each test? Are 100,000 variates sufficient for this test? Or is it that rnorm() is not a robust random number generator?
2004 Jan 14
How can I test if time series residuals' are uncorrelated ?
Ok I made Jarque-Bera test to the residuals (merv.reg$residual) library(tseries) jarque.bera.test(merv.reg$residual) X-squared = 1772.369, df = 2, p-value = < 2.2e-16 And I reject the null hypotesis (H0: merv.reg$residual are normally distributed) So I know that: 1 - merv.reg$residual aren't independently distributed (Box-Ljung test) 2 - merv.reg$residual aren't indentically
2011 Oct 30
Hi! I got a loop where i print out the results of Jarque Bera tests, but I have to put, the p-values in a vector. Can you help me how to do it in an effective way and not just typing in the results to a vector? Thanks a lot, here is the code: for(i in 1:60){ print(jarque.bera.test(loghozamok[((20*(i-1))+1):(20*(i+11))]))}
2006 May 26
Not able to make any calls
Hi All, I have registered "abhijit" for SIP in asterisk Server. I am able to register my softphone (SJPhone) to the server using the name "abhijit". But whenever I try to make any calls I am gettinh the following error message:- *CLI> -- Registered SIP 'abhijit' at port 5060 expires 120 May 26 07:34:52 NOTICE[2761]: pbx.c:1738 pbx_extension_helper:
2009 Dec 01
Normal tests disagree?
If I have data that I feed into shapio.test and jarque.bera.test yet they seem to disagree. What do I use for a decision? For my data set I have p.value of 0.05496421 returned from the shapiro.test and 0.882027 returned from the jarque.bera.test. I have included the data set below. Thank you. Kevin "Category","Period","Residual" "CHILD HATS, WIGS &
2007 Feb 22
Diagnostic Tests: Jarque-Bera Test / RAMSEY
Hello R-Users, The following questions are not R-technical, but more of general statistical nature. 1. NORMALITY I built a normal linear regression model and now I want to check for the residual normality assumption. If I check the distribution graphically and look at the descriptive characteristics (skewness and kurtosis are below 1), I would confirm that the residuals are normally
2004 Aug 06
libshout2, ices0-3 and ices2 on Win32. Announce
Hi Abhijit I can't answer your questions but I would be very interested in a fully working binary of Ices2 for Win32 once it's ready. Thanks for the effort. Best regards, Ross Levis ==================================== Low-cost music scheduling, live assist & automation software. ==================================== Abhijit
2008 Sep 04
help on jarque test
Hi all, I used the function jarque.test (in the moments package) on my data set and I obtained something like this: Jarque-Bera Normality Test data: x JB = 4.8381, p-value = 0.089 alternative hypothesis: greater or Jarque-Bera Normality Test data: x JB = 2.6018, p-value = 0.2723 alternative hypothesis: greater I cannot understand this. Please, someone can help me? thank you
2003 Oct 21
Jarque-Bera Test
Dear all, i have the question about the using of Jarque-Bera Test by using R. The question is that I do not have in my package "ts" this test and can not obtain any information in the help-file. Could you help my? Where could I download the package and which one, to use the Jarque-Bera Test? Thank You, Susan --------------------------------- - New people, new