similar to: reg-tests-1.R failure with unstable

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "reg-tests-1.R failure with unstable"

2011 Oct 15
.onLoad failing because could not find function "loadMethod"
Hi, This strange warning happen sometimes when running 'R CMD check': * checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... WARNING Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for ?pkgB?, details: call: length(new("A")) error: could not find function "loadMethod" Error: package/namespace load failed for ?pkgB? Execution halted
2011 Dec 15
R CMD check fails to warn about undocumented classes and methods
In > R.version.string [1] "R Under development (unstable) (2011-12-15 r57901)" PkgA promotes 'unique' to a generic and exports that DESCRIPTION: Imports: methods R/f.R: setGeneric("unique") NAMESPACE: export(unique) and PkgB creates and exports a method on unique DESCRIPTION Imports: methods, PkgA R/f.R: setClass("B",
2012 Feb 26
improved error message when existing implicit S4 generic is not imported?
pkgA's NAMESPACE has importFrom(graphics, plot) exportClasses("A") exportMethods("plot") R/foo.R has setClass("A") setMethod("plot", "A", function(x, y, ...) {}) During R CMD INSTALL pkgA_1.0.tar.gz we are told ** preparing package for lazy loading Creating a generic function for 'plot' from package
2018 Feb 03
CRAN indices out of whack (for at least macOS)
Although it may not have been the cause of this particular index inconsistency, there are other causes of intermittent index inconsistencies. They could be avoided if there were a different directory structure on CRAN servers. One of the causes of inconsistencies is caching. With (note that this is not, the there is a CDN in front of the server; the CDN has
2012 Oct 13
installation of R (2.14.1 and 2.15.1) fails due to [reg-packages.Rout] Error
Hello, I'm trying to install R from sources on two Linux machines (both with Suse 12.2): 1. > uname -a Linux cs-wsok 3.4.6-2.10-desktop #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Jul 26 09:36:26 UTC 2012 (641c197) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux 2. > uname -a Linux 3.4.6-2.10-desktop #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Jul 26 09:36:26 UTC 2012 (641c197) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux I am trying version
2020 Feb 14
R-3.6.2 make check fails
I am trying to build the latest version of R (3.6.2) on a CentOS system running 7.7.1908. I have been able to build previous versions of R up to and including 3.5.3 successfully. Starting with 3.6.0 the "make check" step fails with errors relating to "pdflatex" being missing. So, I installed texlive-latex (and the 100 other rpm dependencies) then tried rebuilding R.
2018 Jan 30
CRAN indices out of whack (for at least macOS)
I have received three distinct (non-)bug reports where someone claimed a recent package of mine was broken ... simply because the macOS binary was not there. Is there something wrong with the cronjob providing the indices? Why is it pointing people to binaries that do not exist? Concretely, file contains Package:
2011 May 19
r-2.13 fails make check
I am only reporting this because it is the current release branch and not devel. R-2.13 from svn revision 55957 builds fine, but fails make check. This happened with a fresh svn checkout 12 hours ago and it still happens as of now. Two days ago I could build R-2.13 and it passed make check on the same system, so I doubt it is a system problem. But just in case my system details are a fresh
2007 Jun 18
two bessel function bugs for nu<0
#bug 1: besselI() for nu<0 and expon.scaled=TRUE #tested with R-devel (2007-06-17 r41981) x <- 2.3 nu <- -0.4 print(paste(besselI(x, nu, TRUE), "=", exp(-x)*besselI(x, nu, FALSE))) #fix: #$ diff bessel_i_old.c bessel_i_new.c #57c57 #< bessel_k(x, -alpha, expo) * ((ize == 1)? 2. : 2.*exp(-x))/M_PI #--- #> bessel_k(x, -alpha, expo) * ((ize == 1)? 2. :
2017 May 24
reg-tests-1d.R fails in r72721
Hi, I am failing make check in r72721 at the end of reg-tests-1d.R. The relevant block of code is ## path.expand shouldn't translate to local encoding PR#17120 filename <- "\U9b3c.R" print(Encoding(filename)) x1 <- path.expand(paste0("~/", filename)) print(Encoding(x1)) x2 <- paste0(path.expand("~/"), filename) print(Encoding(x2)) stopifnot(identical(
2017 May 24
reg-tests-1d.R fails in r72721
On 2017-05-24, Duncan Murdoch wrote: > > I think the test is wrong because in the first case you are working in a > locale where that character is representable. In my locale it is not, so x1 > is converted to UTF-8, and everything compares equal. > > An explicit conversion of x1 to UTF-8 should fix this, i.e. replace > > x1 <- path.expand(paste0("~/",
2010 Mar 01
Method dispatch
Dear all, In a package, I defined a method for "summary" using setMethod(summary, signature="abc") for my class "abc", but when the package is loaded, the function "summary(x)" where x is of class "abc" seems to have called the default summary function for "ANY" class. Shouldn't it call the method I have defined? How could I get
2008 Nov 24
make fails with no rule to make target `VR.ts'
Hi, When trying to build R-devel.tar.bz2 (SVN-REVISION: 47015) I am getting the error: tkpager text html latex gmake[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/share/R-devel/src/library' gmake[2]: Entering directory `/usr/local/share/R-devel/src/library' building/updating package indices ... gmake[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/share/R-devel/src/library'
2016 Feb 10
Method from package dependency is not updated due to lazy load?
Hi, not sure this is a bug or just an unavoidable undesirable side-effect -- or just me that does not do the right thing. Consider the code and output below. It creates 2 packages: * pkgA * pkgB that creates a method for a generic defined in pkgA Changes in a method for the generic in pkgA (after re-installing pkgA) are not reflected in pkgB, unless pkgB is re-installed against the new
2010 Dec 17
installing package from source with Linux
Dear list, this may not be related to R but rather to my OS, but I do not understand the issue of compiling R packages deeply enough to figure out the exact cause of the problem. I am trying to install a R package from source as it is not yet available under Cran (Rssa, downloaded here: Running sudo R CMD INSTALL asl-rssa-6f458e4.tar.gz from the console
2016 Apr 20
Fresh build from source of R-3.2.5 failing "make check" under 64-bit Ubuntu
Hi, Let me justify building R from source. While I can obtain R built for me under Ubuntu, I tend to build it from scratch as we use a NFS-shared build as well as shared R libraries for all the bioinfo staff at this company. Only one build and one set of packages to ensure uniformity across all workstations. My problem is that despite using a pretty standard build process, I am failing at the
2010 Sep 07
Sexpr in package.Rd fails
If I f = function() {} package.skeleton("PkgA", "f", path="/tmp") and then edit man/PkgA-pacakge.Rd to read in part \description{ More about what it does (maybe more than one line) \Sexpr{1} } and then R CMD build PkgA I end up with Saving output to ?/tmp/PkgA/build/PkgA.pdf? ... Warning in file.create(to[okay]) : cannot create file
2015 Jul 03
Are downstream dependencies rebuilt when a package is updated on CRAN?
I was wondering: are the downstream dependencies of a package rebuilt when a package is updated on CRAN? (I'm referring to the binary packages, of course.) The reason I ask is because there are cases where this can cause problems. Suppose that when pkgB is built, it calls pkgA::makeClosure(), which returns a closure that refers to a function in pkgA. Suppose this code is in pkgA 1.0:
2013 Aug 30
"False" warning on "replacing previous import" when re-exporting identical object
Hi, SETUP: Consider three packages PkgA, PkgB and PkgC. PkgA defines a generic function foo() and exports it; export(foo) PkgB imports PkgA::foo() and re-exports it; importFrom(PkgA, foo) export(foo) PkgC imports everything from PkgA and PkgB: imports(PkgA, PkgB) PROBLEM: Loading or attaching the namespace of PkgC will generate a warning: replacing previous import by
2014 Feb 21
instantiating a reference class with an initialize() method from .onLoad fails
PkgA has a single R/binding.R file containing .A <- setRefClass("A", methods=list(initialize=function(...) {})) .onLoad <- function(...) .A() A NAMESPACE with import(methods) exportClasses("A") and DESCRIPTION Package: PkgA Type: Package Title: Documenting reference classes Version: 0.0.1 Date: 2012-08-05 Author: Martin