Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "how to document stuff most users don't want to see"
2009 Sep 06
question about ... passed to two different functions
I have hit a problem with the design of the mcmc package I can't
figure out, possibly because I don't really understand the R function
call mechanism. The function metrop in the mcmc package has a ... argument
that it passes to one or two user-supplied functions, which are other
arguments to metrop. When the two functions don't have the same arguments,
this doesn't work.
2005 Sep 23
books about MCMC to use MCMC R packages?
Dear list users,
I need to learn about MCMC methods, and since there are several packages in
R that deal with this subject, I want to use them.
I want to buy a book (or more than one, if necessary) that satisfies the
following requirements:
- it teaches well MCMC methods;
- it is easy to implement numerically the ideas of the book, and notation
and concepts are similar to the corresponding R
2009 Jul 02
MCMC/Bayesian framework in R?
Dear R-users (and developers),
I am looking for an efficient framework to carry out parameter
estimations based on MCMC (optionally with specified priors). My goal is
as follow:
* take ANY R-function returning a likelihood-value (this function may
itself call external programmes or other code!)
* run a sampler that covers the multidimensional parameter space (thus
creating a posterior
2007 Mar 02
Help with faster optimization for large parameter problem
Hello all,
I have a large parameter problem with the following very simple likelihood
fn<-function(param) {
return(sum((ydc-mu)^2)/(2*sigma2) + n*k*log(sqrt(sigma2)) +
2005 Apr 03
Error: cannot set length of non-vector
The subject line says it all. How can I find what
Error: cannot set length of non-vector
means? RTFS is no help. I can find out of course that
it comes from "lengthgets", but who called that? Not me!
The situation is as follows. I am trying to get a package
ready for CRAN. Every time I run "R CMD check" I get this
error when building the package vignette. But (!)
2005 Nov 08
Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm (MCMC)
Hi all,
I'm trying to estimate a nested model (purchase decision, cloglog formula, &
quantity bought given a purchase, truncated Poisson). Some of the parameters
are mixed (6) and 4 are fixed for all the respondent.
The simulated ML (500 simulations) method forwards highly correlated
After some research, Hybrid Monte Carlo seems to be a good alternative to
estimate the model. I
2008 Sep 29
Acceptance rate in metrop
Hi I am using metrop in MCMC library. Since some times the prior density is 0 and
the log prior density would be –Inf, I ask the return value for loglikelihood
equal to Min.log, which is defined as log(.Machine$double.xmin)-400, whenever a
–Inf occurs to the logdensity. However,
I noticed if two Min.log’s happen in a row, the sampled parameter value for the
second Min.log is treated as
2003 Jul 01
Creating a loop that works....
Hi there,
First off, thanks to everyone who has helped me so far. Sorry to keep
pestering you all.
I'm including my code here, and I will comment down it where it is that I am
having problems figuring out how to write this damn thing.
> temper <- scan("temp2.dat", na.strings = ".", list(Day=0, Temp=0))
Read 366 records
> Day <- temper$Day ;
2012 Sep 15
Interpretation of result in R
I am trying to do a quasipoisson regression to know if the frequency of
drinking of my subject is related to temperature. The problem is that I'm
not sure how to interpret my result.
1) Since my result is signifiant, can I tell that the frequency of drinking
of my subject increase linearly or exponentially?
2) When I want to quantify the increase, do I need to do an exponential
2003 Jul 14
problem with coding for 'optim' in R
Hi, there
I am a graduate student new to coding in S who is hitting a bit of a wall
at present using an "optim" function. I am running into some troubles, and
was hoping someone might be able to recognize where I am going wrong.
As background: I have constructed a loop that carries out a 365-day
calculation for a mass-balance model. Basically, the model depends on 2
variables (p,
2013 Mar 07
multiple plots and looping assistance requested (revised codes)
Hi Irucka,
I tried it and was able to plot it without any errors.? Here, your code indicates you need two lines. temper[[i]][1]
?temper[[1]][1] # which is the column 1.
? Month
1???? 1
2???? 2
3???? 3
#? Data1
#1?? 1.5
#2? 12.3
#3? 11.4
Suppose I use names(temper) instead of seq_along(temper)
2009 Jul 16
[LLVMdev] please stabilize the trunk
Bill Wendling wrote:
> Things get really out of hand (and I tend to lose my temper and write
> hotly worded emails) when things obviously break, and the build bots
> send out emails about these breakages, but people ignore them, and the
> build is broken for half a day or more. This morning, I got to the
> office and couldn't build TOT, it was so bad.
So... what's the
2009 Jul 16
[LLVMdev] please stabilize the trunk
On Jul 15, 2009, at 7:52 PM, Nick Lewycky wrote:
> 2009/7/15 Dale Johannesen <dalej at apple.com>
> On Jul 15, 2009, at 4:48 PMPDT, Daniel Dunbar wrote:
> > That depends on what you call a false positive. The public buildbot
> > regularly fails because of mailing Frontend tests, and I have had
> > continues failures of some DejaGNU tests for a long time on
2013 Sep 24
recordPlot() on non-interactive graphics device?
Q. Is there a way to record a plot using grDevices::recordPlot()
without opening an interactive (=visible GUI window) graphics device
(not even for a flash of a second)?
Related: help("recordPlot", package="grDevices") says:
"These functions record and replay the displaylist of the current
graphics device."
Is the intention that recordPlot() should be able to
2018 Apr 02
recordPlot/replayPlot not working with saveRDS/readRDS
The documentation for recordPlot says the following:
> As of R 3.3.0, it is possible (again) to replay a plot from another R session using, for example, saveRDS and readRDS.
However, I haven't been able to save and restore a plot displaylist
and have it work within the same R session, using R 3.4.3 or 3.3.3.
Here's an example:
# Save displaylist for a simple plot
2008 Mar 13
Help! OT: Blackberry IMAP client suggestions/experience needed
The CFO of our college, a most formidable man, had decided to go Blackberry and
Something Functional Must Be Done. We've had some users who we've not supported
(and things got better for them when we switched from UWIMAP to Dovecot).
BB, of course, has their half-baked sorta-IMAP-compliant client (and we do NOT
want the BB Enterprise Server) that persistently keeps grabbing the
2008 Apr 12
2.7.0 beta (rev 45263) failing 'make vignettes'
Dear list,
On Fedora 8 I downloaded the beta version of R via svn. make and make
check-all worked fine, but make vignettes is failing with:
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/gavin/R/2-7-patched/build/src/library'
building/updating vignettes for package 'grid' ...
processing 'displaylist.Snw'
/usr/bin/texi2dvi: pdflatex exited with bad status, quitting.
Error in
2013 Nov 13
On 11/12/13, Reindl Harald <h.reindl at thelounge.net> wrote:
> tell that Noel which is blocking my messages and so did
> not read what i quoted from Benny's trolling but opens
> his mouth
> tell that Noel which is abusing his power by set complete
> IP-ranges on RBL lists he maintains because he does not
> like one person using a mailserver on that range besides
2020 Feb 29
tcl problem with R-3.6.3?
Just built 3.6.3 from source and tcl doesn't work. Worked fine with the
same laptop in 3.6.2. Here's the exact error.
blurfle$ R --vanilla
R version 3.6.3 (2020-02-29) -- "Holding the Windsock"
Copyright (C) 2020 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to
2018 Apr 03
[FORGED] recordPlot/replayPlot not working with saveRDS/readRDS
>>>>> Paul Murrell <paul at stat.auckland.ac.nz>
>>>>> on Tue, 3 Apr 2018 09:41:56 +1200 writes:
> Hi What you are doing "wrong" is loading a recordedplot
> into the same session that it was created in. The
> saveRDS()/readRDS() works if you save in one R session and
> then read in a different R session. The