similar to: Building R package with .c sub-routine files

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Building R package with .c sub-routine files"

2010 Jan 22
R CMD check error with the GNU Scientific Library
I have been working on an R package that calls C code using .C(). I recently started including some functions from the GNU Scientific Library in my code. The code runs fine on my machine when not wrapped in the package. But I get the following error from "R CMD check" * checking whether the package can be loaded ... ERROR Loading required package: splancs Loading required package: sp
2009 Sep 04
enabling core dumps
"Writing R Extensions" says {quotes} If you have a crash which gives a core dump you can use something like gdb /path/to/R/bin/exec/R core.12345 to examine the core dump. If core dumps are disabled... {unquotes} sadly it doesn't go on to say how to enable if core dumps are disabled. I understand that in bash I need to do $ ulimit -c unlimited but this doesn't seem to
2012 Sep 12
valgrind crashing
I am trying to do a classic R -d valgrind --vanilla < mypkg-Ex.R as described in The problem is valgrind crashes imediately. I am using Ubuntu 10.04 LST (actually Biolinux) on a 64bit Dell Precision laptop with 4 core-i5 Intel processors. I have R-2-15-0 installed from source
2010 Mar 14
range and intersection
Hi: I have a two large files (over 300K lines). file 1: Name X UK 199 UK 230 UK 139 ...... UAE 194 UAE 94 File 2: Name X Y UK 140 180 UK 195 240 UK 304 340 .... I want to select X of File 1 and search if it falls in range of X and Y of File 2 and Print only those lines of File 1 that are in range of File 2 X and Y How can it be done it
2008 Dec 16
Syncing file with reference to another one
I have the following situation: file2 on remote host and file1 on localhost. file1 and file2 are mostly the same. Simply running rsync remotehost:file2 file2 will actually transfer the entire file. But I would like to use the factt that I have local file1 that is mostly similar to file2. I.e. how can I make rsync to use file1 as a reference while transferring file2? (cp file1 file2 locally and
2015 Sep 03
Doubts on incremental backup and command repetition
Hi, I am trying to use rsync for incremental backup and I am facing some issues. I would like to ask your help to understand what is going on and have the proper command line. 1) my goal is I the following folders: ./dest: file3.txt ./orig: file1.txt   file10.txt  file2.txt   file20.txt And I would like to have as incremental backup ./dest: backup      file1.txt     file2.txt  file3.txt
2008 Apr 23
[LLVMdev] Compile units in debugging intrinsics / globals
I have a question about the llvm debugging records, especially wrt compile units. In the non-LLVM sense, a compile unit is essentially everything contained within a single .o file, and it is derived from one or more source and header files. Included in a compile unit are functions and global data. Dwarf records refer to compile units in the same way: a compile unit record has children which
2012 Mar 16
R merge two dataframes with different row?
Hi everyone, I have a question for R code to merge. Say I have two dataframes: File1 is: V1 V2 V3 V4 1 100 101 name1 2 200 201 name2 2 300 301 name3 3 400 401 name4 3 500 501 name5 4 600 601 name6 4 700 701 name7 File2 is: V1 V2 V3 V4 1 50 55 p1 3 402 449 p2 4 550 650 p3 4 651 660
2012 Aug 15
to remove columns and rows
Dear, I am using R I'm trying to identify and remove columns and rows in a data frame that are has elements equals. For example in dataframe below. The columns 1, 2,3,4,5 ,6 and 10 (file1) has elements equal then should be removed. How can I ask R to remove those columns with same elements in new dataframe (file2) to result a matrix as follows: file1 1 0 2 2 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 0
2012 May 24
R does not recognise columns and rows as they are supposed to be
Dear All, The code given bellow is to extract values of one region and write that to a text file(there are 365 binary files in the directory). The problem which I am facing is that all my files are binary with size of 360 rows and 720 columns. I specified that in this line: file2<-matrix(data=file,ncol=720,nrow=360) but I got an error : Error in mean(file2[X, Y], na.rm = TRUE) : subscript
2016 Jun 09
for loop example
> From: Indunil Jayasooriya <indunil75 at> > > > > > > [root at centos67 loop]# cat file1 > > > firstname1 > > > firstname2 > > > > > > [root at centos67 loop]# cat file2 > > > lastname1 > > > lastname2 > > > > > > I need a OUTPUT like this > > > > > > > > >
2011 Jul 19
list.files recursively to find files in a specific way...
Hi, all: My folders are organized in such a way: root ----branch1 ---------------A -----------------------file1.txt -----------------------file2.txt ---------------B -----------------------file1.txt -----------------------file2.txt ----branch2 ---------------A -----------------------file1.txt -----------------------file2.txt ---------------B -----------------------file1.txt
2008 Apr 24
[LLVMdev] Compile units in debugging intrinsics / globals
Hi, > Suppose I have the following source: > > file1: > #include "file2" > #include "file3" > int fn1(void) ... > > file2: > int a; > > file3: > int fn2(void) ... > > then fn1, along with all the base types etc appear to be in compile unit > "file1", the variable a appears to be in compile unit
2012 Dec 03
How to calculate the spatial correlation of several files?
dir1 <- list.files("C:\\Users\\aalyaari\\Desktop\\cor", "*.bin", full.names = TRUE) dir2 <- list.files("C:\\Users\\aalyaari\\Desktop\\cor2", "*.bin", full.names = TRUE) results <- list() for (.files in dir1){ # read in the 365 files as a vector of numbers for dir1 file1 <-,(lapply(.files, readBin ,
2002 Dec 17
Quick tip please!
I have two CSV files (exported from Excel), say file1 and file2. The have the same number of rows, and each has several columns, with names on the first line; and some of the columns in file1 are repeated in file2. Using the "foreign" package, I can read these in separately to dataframes say d1 and d2 with > d1<-read.csv("file1") >
2007 Jul 16
Source inside source
Is there a way to know where is the source, so as to make a source call inside another source smarter? As an example: file1.R is in directory /files/dir1/ file2.R is in directory /files/dir1/dir2/ In file1.R, there is this line: source("dir2/file2.R") So, if I setwd to /files/dir1/, and then I call source("file1.R"), it will run correctly. However, if I setwd to /files,
2007 Aug 03
Sourcing commands but delaying their execution
Colleagues: I have encountered the following situation: SERIES OF COMMANDS source("File1") MORE COMMANDS source("File2") Optimally, I would like File1 and File2 to be merged into a single file (FileMerged). However, if I wrote the following: SERIES OF COMMANDS source("FileMerged") MORE COMMANDS I encounter an error: the File2 portion of FileMerged
2016 Jun 07
for loop example
Maybe this don't to be the best form to solve your problem, but worked,rs. #!/bin/bash #power by Diego Rodrigues totalFileOne=$(wc -l file1 | cut -d" " -f1) totalFileTwo=$(wc -l file2 | cut -d" " -f1) count=0 if [ ! "${totalFileOne}" -eq "${totalFileTwo}" ];then echo "The two files need of same number of lines" exit 1 fi for
2006 Apr 26
re-linking hard links
Hello, I have a situation where I have numerous files with numerous hard links to each of them on an ext3 RHEL4.2 system. Some of these files are duplicates of the others. I would like to re-link all of the duplicates to point to a single inode. For instance if file1 has hardlinks link1 and link2, and file2 has hardlinks link3 and link4, I need to change it so that link1, link2 (these
2009 Nov 13
Utility function to rotate log files?
I am wondering if there is a CRAN package that includes a utility function that will "rotate" file names, in the same sense that operating systems sometimes rotate log files. Or maybe there's something in base R. That is, we have a set of file names, say file1, file2, file3, and when the function is called, file3 is deleted, file2 is renamed file3, file1 is renamed file2, and