similar to: S3 objects in S4 slots

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "S3 objects in S4 slots"

2011 Nov 17
merging corpora and metadata
Greetings! I loose all my metadata after concatenating corpora. This is an example of what happens: > meta(corpus.1) MetaID cid fid selfirst selend fname 1 0 1 11 2169 2518 WCPD-2001-01-29-Pg217.scrb 2 0 1 14 9189 9702 WCPD-2003-01-13-Pg39.scrb 3 0 1 14 2109 2577 WCPD-2003-01-13-Pg39.scrb .... .... 17 0
2010 Jan 25
tm installation (PR#14193)
Full_Name: Cesar Telmo Costa Version: R version 2.9.2 (2009-08-24) OS: Ubuntu kermic Submission from: (NULL) ( AFTER install.packages("tm"): downloaded 317 Kb * Installing *source* package ?tm? ... ** libs gcc -std=gnu99 -I/usr/share/R/include -fpic -g -O2 -c lazyTmMap.c -o lazyTmMap.o gcc -std=gnu99 -shared -o lazyTmMap.o -L/usr/lib/R/lib -lR ** R ** data
2015 Apr 10
Loop sobre muchos data frames
Jorge Gracias por el consejo. Aparentemente no lo estoy aplicando bien, pues el objeto que obtengo no contiene lo que quiero. Me explico, al ejecutar txt <- vector('list', length = length(names)) #names el el vector donde ya tenía almacenada la lista de txt's for(i in seq_along(txt)){ txt[[i]] <- Corpus(VectorSource(names[i])) } obtengo el objeto txt: > class(txt) [1]
2015 Apr 12
Loop sobre muchos data frames
Jorge, estimados colaboradores de R-help Estuve tratando de utilizar un script para uno de los pasos en mi análisis, que es transformar cada uno de los corpus en mi espacio de trabajo en un objeto TermDocumentMatrix Tengo un vector llamado bNames que lista todos los corpus que quiero pasar a TDM, y construí los siguientes comandos: tdm.n1 <- vector('list', length = length(bNames))
2010 Aug 17
TM Package - Corpus function - Memory Allocation Problems
I'm using R 2.11.1 on Win XP (32-bit) with 3 GB of RAM. My data has (only) 16.0 MB. I want to create a VCorpus object using the Corpus function in the tm package but I'm running into Memory allocation issues: "Error: cannot allocate vector of size 372 Kb". My data is stored in a csv file which I've imported with "read.csv" and then used the following to create
2012 Dec 12
Lost in S4 and S3 classes
Hi all, this is my first post in R devel? sorry if I lost some of the guidelines. Anyway this is my problem: Version: R version 2.15.2 (2012-10-26) Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin9.8.0/x86_64 (64-bit) I want to make an S4 class that use the output object of the function of nls.lm as a slot: setOldClass("nls.lm") setClass ( Class="TestClass",
2009 Nov 01
convert list to Dataframe
Hi. I have a huge list called twitter: > dim(twitter) NULL > str(twitter) List of 1 $ :Classes 'PlainTextDocument', 'TextDocument', 'character' atomic [1:35575] 11999;10:47:14;20;10;2009;ObamaLouverture;Trails Mixed Lessons For Governance From Campaigner-in-chief: President obama jumps campaign 09 tuesday..
2015 Apr 10
Loop sobre muchos data frames
Hola a todos! Estoy en un proyecto de text mining y por razones de los recursos con que cuento tuve que separar los archivos de texto de input del proyecto en muchos archivos pequeños. Luego de transformar cada uno de estos archivos en un corpus separado, puedo aplicar limpieza sobre cada corpus, buscar n-gramas, construir cada termDocumentMatrix y finalmente reunir todo en una sola TDM. Pero
2011 May 20
DocumentTermMatrix - text minig
Hi All, I have a Data.frame that looks like that one below. I would like to do some text mining on it to possibly find some patterns between Opis, ACklasifikacija and Vodja. I looked over a tm package which loks promissing, more specifically DocumentTermMatrix or TermDocumentMatrix. But I can not figure out how to change my data from data.frame to Corpus or VCorpus. Globina
2012 Jan 08
cannot find package in Packages>>Install Packages
Hi. I am trying to install a package called DMwR located here: on windows 7. I am using R 2.10.1. I also tried typing something like this but it did not work well. install.packages(c("
2007 Apr 04
[LLVMdev] For a small help
Hi Ferad, On Wed, 2007-04-04 at 19:48 +0200, Ferad Zyulkyarov wrote: > Hi, > > I want to ask for a small help for creating an instruction that calls > e member method of an object. I suppose that this is not a headache > but I am impatient in learning :) I would be very thankful if you can > show me an example snippet code that does this in LLVM. Below is > described my
2013 Jan 15
Function failure in tm
HI all: I have a customized source reader for the package tm (that Milan Bouchet-Vallat has been instrumental in producing). I can get it to produce a corpus of class: "VCorpus" "Corpus" "list" class(mycorp[1]) returns "VCorpus" "Corpus" "list" and class(mycorp[[1]] returns "PlainTextDocument"
2009 Apr 12
Simple class with an automatic printing issue
I don't understand the following behavior for a simple S3 class. The auto-printing at the command line doesn't behave as I expect. I'm probably missing something, but it might be a bug. > print.testClass <- function(x, ...) cat("Class:", class(x), ":", x, "\n") > structure(1, class = "testClass") Class: testClass : 1 > print(1 *
2014 Jul 29
wordcloud y tabla de palabras [Avanzando]
Buenas tardes grupo. Saludos cordiales Carlos J., muchas gracias por tu orientación. Efectivamente, me había dado cuenta que la razón por la que no se aplicaba colnames era porque no tenía columnas. La cuestión es que no logro visualizar completamente/claramente en qué parte del proceso de creación del corpus se puede hacer. Sin embargo, siguiendo el ejemplo de
2012 Aug 23
[LLVMdev] Error: "Recursive compilation" when run lli
I edit two files named test.h,test.cpp as follow: ///////////////test.h////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class TestClass { private: int fTotal; public: TestClass(); ~TestClass(); };///////////test.cpp/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#include "test.h" TestClass::TestClass() { fTotal = 2; }
2011 Feb 03
Creating a reference class object from a class definition in a package fails
Hi, I'm trying to create a package that contains reference class definitions from which users can create reference objects, but there seems to be something awry. My toy example creates an empty package via package.skeleton('TestClass') to which I add the following R code: TestClass <- setRefClass('TestClass',fields=c('name')) Unfortunately my R console output
2010 Oct 28
Reference Classes: Generalizing Reference Class Generator objects?
Is it possible to override the $new(...) in the reference class generator? I have tried adding a "new" method to the methods of the class, but that is obviously not correct. I have also tried adding it to the class generator, but the class generator still uses the default constructor. As a simple example, this is the current interface: TestClass <- setRefClass
2010 May 12
slot assignment in S4 classes
Hi R friends,   I'm still studying S4 classes and I have a question about slot assignment. Why would I have to use a special setter method [example 2 below] if I can assign data to a slot directly when I call new() [example 1 below]?   ## first way to do it (the idiosyncratic way?) setClass(Class = "TestClass", representation = representation(myDf = "data.frame"))
2007 Apr 04
[LLVMdev] For a small help
Hi, I want to ask for a small help for creating an instruction that calls e member method of an object. I suppose that this is not a headache but I am impatient in learning :) I would be very thankful if you can show me an example snippet code that does this in LLVM. Below is described my case. Let's say I have a class TestClass class TestClass { int testMethod(int a); } and I want to
2007 Apr 04
[LLVMdev] For a small help
Ferad Zyulkyarov wrote: > Hi, > > I want to ask for a small help for creating an instruction that calls > e member method of an object. I suppose that this is not a headache > but I am impatient in learning :) I would be very thankful if you can > show me an example snippet code that does this in LLVM. Below is > described my case. > > Let's say I have a class