similar to: Clarifications please.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "Clarifications please."

2009 Sep 16
I want to get a reference to this time series object
I'm trying to get a reference to this object in C SWX.RET[1:6,c("SBI,"SPI","SII")] While i am able to access and use a plain SWX.RET object, I'm getting confused on how to create an object with the array subscripts like above. Here is what I tried to do. It doesn't work because "[" is obviously not an operation or function on SWX.RET. So how do I
2009 Aug 25
R command line behaving funny
Hi I am unable to try out examples from the Rmetrics Ebook from the R command prompt. Below is an example of what happens: > Covariance<-cov(SWX.RET) Error in cov.timeSeries(SWX.RET) : no slot of name "Data" for this object of class "timeSeries" I have loaded Rmetrics and fPortfolio using the library function but still I get these errors. However, if I embed the R
2009 Sep 29
How do I access class slots from C?
Hi I'm trying to implement something similar to the following R snippet using C. I seem to have hit the wall on accessing class slots using C. library(fPortfolio) lppData <- 100 * LPP2005.RET[, 1:6] ewSpec <- portfolioSpec() nAssets <- ncol(lppData) setWeights(ewSpec) <- rep(1/nAssets, times = nAssets) ewPortfolio <- feasiblePortfolio( data = lppData, spec = ewSpec,
2011 Jan 26
Dealing with R list objects in C/C++
Hi, I'd like to construct an R list object in C++, fill it with relevant data, and pass it to an R function which will return a different list object back. I have browsed through all the R manuals, and examples under tests/Embedding, but can't figure out the correct way. Below is my code snippet: #include <Rinternals.h> // Rf_initEmbeddedR and other setups already performed
2012 Apr 18
C - R integration: Memory Issues
Hi all, I am a PhD student and I am working on a C project that involves some statistical calculations. So, I tried to embed R into C, in order to call R functions from a C program. My program seems to get the correct results from R. However, it appears to have a lot of memory allocation issues, in contrast to the small amounts of memory that my code allocates. Some additional info
2007 Apr 06
wishlist: additional argument in R_tryEval (Rinternals.h)
Hi, R_tryEval, exported in Rinternals.h but not part of the API, is currently defined as: R_tryEval(SEXP e, SEXP env, int *ErrorOccurred); I'm trying to embed R in an application (basically yet another GUI), and this has been very helpful to catch errors. It would be even more helpful if it also gave access to the visibility flag. I can wrap this in a call to withVisible, and that works
2007 Apr 07
Rf_PrintValue problem with methods::show
Hi, I think this is a bug (even though I can't find documentation explicitly saying that it should work). Basically, Rf_PrintValue(obj) fails when 'obj' is an S4 object that should be printed using show() rather than print(). From the error message I'm guessing that the need to use show is detected correctly but then show is not found. "cbind2" in the code below is just
2009 Jan 08
Callbacks seems to get GCed.
Dear list, I am trying to implement a publish-subscribe mechanism in for an embedded R interpreter. But somehow my registered closures seem to get collected by the GC, even though I have protected them. I have reducted my code to the following sample. Sorry if it is a little verbose. The first couple of call of calls still work, but at some point one of the callbacks (callback1 in my
2020 Jun 30
Build a R call at C level
Hi All, I was reading the R extension manual section 5.11 ( Evaluating R expression from C) and I tried to build a simple call to the sum function. Please see below. call_to_sum <- inline::cfunction( language = "C", sig = c(x = "SEXP"), body = " SEXP e = PROTECT(lang2(install(\"sum\"), x)); SEXP ans = PROTECT(eval(e, R_GlobalEnv)); UNPROTECT(2); return
2020 Jun 30
Build a R call at C level
On 6/30/20 1:06 PM, Jan Gorecki wrote: > It is quite known that R documentation on R C api could be improved... Please see "5.11 Evaluating R expressions from C" from "Writing R Extensions" Best Tomas > Still R-package-devel mailing list should be preferred for this kind > of questions. > Not sure if that is the best way, but works. > > call_to_sum <-
2016 Jul 07
Detecting user interrupts in R_tryEval
Is there any way to distinguish between an error and a user interruption in R_tryEval? In both cases the ErrorOccurred argument is set to 1. For my application I need a different action in case of a SIGINT. >From the source code I infer that R_tryEval basically wraps eval in R_ToplevelExec, which returns TRUE if fun returns normally, FALSE if it results in a jump to top level. However both an
2004 Oct 08
R-2.0.0 findVar and findFun question
Dear all, when working on a project with embedded R, I found out that R-2.0.0 causes a problem where older versions worked OK. Rf_findVar(...) causes the following error when used to find a generic function (such as print): fun = Rf_findVar(...); R_tryEval(fun, ...); Error in function (object, ...) : Invalid generic function in usemethod Alternatively, using Rf_findFun(...) seems OK in this
2009 Sep 07
Rmetrics: Problem with "align"
Hi there! I'm stuck with a problem aligning financial timeseries and haven't found a cue how to fix it... When I run that simple script, everything goes well until the "align"-command: ------ rm(list=ls()) x <- yahooSeries("^GDAXI") head(x) xAligned <- align(x = x, by = "1d", method = "before", include.weekends = FALSE) ------ Here's
2004 Aug 18
R as shared library
Hello folks, I'm embarking on a project to embed R into the Apache web server, and I'd like your help. Currently, I'm looking for a way for R code to call back into a shared library from which the R shared library was loaded. Essentially, apache starts and loads which runs an initialization routine which calls Rf_initEmbeddedR() and the following code: /* override to
2009 Oct 29
Help with lang4
Hi I seem to have run into a situation where I have more than 3 arguments to pass to a function from C. the following functions help me build an expression for evaluation: lang lang2 lang3 lang4 What should one do if there are more arguments than lang4 can handle? Regards Abhijit Bera [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2014 May 02
backtrace while trying to clear workspace
Hi , I tried to do the following . Before I execute the R script , i tried to clear the work space using rm(list = ls(all = TRUE)); . I get the following back trace . Its a huge backtrace , attached a part of it . Can anyone help why I get this ? #13 0x00002aaaaafd612f in Rf_eval (e=0x1448d68, rho=0x16c6780) at eval.c:399 #14 0x00002aaaaafdabf6 in Rf_applyClosure (call=0x1447108, op=0x1448f60,
2007 May 01
Embedding R and registering routines
Hello, The use of .Call and the like all depend on loading shared libraries and registering routines from it. Also, .Primitive and .Internal depend on routines being registered in the R binary. And applications that embed R can override routines declared in Rinterfac.h, but is there a way for an application embedding R to register other routines defined in the application without loading a
2012 Nov 28
error, R commends cannot show the expected output
Hi, I am working on R 2.15.2 on Win. 7. I am trying to run some simple commends. >class(SWX.RET) # SWX.RET is a data file that has been loaded. But, I cannot see the expected output. I have deselected "buffered output". Still it does not work. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 May 06
R on kdeedu-svn library problem
Hello, I am new to this list. ?I am trying to compile the current svn version of kdeedu on an amd64 linux machine ?which uses R and I get the following compiler output. ------------------------------------------- ?79%] Building CXX object cantor/src/backends/R/rserver/CMakeFiles/cantor_rserver.dir/rserver.o $SOURCES/kdeedu/cantor/src/backends/R/rserver/rserver.cpp: In member function
2007 Jun 19
BlackBox testing
I am porting SWX ( to Ruby. It''s a data exchange format that assembles data structures into native SWF bytecode. Here''s my dilemma: The original SWX implementation (PHP) tests a lot of methods that wouldn''t be included in the public API (if PHP properly supported encapsulation that is). The PHP implementation really only includes a single public