similar to: Rcmd check fails on Windows Samba network path in R 2.9.1

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Rcmd check fails on Windows Samba network path in R 2.9.1"

2005 Jun 29
(PR#7972) row-side color bars ... in heatmap
Hi Kevin, >>>>> "krc" == krc <krc at> >>>>> on Mon, 27 Jun 2005 21:55:37 +0200 (CEST) writes: krc> Full_Name: Kevin R. Coombes krc> Version: 2.1.0 krc> OS: Windows XP krc> Submission from: (NULL) ( krc> When revC = TRUE and RowSideColors is set to a list of krc>
2007 Apr 26
SweaveInput and absolute paths
Hi, Is there a way to turn off the automatic inclusion of "./" at the beginning of a path specified in an \SweaveInput{} instruction? I'd like to create some reusable "template modules" of Sweave code and put them in a standard directory like /Resources/Affymetrix Then the corresponding file that uses one of these would include a command like
2007 Mar 15
Sweave bug using 'FDR' in chunk label (PR#9567)
Full_Name: Kevin Coombes Version: 2.4.0 OS: Windows XP Submission from: (NULL) ( I'm running R 2.4.0 on a Windows XP machine, with only the default packages loaded. Running Sweave or Stangle on the following Rnw file: -------------- % bug.Rnw \begin{document} Demonstrate an Sweave/Stangle bug. <<info>>= sessionInfo() @ <<getFDR>>= x <- 1 @
2007 Mar 13
Sweave question: prevent expansion of unevaluated reused code chunk
Hi, Consider the following (much simplified) Sweave example: -------------- First, we set the value of $x$: <<chunk1,eval=FALSE>>= x <- 1 @ Then we set the value of $y$: <<chunk2,eval=FALSE>>= y <- 2 @ Thus, the overall algorithm has this structure: <<combined,eval=FALSE>>= <<chunk1>> <<chunk2>> @
2013 Apr 19
R 3.0, Rtools3.0,l Windows7 64-bit, and permission agony
Having finally found some free time, I was going to use it to update a bunch of R packages from 2.15 to 3.0. I am running Windows 7, 64-bit professional. This is on a brand-new laptop using vanilla settings when installing the operating system. Problem 1: I installed R3.0 to the default location (C:\Program FIles\R\R-3.0.0). The first thing I tried to do was install BioConductor. This
2009 Nov 23
CRAN Server download statistics (Was: R Usage Statistics)
Hi All, It seems that the question of how may people use (or download) R, and it's packages is one that comes up on a fairly regular basis in a variety of forums (There was also recent thread on the subject on Stack Overflow). A couple of students at UCLA (including myself), wanted to address the issue, so we set up a system to get and parse the APACHE logs every night, and
2012 Sep 19
Rcmd check problem
Hi, all. I was trying to build my R package with R 2.15.1 32bit and win7. I basically follow the routine in Steven Mosher's blog After I fixed the path, and built the skeleton of the package, I started command prompt and used the following commands in building my package Rcmd check myPackageName Rcmd build myPackageName Rcmd check
2007 Sep 07
Rcmd install on Vista
Has anyone successfully used Rcmd install or Rcmd check on Windows Vista? I have been successfully been running R itself, just not Rcmd install and Rcmd check. Rcmd check fails, the Ryacas.Rcheck it creates is read-only, I don't have permission to delete it and I have to reset the permissions on it just to delete it. With Rcmd install I am getting the following which looks like I am running
2004 May 27
Rcmd check, windows xp, perl
Dear R users, With package.skeleton() i have produced successfully my .Rd??s, ... Now i will run Rcmd check on ..\R\bin\ But Rcmd check (and build) on my Windows XP does not work. It`s a problem with "perl". (Translated i get the message: The instruction Perl is either wrongly written or could not not be found.) In help("check") I found this: "These may not work
2011 Oct 16
Error in gzfile(file, mode) when checking a package with rcmd check
Hi, For the first time I have a strange behaviour when checking a package before 'packaging' the code. Looks like a file cannot be read. rcmd check pgirmess * using log directory 'U:/Documents and Settings/pgiraudo/Mes documents/R/pgir_arch/pgirmess_arch/On work/pgirmess.Rcheck' * using R version 2.13.2 (2011-09-30) * using platform: i386-pc-mingw32 (32-bit) * using session
2004 May 27
Rcmd check, windows xp, perl (2)
Thank you for your help. I??m sorry that I found not the right entries in the R-devel. Now, I have again a problem. After installing all needed things I have run Rcmd INSTALL -l ../mypkg and respectively make mypkg By running Rcmd check I get following message: * checking for working latex ...Error: environment variable TMPDIR not set (or set to unusable value) and no default
2002 Feb 01
Rcmd Install gives Bad command or file name (PR#1296)
Dear Team, Don't understand output below. Please advise. Windows98 and rw1041(patched) from 1/25/02. Graham Lawrence C:\>PATH=C:\bin;C:\mingw32;C:\Perl;C:\HtmlWork;C:\R\rw1041\bin;C:\Tcl;C:\Tcl\bin C:\>Rcmd INSTALL C:\R\lattice_0.4-0.tar.gz Bad command or file name C:\>Rcmd C:\>Rcmd Install Bad command or file name C:\>dir C:\R\rw1041\bin Volume in drive C has no
2003 Jul 29
Problems with Rcmd build --- windows
Hola! I am using Rcmd build --binary ... on a windows XP system, and am encountering a strange problem. Rcmd claims there are syntax errors in one of mine .Rd files ******* Syntax error: mismatched or missing brackets in I take "brackets" to mean [], and I have none of them in the file, and don't think they are needed. Rcmd prints out the offending file, and in the printout I
2001 May 11
Windows, RCMD INSTALL and path (PR#939)
Full_Name: David Firth Version: 1.2.3 OS: Windows NT4 Submission from: (NULL) ( Two things that look like bugs: 1. RCMD INSTALL does not seem to cope with quotes in the Windows path. With my path set to PATH="C:\R\Rtools";"C:\R\rw1023\bin";C:\Perl\bin\;C:\WINNT\system32;C:\WINNT;C:\ mingw2\bin I get, for example, C:\R>RCMD INSTALL boot RCMD
2004 Apr 06
Problems with Rcmd INSTALL on Win32
Hello. When I try to use Rcmd INSTALL to install a package (whether my own or someone else's) for the Windows version of R, I get the following error: C:\>Rcmd INSTALL cluster_1.8.1.tar.gz ---------- Making package cluster ------------ adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION Fatal error: you must specify `--save', `--no-save' or `--vanilla' make[1]: *** [frontmatter] Error 2
2002 Apr 08
Still having a problem with Rcmd - TMPDIR
Hello R-users: I'm experiencing difficulty in building a package in R 1.4.1 under Windows 2000. When I run Rcmd I get this: F:\r\library>f:\r\bin\rcmd check ringsim Please set TMPDIR to a valid temporary directory F:\r\library>f:\r\bin\rcmd build ringsim Please set TMPDIR to a valid temporary directory This problem was discussed over a year ago - the problem was attributed to a Perl
2003 Jul 08
rcmd and directories (cwd; tmpdir) (PR#3429)
Hi, rcmd requires a temporary directory identified by the value of the environment variable "TMPDIR". Unfortunately, if the directory name has a space in it, rcmd errors out. For example, the standard temporary file "TMP" for xp is like: c:\documents and settings\r_user\local settings\temp If TMPDIR is defined via the Windows/XP "standard" way, i.e., set
2000 Dec 22
rw1020 Rcmd INSTALL path\ deletes rw1020\library\* (PR#789)
The trailing backslash seems to be the culprit. After looking at rw1020\bin\INSTALL, I noticed $pkg =~ s/\/$//; which I assume is to strip the trailing slash from a package name before obtaining the package name and cleaning out its directory I added $pkg =~ s/\\$//; immediately after this line. Rerunning Rcmd INSTALL C:\rw1011\src\library\bqtl\ with that change seemed to work OK
2011 Oct 21
R v2.13.2 - Cannot find Rcmd on path?
Hello, I recently updated to R version 2.13.2. With R version 2.10.0, I often created and installed R packages, however, I cannot do this since updating. In other words, when I type in Rcmd build -binary PACKAGENAME I receive an error message: "Rcmd is not recognized as an internal...". I suspect that this is because Rcmd.exe is no longer installed in the bin folder, but rather, in
2004 Sep 18
Rcmd problems and questions, lazyloading
Hola! I got past the problems I asked about two days ago, thanks. No I am updating CRAN package asypow (the daily package check on CRAN gave warnings due to .Rd problems, fixed). Now it PASSED Rcmd check (WindowsXP home edition, rw2000dev, on a new toshiba laptop, if that matters.) but then Rcmd build --binary gives problems: . . . preparing package asypow for lazy loading Error in