similar to: R-devel:codocClasses() now finds more --> R CMD check warnings

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "R-devel:codocClasses() now finds more --> R CMD check warnings"

2013 Sep 13
R CMD check fails in R-devel r63910
Hi, The R CMD check is successful in R 3.0.1 but fails to install package lmerTest under R-devel r63910, Here is what I get: ** preparing package for lazy loading Error in reconcilePropertiesAndPrototype(name, slots, prototype, superClasses, : no definition was found for superclass "merMod" in the specification of class "merModLmerTest" In DESCRIPTION file I have:
2007 May 27
[Bioc-devel] promptClass
promptClass fails to identify methods associated with the class. Here is a fix: Index: promptClass.R =================================================================== --- promptClass.R (revision 41719) +++ promptClass.R (working copy) @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ if (nmeths > 0) { .meths.body <- " \\describe{" for (i in 1:nmeths) { - .sigmat
2009 Oct 26
R CMD check: Error in .C
Function/file names are hypothetical. Say I have written myfunction.R, which calls myfunction.c via .C("myfunction", ...). I've compiled successfully myfunction.c via R CMD SHLIB myfunction.c in the terminal. Then, in the R console: dyn.load("") source("myfunction.R") test <- myfunction() # works fine So everything is in order, myfunction works
2011 Aug 02
R CMD check problem
Dear friends, I am building an R package called *mypackage*. I followed every possible steps (to my understanding) for the same. I got following problem while doing *R CMD check mypackage*. * installing *source* package 'mypackage' ... ** libs cygwin warning: MS-DOS style path detected: C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-213~1.0/etc/i386/Makeconf Preferred POSIX equivalent is:
2012 Jul 17
R CMD build/check on Windows 7
Folks: sessionInfo() R version 2.15.0 (2012-03-30) Platform: i386-pc-mingw32/i386 (32-bit) locale: [1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252 [2] LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252 [3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252 [4] LC_NUMERIC=C [5] LC_TIME=English_United States.1252 attached base packages: [1] datasets splines grid tcltk stats graphics grDevices [8] utils
2012 Jul 17
R CMD build/check on Windows 7
Folks: sessionInfo() R version 2.15.0 (2012-03-30) Platform: i386-pc-mingw32/i386 (32-bit) locale: [1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252 [2] LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252 [3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252 [4] LC_NUMERIC=C [5] LC_TIME=English_United States.1252 attached base packages: [1] datasets splines grid tcltk stats graphics grDevices [8] utils
2012 Jul 17
R CMD build/check on Windows 7 -- Please ignore
I will repost on R-devel. -- Bert On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 10:32 AM, Prof Brian Ripley <>wrote: > On 17/07/2012 18:20, Bert Gunter wrote: > >> Folks: >> >> sessionInfo() >> R version 2.15.0 (2012-03-30) >> Platform: i386-pc-mingw32/i386 (32-bit) >> >> locale: >> [1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252 >> [2]
2001 Jul 25
The help page for INSTALL says, in part, Some package sources contain a `configure' script that can be passed arguments or variables via the option `--configure-args' and `--configure-vars', respectively, if necessary. The latter is useful in particular if libraries or header files needed for the package are in non-system directories. In this case, one can
2007 Nov 19
R CMD check in Windows
Hi all, R CMD check does not work for me under Windows. This is the error R CMD check mypackage.tar.gz * checking for working latex ... OK tar: and: Not found in archive tar: Settings/miguez/ ... /00_pkg_src: Not found in archive tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors Error: cannot untar mypackage.tar.gz I know tar is available because R CMD build created the tarball in the first place
2011 Feb 05
Reading a specific file during "R CMD check"?
Hello, All: How can I obtain the location of an example data file in a package during "R CMD check"? I want to include sample raw data files in a package and have them read by a function in the package. It occurs to me to put such a file in "\inst\rawdata" and have examples find the data using something like "system.file('rawdata',
2011 Jul 28
R CMD CHECK doens't run configure when testing install? (Revised)
I'm trying to get ready to submit a package to CRAN, but in order for the package to install on OS X, I need to temporarily set the environment variable NOAWT=1. I put 'export NOAWT=1' in my package's 'configure' script, and 'R CMD INSTALL MyPackage' returns with no errors. However when I do 'R CMD CHECK MyPackage', the installation test fails, because
2011 Jul 28
R CMD CHECK doens't run configure when testing install? (Revised)
I'm trying to get ready to submit a package to CRAN, but in order for the package to install on OS X, I need to temporarily set the environment variable NOAWT=1. I put 'export NOAWT=1' in my package's 'configure' script, and 'R CMD INSTALL MyPackage' returns with no errors. However when I do 'R CMD CHECK MyPackage', the installation test fails, because
2010 Jan 22
R CMD check error with the GNU Scientific Library
I have been working on an R package that calls C code using .C(). I recently started including some functions from the GNU Scientific Library in my code. The code runs fine on my machine when not wrapped in the package. But I get the following error from "R CMD check" * checking whether the package can be loaded ... ERROR Loading required package: splancs Loading required package: sp
2006 Dec 01
promptClass misses methods
I've had repeated problems with promptClass missing methods, usually telling me a class has no methods when it does. In my current case, I've defined an S4 class "mspathCoefficients" with a print method setMethod("print", signature(x="mspathCoefficients"), function(x, ...) { # etc The file promptClass creates has no methods in it. >
2011 Sep 21
R CMD build and vignettes
Dear R-helpers,*leisch*/*Sweave*/*Sweave*-Rnews-2003-2.pdf says that R CMD build creates the pdf from a .Rnw file. But when I do R CMD build followed by R CMD check it gives me a warning that there is a vignette without a PDF. My query is : when R CMD build works it creates a pdf in the doc subdirectory of the directory returned by system.file(package = mypackage) and not
2010 Jul 20
Telling R CMD check where to find libraries
Hello everybody, Currently I'm developing a library, which uses some functions from another package (namely plotrix). Consequently, I listed this dependency in the DESCRIPTION file. When I try to run "R CMD check mypackage", the check fails, for the library plotrix cannot be found on the system. As far as I understood "R CMD check" uses --vanilla implicitly, thus, no
2001 Nov 30
New version of methods package
A new version of the package has been committed to the r-devel branch. There are a lot of changes, mostly non-visible, many of those to tighten up some possible problems. For example, slot assignment now checks the validity of the value being assigned, and basic classes cannot be overriden. There is a version of the promptClass function by Vince Carey, to produce shell of documentation for a
2010 Feb 02
Error with R CMD check - Packages required but not available:
Hi All, Apologies in advance if this is not the right email to post this question. I successfully created my first R package myPackage1. Now I want to create another R package myPackage2 which requires functions from myPackage1. However when I try R CMD check myPackage2 I get the following error * checking for working pdflatex ... OK * using log directory
2009 Jan 27
Inherited Methods in r-devel (for package maintainers mainly)
A recently committed revison of R-devel (47740) has introduced a new mechanism for ordering superclasses consistently, with related changes for selecting inherited methods. As part of the process, a function testInheritedMethods has been introduced that examines method selection for the relevant subclasses and reports ambiguities. Maintainers of packages that have methods involving multiple
2014 Dec 21
loadNamespace and versionChecking and the otherpackage::otherfun syntax
This is an enquiry not so much about what the code for loadNamespace does, but rather about the intent and design of loadNamespace, and how it interacts with the `::` function, which seems to me to follow a slightly different philosophy. It is not an urgent question - the issue that started me wondering has been resolved another way - but I would like to complete my understanding of this aspect