similar to: FXRuby 1.6.9 Now Available

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches similar to: "FXRuby 1.6.9 Now Available"

2012 Jun 25
facter 1.6.9 patches for aix/powervm detection
greetings folks. wanted to have aix detect if it was under powervm using facter. came up with this hack for facter 1.6.9 which work for vscsi and npiv enabled vm''s under powervm (so far)... havent checked the dev facter so something may be in a different branch already for facter on this topic... -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
2019 Oct 09
[ANNOUNCE] libX11 1.6.9
A collection of build and documentation fixes, one preparatory change for a new xorgproto release, and a fix for a deadlock bug in _XReply. Thanks to all who contributed. Adam Jackson (3): makekeys: Detach ourselves from X headers entirely xkb: Provide <X11/extensions/XKBgeom.h> ourselves libX11 1.6.9 Dmitry Osipenko (1): Fix lockup in _XReply() caused by recursive
2010 Feb 03
subversion 1.6.9 and sqlite 3.6.22
I'm in the process of setting up subversion and since the version packages with C5 is, shall we say, showing its age, I've built an updated version. In order to do that I had to upgrade sqlite from the default 3.3.6 (which the current subversion will not build with) and I went with 3.6.22. Has anyone else had any experience with whether or not that breaks anything? I'm a little
2012 May 18
Facter 1.6.9 complains about "No LSB modules are available."
Hi, it seems that Facter 1.6.9 complains that "No LSB modules are available." on every run. This is on Ubuntu 10.04 and 12.04, probably others as well. This message (on stderr) usually comes from calling "lsb_release -v" when no additional LSB modules are installed. Facter apparently calls "lsb_release -v -s" in facter/lsbrelease.rb. This is neither fatal nor
2010 Oct 07
sudo 1.6.9 versus sudo 1.7.2 behavioral differences with umask settings
Two servers, each have normal user umask values of 0077 and root umask values on 0022. On the first server (CentOS 5.4 i386) running sudo 1.6.9pl7-5 (from base), here are the results of touching a file as a user, as root and as a user sudoing to root: user: touch file - result is 600 root: touch file - result is 644 user: sudo touch file - result is 644 On the second server (CentOS x86-64)
2008 Jun 30
Asterisk to Broadvoice SIP peer fails in 1.6.9-beta9
In a 1.2 release of asterisk, I've had no problem connecting to a Broadvoice SIP peer, to allow routing outgoing calls from Asterisk to Broadvoice. Now, with the same SIP configuration, I cannot establish the peer. I've enclosed a SIP log in the hope that someone can help me analyze this failure. I'd guess the issue is NAT related and wondering if someone can spot a problem in the