Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "proposed changes to RSiteSearch"
2004 Jun 18
Is there an easy way to generate linearly independent vec tors
I believe eigen(), svd() and qr() can all do it.
> From: Jonathan Baron
> On 06/17/04 19:04, Fred wrote:
> >Dear R-listers:
> >
> >I am trying to test an algorithm on a set of linearly
> independent vectors
> >{x1,x2,...,xn}.
> Well, here's an idea, for 10 vectors of length 10,
> as columns of a matrix m1. The 11th seems to be needed.
2004 Mar 25
yet another fast BLAS (from AMD this time)
Dear R-devel,
Has anyone played with this?
I'll probably give it a shot...
Andy Liaw, PhD
Biometrics Research PO Box 2000, RY33-300
Merck Research Labs Rahway, NJ 07065
2006 Mar 08
how to use the randomForest and rpart function?
Hi all,
I am trying to play around with the randomForest function for
classification. I know its performance is great.
I am currently using the default options.
It has many options.
How do I further tweak the options so that I can make its performance even
What are the options that are mostly used?
Thanks a lot!
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Jun 22
High breakdown/efficiency statistics -- was RE: Rosner's test [Broadcast]
What would be nice is to have something like a "robust" task view...
From: Berton Gunter
> Many thanks for this Martin. There now are several packages
> with what appear to be overlapping functions (or at least
> algorithms). Besides those you mentioned, "robust" and
> "roblm" are at least two others. Any recommendations about
> how or
2008 Jun 18
randomForest outlier
I try to use ?randomForest to find variables that are the most important to
divide my dataset (continuous, categorical variables) in two given groups.
But when I plot the outliers:
plot(outlier(FemMalSex_NAavoid88.rf33, cls=FemMalSex_NAavoid88$Sex),
it seems to me that all my values appear as
2004 Jul 06
Code density functions
I would like to see the algorithm that R uses to generate density functions
for several distributions (i.e. Normal,Weibull, etc). I tried:
function (x, mean = 0, sd = 1, log = FALSE)
.Internal(dnorm(x, mean, sd, log))
<environment: namespace:stats>
How can I see the code used for densities?
2003 Aug 15
plot.lm mislabels points with na.exclude (PR#3750)
R 1.7.1 on Windows XP
The "normal Q-Q plot" produced by plot.lm() mislabels points
when the model is fitted using na.action=na.exclude. Example:
x <- 1:50
y <- x + rnorm(50)
y[c(5,10,15)] <- NA # insert some NA's
y[40] <- 50 # add an outlier
plot(lm(y ~ x, na.action=na.omit)) # outlier correctly labeled in all
# four plots
2009 Apr 21
Polyspline Integration
I wrote the function below to integrate polysplines and thought that it
may be useful to others. Please consider this code released under the
GPL2 or later.
Notice: This e-mail message, together with any attachments, contains
information of Merck & Co., Inc. (One Merck Drive, Whitehouse Station,
New Jersey, USA 08889), and/or
2004 Apr 15
all(logical(0)) and any(logical(0))
Dear R-help,
I was bitten by the behavior of all() when given logical(0): It is TRUE!
(And any(logical(0)) is FALSE.) Wouldn't it be better to return logical(0)
in both cases?
The problem surfaced because some un-named individual called randomForest(x,
y, xtest, ytest,...), and gave y as a two-level factor, but ytest as just
numeric vector. I thought I check for that in my code by testing
2006 Feb 28
does svm have a CV to obtain the best "cost" parameter?
Hi all,
I am using the "svm" command in the e1071 package.
Does it have an automatic way of setting the "cost" parameter?
I changed a few values for the "cost" parameter but I hope there is a
systematic way of obtaining the best "cost" value.
I noticed that there is a "cross" (Cross validation) parameter in the "svm"
But I
2004 Jul 08
Getting elements of a matrix by a vector of column indice s
See if the following helps:
> m <- outer(letters[1:5], 1:4, paste, sep="")
> m
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] "a1" "a2" "a3" "a4"
[2,] "b1" "b2" "b3" "b4"
[3,] "c1" "c2" "c3" "c4"
[4,] "d1" "d2" "d3" "d4"
2005 Jun 16
Potential minor GUI bug
Is this an interface bug? Using RGUI for windows I run into a "Not
Responding" process (I "smartly" coded an infinite loop, yaiks!), I hit esc
and the interpreter was stopped and I recovered the console functionality
but the caption on the R icon in my windows taskbar (the individual icon
shown for every software currently running in the session) was not updated
so the
2004 Jul 13
e1071 question: what's the definition of performance in t une.* functions?
Basically, the `Detail' section of ?tune says it all:
As performance measure, the classification error is used for
classification, and the mean squared error for regression. ...
> From: Tae-Hoon Chung
> Hi, all;
> Basically, the subject contains the all information I need to know.
> In e1071 library, there are functions to tune parameters.
2008 Feb 25
Running randomForests on large datasets
I am trying to run randomForests on a datasets of size 500000X650 and
R pops up memory allocation error. Are there any better ways to deal
with large datasets in R, for example, Splus had something like
bigData library.
Thank you,
2006 Mar 09
R2.2.1-patched build failed with PGI 6.1 on x86-64
Hi All,
While attempting to build R-patched using the Portland Group compiler suite
on our dual Opteron 250 box running Scyld 29cz5 (based on RH, kernel
2.4.29), I get:
make[5]: Leaving directory
make[5]: Entering directory
pgcc -I../../../../include -I/include -I/include/CC -fpic
2004 Jan 30
MeetMe Video option
Hello All:
Has anyone configured a meetme conference to use video?
I have successfully used video phones to talk through *, but I cannot seem
to get video when those phones dial into a meetme conference.
Is there something else that I need to be doing other than set the "v" flag
on my extension for the meetme app?
2004 Oct 20
Q about strsplit and regexp
Dear R-help,
This one is probably a piece of cake for regexp masters. I'd like to split
a character vector (for simplicity, say of length one for now) that contains
fields that are delimited by arbitrary number of white spaces (e.g., " a b
c "). How do I get the character vector that contain the fields? In the
example I gave, I've tried:
> strsplit(" a b c
2004 Jul 29
RE: [S] tree function in R language
1. Could it be that your computer is behind a firewall? If so, try reading
the R for Windows FAQ.
2. Please ask R-related question on R-help instead of S-news.
> From: cheng wu
> Hi, Andy
> Thank you for your answer.
> Why I can't load CRAN packages?
> the error message is:
> > {a <- CRAN.packages()
> +
2004 Jul 26
installing problems repeated.tgz linux
i try several possibilities adn looking in the archive,
but didn't getting success to install j.lindsey's usefuel "library
repeated" on my linux (suse9.0 with kernel 2.6.7,R.1.9.1)
P.S. Windows, works fine
Many thanks for help
chris at linux:/space/downs> R CMD INSTALL - l /usr/lib/R/library repeated
WARNING: invalid package '-'
2006 Oct 19
Re : CI
Un texte encapsul? et encod? dans un jeu de caract?res inconnu a ?t? nettoy?...
Nom : non disponible
Url : https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/attachments/20061019/dc66a793/attachment.ksh