similar to: RFC: Ability to suppress 'locale' from sessionInfo

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "RFC: Ability to suppress 'locale' from sessionInfo"

2009 Aug 26
faulty formatting of toLatex(sessionInfo())
Dear all I am writing an Sweave document and have encountered formatting issues with the "locale" part of toLatex(sessionInfo()). The fact that there is no spaces between the various "locale" variables means that LaTeX cannot easily find an appropriate place to break the lines, and some will get printed off screen. Below is the text output, and this .pdf document [1] shows the
2015 Jul 07
[ on call
I'm rather puzzled by this behavior: e export("caption<-", "caption", "label", "label<-", "align<-", "align", "digits<-", "digits", "display<-", "display", "xtable", "print.xtable", "toLatex.xtable") > e[[1L]] e[[1L]] export >
2012 Dec 16
lyx knitr y toLatex
Hola. Estoy utilizando lyx con el módulo de knitr y tengo un problemilla con la función toLatex del paquete memisc. Pongo un ejemplo mejor. En Rstudio lo puedo hacer como sigue en un fichero Rnw. y la tabla en el pdf aparece alineada en el pdf. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{dcolumn} \begin{document} <<>>= library(memisc) X1 <- rnorm(1000) X2 <-
2011 Dec 16
R package BibTex entries: looking for a more general solution
Back in 2010 I raised this issue, and there was some discussion, The goal, then, as now is to have a way to produce a bibtex-clean .bib file (i.e., not requiring manual editing except in unusual circumstances) reflecting installed packages for use in writing where one often needs/wants to cite all packages used in a given
2012 Feb 07
xtable "beta" testing wanted
Dear R-users, I've enhanced the "xtable" package, adding numerous features that have been requested by users. The changes are listed below. The objective throughout has been to avoid any breaking changes. However, as "xtable" is widely used and is a dependency of many packages I'd like to have others try it out before I post it to CRAN. Both bug reports and design
2010 Dec 30
latex() etc.: How to nicely format a matrix for a LaTeX document?
Dear (T)eXpeRts, I try to create a LaTeX table from an R matrix for the first time. I am not sure what the "best" approach is, I just read about latex() from Hmisc (toLatex() didn't work). Consider the following minimal example: library(Hmisc) mat <- matrix(c(1,NA,3,100,10000,4), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE) latex(mat, file = "", booktabs = TRUE, numeric.dollar = FALSE,
2009 Aug 21
sessionInfo() fails to correctly detect locale settings
Dear R devels Yesterday I was slightly surprised to notice that R incorrectly detected some of the locale settings. I am not sure whether this is important, but I preferred to drop a message. In the R output below, some entries that should have been "en_GB.UTF-8" are presented as "C". Regards Liviu > sessionInfo() R version 2.9.1 (2009-06-26) x86_64-pc-linux-gnu locale:
2007 Sep 24
Sweave and ggplot2
Hi, I am trying to use ggplot2 graphics with Sweave, but I got problems with transparency support when generating pdf figures, even if I specify a ?pdf.version? argument in Sweave options. More precisely, forcing the pdf version by creating the file manually works : <<fig=FALSE,results=HIDE>>= pdf(version="1.4",file="foo.pdf") ggplot(d,aes(y=t,x=u)) +
2007 Jul 26
How to auto-scale cex of y-axis labels in lattice dotplot?
When I create a dotplot in lattice, I frequently observe overplotting of the labels along the vertical axis. On my screen, this illustrates overplotting of the letters: windows() reps=6 dat=data.frame(let=rep(letters,each=reps), grp=rep(1:reps, 26), y=runif(26*reps)) dotplot(let~y|grp, dat) Is there a way to automatically scale the labels so that they are not over-plotted? I currently do
2009 May 27
Changing point color/character in qqmath
Having solved this problem, I am posting this so that the next time I search for how to do this I will find an answer... Using qqmath(..., groups=num) creates a separate qq distribution for each group (within a panel). Using the 'col' or 'pch' argument does not (usually) work because panel.qqmath sorts the data (but not 'col' or 'pch') before plotting. Sorting
2011 Jun 05
reproduction archives
Hello Folks, As some of my old code broke when an updated package changed its interface, I started thinking about reproduction of analyses. It's not good enough to save our code - we have to save the package versions those analyses used as well as the R-core. I saw a couple references to "reproduction archives" around, but nothing specific. Is there any good way to package up
2008 Jan 15
Moving zfs to an iscsci equallogic LUN
We have a Mirror setup in ZFS that''s 73GB (two internal disks on a sun fire v440). We currently are going to attach this system to an Equallogic Box, and will attach an ISCSCI LUN from the Equallogic box to the v440 of about 200gb. The Equallogic Box is configured as a Hardware Raid 50 (two hot spares for redundancy). My question is what''s the best approach to moving the ZFS
2007 Dec 06
Segmented regression
Hello all, I have 3 time series (tt) that I've fitted segmented regression models to, with 3 breakpoints that are common to all, using code below (requires segmented package). However I wish to specifiy a zero coefficient, a priori, for the last segment of the KW series (green) only. Is this possible to do with segmented? If not, could someone point in a direction? The final goal is to
2016 Jun 18
/root is wrongly copied during update
For backuping system folders on ArchLinux I use the following command per folder: rsync --update -DHAErlptgo --relative --delete-during $dir $backupdir The problem is that every file in /root folder and its subfolders is copied each time when this command is run. In all other folders only new or modified files are copied. The files and the folder itself have the following attributes: [root at
2009 May 14
will one of you help me advocate a change in t.test (patch attached)
I wish the t.test function in stats would return the standard error. It would be nicer for students if R simply reported the standard error used to calculate the t value. I trolled for this in r-help and got no answers, which I interpreted to mean that this is boring but possibly not wrong. Hopefully. I believe only simple changes are needed. In the source code src/library/stats/t.test.R file:
2006 Dec 12
ZFS Storage Pool advice
This question is concerning ZFS. We have a Sun Fire V890 attached to a EMC disk array. Here''s are plan to incorporate ZFS: On our EMC storage array we will create 3 LUNS. Now how would ZFS be used for the best performance? What I''m trying to ask is if you have 3 LUNS and you want to create a ZFS storage pool, would it be better to have a storage pool per LUN or combine the 3
2005 Dec 29
'sessionInfo()' instead of 'version'
In a private response to Tony Plate's suggestion to replace version() output with sessionInfo() in R-help requests, > roger koenker wrote: >> Thanks for this, it would seem useful to have version numbers for >> the packages too? and Tony replied, > > Sounds sensible to me! If I were you I'd send a message to R-devel > suggesting this. AFAIK, some changes to
2006 Jul 01
The ZFS Read / Write roundabout
Hey all - Was playing a little with zfs today and noticed that when I was untarring a 2.5gb archive both from and onto the same spindle in my laptop, I noticed that the bytes red and written over time was seesawing between approximately 23MB/s and 0MB/s. It seemed like we read and read and read till we were all full up, then wrote until we were empty, and so the cycle went. Now: as it happens,
2012 May 04
add sessionInfo() option to "save"
Hi All, I was wondering if there would be any interest in adding an option to the "save" function in R that I think would be useful. I was thinking that it might be useful to have an option that would generate a ".sessionInfo" variable that contains the output of "sessionInfo()", and adds it to the list of objects to be saved. This way, whenever an RData object is
2009 Sep 03
Suggestion: Allow packages to add additional information to sessionInfo()
Hi, sessionInfo() has been proven really useful, but you still often have to ask for additional information in order to help troubleshooting. For instance, for troubleshooting the aroma.affymetrix, it is very helpful to know what the current working directory is, for other packages certain system environment variables might be useful and so on. One solution could be to provide support for hook