similar to: Cannot install some packages (PR#13559)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Cannot install some packages (PR#13559)"

2009 May 07
Running R in Ubuntu...really basic..sorry
Hi, I've actually run R quite a bit in Windows. I've had a release 8.04 of Ubuntu running a laptop for 3 days now. After struggling for much of that time to install R, I finally figured out that Dell shipped with the sources.list obsolete or just plain wrong. So I finally got it installed last night (for some reason v2.6.2, not v2.9.x). This morning I was able to download and install
2009 Jul 02
MCMC/Bayesian framework in R?
Dear R-users (and developers), I am looking for an efficient framework to carry out parameter estimations based on MCMC (optionally with specified priors). My goal is as follow: * take ANY R-function returning a likelihood-value (this function may itself call external programmes or other code!) * run a sampler that covers the multidimensional parameter space (thus creating a posterior
2009 Jun 26
Installing Packages in R - slight bump in the road
Hi, sorry this is so basic but I feel I'm so close to being able to sit quietly in a corner and do exactly what I planned from the start that I thought I would ask. All I want is to do is to run R (2.9.0 finally up and running!, struggling a bit with ESS but I'll get there) and use it to learn Bayesian analysis and some similar stuff. Actually I bought Peter Dalgaard's
2008 Jul 04
education task view
Dear R-Devel, I have had it in my mind for some time now that a Task View related to R and education might be a good thing. There are currently 19 Task Views, covering a broad spectrum of general topics for which R may be used. The homepage lists 64 books related to R, and several of them have accompanying packages on CRAN. There is a wiki and a host of contributed documentation. We also have a
2018 Feb 17
RV: no puedo cargar el paquete "agricolae"
Cada vez que intento cargar el paquete "agricolae" me da el siguiente mensaje: Error: package or namespace load failed for 'agricolae' in loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[i]]): there is no package called 'spData' He intentado todo actualizar los paquetes, volverlos a instalar pero no hay forma. Si sabeis la solución ?? Un saludo. Juan
2009 Oct 25
different plot symbols in key using xyplot
I'm using xyplot in a very simple way---a scatter plot of several data sets. I'm having a problem getting auto.key to display different point characters. The following produces a plot that employes different colors, all with pch(1), for the different groups, with a matching key. xyplot(Force~Time, rawData, groups=Sample, panel = panel.superpose, auto.key=TRUE) The following
2006 Jan 25
nfs and pop3
Hi, I'm working with dovecot 1.0.beta2 for pop3 only and have set index=memory, so no indizes are created on the disk. pop3_uidl_format is set to %f. The maildirs are located on an nfs-share. So generally, this setup is very similar to what qmail-popup and qmail-pop3d does. However, everytime I'm switching from qmail-pop3d to dovecot, the system load increases from less than 2 to more
2009 May 14
Bayesian 2*2 table independence test
Dear list, I'd like to test the null hypothesis of independence in a 2*2 contingency table in a Bayesian way. As far as I can see, this can be done by the function ctable in library LearnBayes. (More precisely, a Bayes factor can be computed.) Two questions: 1) Is there any other package/function than can be used for this in a more or less straightforward manner? 2) The ctable help page
2011 Nov 29
[SOLVED]looking for beta parameters
I managed to solve the problem myself without using this code. thx 2011-11-24 12:26 keltezéssel, Kehl Dániel írta: > Dear Community, > > I am trying to write code for the following problem. > Lets assume we have a beta distribution. > I know one quantile, lets say, 10% of the mass lies above .8, that is > between .8 and 1. > In addition, I know that the average of this
2018 Jan 27
2 panics, 1 segmentation fault in dovecot 2.3.0 (fts)
Hi, While testing our migration to dovecot 2.3.0, we encountered 2 panics, 1 segmentation fault while we wanted to rebuild the solr indizes. Problem [1] was encountered while rebuilding the indizes, and now I don't know how many mails/documents are indexed or where it got stuck. [2] and [3] encountered while just playing around, since I did not know of "tokenize" and did not find a
2010 Feb 17
Problems with xyplot
Hello I wonder whether someone can tell me what I am doing wrong. Here is the code (from Bayesian Computation with R - Chapter 2.3.R) that I am trying to run #################################### # Section 2.3 Using a Discrete Prior #################################### # Close all graphics rm(list=ls()) # Clear all variables library(LearnBayes)
2007 Mar 25
anonymous mailing list archive configuration?
Hi, I'd like to run a mailing list archive via IMAP like for this list but my mails are in maildir and not mbox. It's easy to add a new user that has access to the maildir that mails get stored in, and I can simply link that up to that user's inbox. It's also easy to prevent putting mail into that folder. However, one thing I'm not clear on is how to prevent that user from
2004 Nov 19
.INBOX required?
Hi, Newbie to Dovecot and IMAP in general. The system in question is RH 9, Dovecot 0.99.11, Maildir, accessing mail with SquirrelMail, Thunderbird, Kmail, Mutt, Entourage and I've set up the maildir for users in ~/Maildir. Inside that I have other folders, .Sent, .Drafts, .Trash, .Junk, .MakeJunk, .MakeGood. ~/Maildir itself has the cur, new, and tmp folders, but I note that there
2008 Aug 16
Dealing with NaN's in data frames
I am looking for the most efficient way to replace all occurrences of NaN in a data frame with NA. I can do this with a double loop, but it seems that there should be a higher level and more efficient way. With, I could use ifelse, but if.nan seems not to have similar capabilities. TIA, Jon Peck Jon K. Peck [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2004 Dec 14
deploying dspam
Hi everyone, I've been thinking of phasing out my spamassassin installation (it's hardly doing me any good these days) in favour of dspam. Now since I'm working on this anyway, I thought I'd configure it so when users get any spam, it is delivered into a special folder. I figure I need the 1.0 test series for this, so I can make that folder fixed. But, I also want to allow
2009 Mar 17
Interview: Jon Peck on SPSS, R ,Python ...
Dear List, I recently got the chance to interview Jon Peck of SPSS Inc, a pioneering technical statistician working since 1983 (when there were only two substantial statistical software companies as per him ;) (not anymore ;) and currently he is a Principal Software Engineer and Technical Advisor at SPSS. Jon talks of SPSS Inc's involvement with the Open Source, of scripting languages
2010 Feb 26
[LLVMdev] VIM mode line comments
Is it kosher to include vim mode line comments inside of LLVM source files? I would like to do this inside of the MicroBlaze backend to ensure that tabs are expanded into exactly two spaces. I see that right now the following files have these vim mode line comments: include/llvm/ADT/SetVector.h lib/Archive/ArchiveInternals.h lib/Linker/LinkModules.cpp lib/Transforms/IPO/DeadTypeElimination.cpp
2013 Feb 05
[LLVMdev] The MBlaze backend: can we remove it?
The MBlaze backend seems to be essentially unmaintained since 2011. The maintainer (Wesley Peck who is BCC'ed) seems to have vanished, and in fact all emails to him are bouncing. I propose to remove the MBlaze backend on Friday if none step forward as a maintainer. Currently, folks are having to keep it up to date when changing shared parts of the backend with no help. -Chandler
2010 Oct 22
[LLVMdev] [PATCH] Configurable machine type in ELFObjectWriter
I've been working on ELF object support for the MicroBlaze backend and found that ELFObjectWriter assumes the x86/x86-64 architecture. Attached is a patch that makes the 16-bit e_machine value in the ELF header configurable by the target backend. Right now the target backend simply passes the 16-bit value that it would like to use in the ELF header. I have considered a second approach where
2002 Jun 15
refman.pdf - bookmarks & links broken (PR#1677)
Full_Name: Michael Peck Version: 1.5.0 (12 Jun patch) OS: win2k + sp2 Submission from: (NULL) ( Bookmarks from table of contents as well as links in text and index do not work. Using Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 9/24/01. [Same behavior was noted in Acrobat reader 4.0, so I downloaded the most recent version]. OS is Win 2k, R was installed from SetupRpatched.exe dated 12 June 02. This