Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Buggy trellis.focus() with xyplot in JavaGD ?"
2008 Nov 19
Buggy trellis.focus() with xyplot ?
(Tried to find a bug report about this issue, but was unable to find it, let
me know if this is a known issue)
I have been working on an interface to highlight xyplot panels on mouse
overs in JavaGD but I have stumbled with what seems to be a bug in
I am using R 2.8 with lattice 0.17-15
*** To replicate the bug:
1.- display an xyplot. For example, from the xyplot help page:
2007 Aug 22
gWidgets (tcltk): problem extracting values from widgets in glayout grid
I haven't been able to find an example for the second case below -- or
perhaps I didn't recognize it when I saw it.
Is there a value for x such that svalue(x) will return "bbb", either by
itself or as part of an array? Or do I need to do something else
(R2.5.1; Windows XP)
> #### gWidgets test
> options("guiToolkit"="tcltk")
2012 Nov 30
How to add widgets of gWidgets to widgets of rgtk2 ???
I have a layout in gwidgets. To this, I wanted to add a Textbox(gtkEntry)
created from rgtk2...
The code is as follows:
MainLayOut <- glayout(homogeneous = FALSE, spacing = 10, container =
MainLayOut[1, 1, anchor=left] <- "Number of Total Patients: "
font(MainLayOut[1, 1, anchor=left]) <- c(weight="bold")
patients <- gtkEntry()
2012 Sep 09
[Bug 54681] New: Connecting TV to second DVI port of 9600GT card causes GPU lockup and Xorg crash
Bug #: 54681
Summary: Connecting TV to second DVI port of 9600GT card causes
GPU lockup and Xorg crash
Classification: Unclassified
Product: xorg
Version: unspecified
Platform: x86-64 (AMD64)
OS/Version: Linux (All)
Status: NEW
2007 May 12
[Bug 10927] New: segmentation fault in NVUploadToScreen, called from exaPutImage
Summary: segmentation fault in NVUploadToScreen, called from
Product: xorg
Version: git
Platform: x86-64 (AMD64)
OS/Version: Linux (All)
Status: NEW
Severity: normal
Priority: medium
Component: Driver/nouveau
2009 Mar 21
Forestplot () box size question
Hi All,
I have been able to modify the x-axis to start at zero by adding xlow
and xhigh parameters; that was pretty simple. I have been unable to
find the location of the code that would turn off the information
weighting of the box size (I have smaller randomized trials getting
less weight than a much larger non-randomized trial). The function
is forestplot() from rmeta.
Thanks for any
2011 Oct 25
R fails when converting units using Hershey-Fonts
I run into some problems when trying to convert units using Hershey-Fonts: R chrashes.
> library(grid)
> label <- "some text"
> pushViewport(viewport(gp=gpar(fontfamily="HersheySerif")))
> convertHeight(stringHeight(label), unitTo="mm")
*** caught segfault ***
address 0xadc838f8, cause 'memory not mapped'
2006 Jul 19
Can someone please help im trying to use JGR' version 1.4-2 on a IBM
Thinkcentre P4 with windows xp with the R v2.3.1, but any time I try and
plot or use JavaGD I get this error
> plot(1:10)
Error in JavaGD() : unable to start device JavaGD
In addition: Warning message:
Another VM is running already and the VM did not allow me to append paths to
the class path. in:
2011 Dec 14
JavaGD package
Am trying to install package JGR and, by necessity, JavaGD on a few
Linux platforms. R rev. 2.14.0. Had some success on one platform, but
am running into a problem on a new platform. I installed rJava, JavaGD,
iplots, and JGR. Things went - I thought - without a hitch. Now, when
I try to use JGR, I start R and issue the command "library(JGR)" and get
an error message:
Error in
2007 Mar 17
Font in JavaGD() & pdf()
Dear r-helpers,
When I do an xYplot and display the result in a JavaGD() window, the
font is sans-serif (presumably Helvetica). When I send the figure to
a pdf, I get a serif font (presumably times). How do I insure that
the font in the pdf is indeed the default sans serif?
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.4.1 (2006-12-18)
attached base packages:
2009 Sep 24
unexpected behavior of `[<-` method for class unit.arithmetic
Dear list,
Consider the following,
w = unit.c(unit(1, "in"), unit(2, "in"))
w2 = w + unit(1, "mm")
w[2] <- 0
w2[2] <- 0
convertUnit(w, "mm")
#[1] 25.4mm 0mm
convertUnit(w2, "mm")
#Error in grid.Call("L_convert", x, as.integer(whatfrom),
as.integer(whatto), :
# INTEGER() can only be applied to a
2009 Jun 26
gradient fill of a grid.polygon
Dear list,
Following a recent enquiry, I've been playing with the idea of creating a
colour gradient for a polygon, using the Grid package. The idea is to draw a
number of stripes of different colours, using the grid.clip function. Below
is my current attempt at this,
rotate.polygon <- function(g, angle=0){ # utility function, works fine
matR <- matrix(c(cos(angle),
2008 Oct 23
Getting the panel location of a xyplot matrix using a mouse click in a GDCanvas
I would like to find out the panel of a xyplot matrix where a mouse clicked.
I know this functionality is already bundled in trellis.focus but I can't
use it because I am coding a stand alone application in Java using with
GDCanvas as a graphics device.
I tried calling trellis.focus from Java with:
re.eval("t = trellis.focus()"));
However it did not work for an embedded
2013 Apr 23
Automation of R input
Hi all,
I have R script which during its run require an input like this:
choose between one of the grouping factor available :
c("Village", "Country")
can I automate this part, in other word to pass for example Village when I
am running the script.
One more thing the script is the TimeSeriesAnalysis {ndvits}.
Thanks in advance for any help or suggestion.
2009 Sep 28
re trieve user input from an tcl/tk interface
Hello everyone,
this is my first post here and I hope I signed up correctly and someone will
take me by the hand and help me out. I am new to R and cannot figure out
what to do here...
... I want to have an User Interface that requests input. I want to save
this input to a variable to use it later on. I was able to do this with a
modalDiaglog (
2002 Feb 26
few idea about dealing with "Large Roaming Profiles"
I put it here. All the experience gained in about-half-an-year-management
of Samba-PDC + numerous NT4 workstations is included. Also, I'd be glad to
hear from you what did I miss!
1) when NT4-workstations are organised into "domain", there's some
action assosiated to this: "to log into domain".
samba ain such case acts as PDC (primary domain controller),
2011 Mar 04
Creating a .png with just an expression() in it
I'm trying to create an image file with the results of a regression
analysis. In TeX, the line would be something like:
$ size = 0.34 + 4.3 var_1 $
Can I create a plot window with just this line in it? I tried playing
around with plot.new() or dev.new(), but didn't really find something
that worked.
Thanks in advance,
alexx at alexx-fett:~$ vi .emacs
2004 Jun 28
text length in grid
Hello! I first would like to compliment the authors of grid on what has been
a wonderfully useful package for me. Now, my question: Is there any way I
can specify the size of some grid.text using grid units?
I must label the regions of a plot. The regions can be either very small or
very large, so I would like to label each by fitting its text to the size of
the region in question. Ideally, I
2008 Oct 17
Using key.opts in Ecdf/labcurve (Hmisc package)
I'm presumably missing something very obvious, but how does one use the
key.opts argument in labcurve (via Ecdf)?
In this example, I want the key to be big and have a blue background, but
it isn't and doesn't.
ch <- rnorm(1000, 200, 40)
sex <- factor(sample(c('female','male'), 1000, TRUE))
Ecdf(~ch, group=sex, label.curves=list(keys=c("f",
2007 Mar 25
controlling panel.width and panel.height in viewports
Dear all,
I'm trying to get a series of lattice levelplots to appear in
viewports in a particular way but struggling to exert fine control
over their appearence. There are two conditions: (a) I only want the
levelplot to appear (I don't want axes, colour key, etc) in the
viewport and (b) I want the levelplot to expand to the maximum
allowable space in the viewport while observing