similar to: changed behaviour of 'get' in 2.8.0: request for unchange

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "changed behaviour of 'get' in 2.8.0: request for unchange"

2008 Nov 19
rkward on Ubuntu heron with R2.8.0
I am running R on Ubuntu Heron. I recently updated to R 2.8.0 from the default (2.6) in the Ubuntu heron repository by adding deb hardy/ I updated all packages installed in /usr/lib/R/site-library and those in my home directory /home/duncan/R/i486-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.6 without obvious issues. I installed adehabitat and gpclib, which should be good
2008 Nov 13
growing a list sequentially -- memory management
hello, i have something like: out<-list() for(i in 1:n){ data<-gen(...) #fixed size data out[[i]]<- fun(data) } > object.size(out[[1]]) 6824 In principle 1 GB should allow n = 1024^3/6824 = 157347? i have about 2GB are not taken by other processes. however, I can see the memory shrinking quite rapidly on my system monitor and have to stop the simulation after only n=300. why
2011 Jun 09
a bug in
Hi Allen and list, See the code below.? I've tried it on R2.13 and R2.8.0 using either 1.3 or the latest.? All gave the same results.? The problem is in the last line: when I tried to plot two different color bars, the one corresponding to "cm.colors(10)" is not correct (it starts with one black and one red.? Not sure where they're from?) Any ideas? Thanks!
2009 Feb 27
Sweave doesn't do csv.get()
Hi Everybody I use R2.8.0 on Mac OS X. I set up LyX 1.6.1 to use Sweave today. I can compile the test file I found on CRAN ( without a problem and the output looks very nice. In the test file the following R code is used. <<myFirstChunkInLyX>>= xObs <- 100; xMean <- 10; xVar <- 9 x <- rnorm(n=xObs, mean=xMean, sd=sqrt(xVar))
2009 Mar 20
how to make aggregation in R ?
Hi, I am trying to aggregate the sum of my test data.frame as follow: testDF <- data.frame(v1 = c("a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "b", "b", "b", "b", "b", "c", "c", "c", "c", "c", "d", "d", "d", "d",
2008 Dec 01
Coercing a list of variables in a function call
This is hopefully a trivial problem for list subscribers, but I am very new to writing R functions. I wish to call an R function written by myself from another program to fit a model. I need to tell it which of the independent variables are factors. I need to do this in a generic way, so that when the list is passed, R will work through the variables in the data frame and coerce them into being
2008 Jun 17
read.spss {foreign} doesn't work over network?
I'm unable to open an SPSS file over my network. If I copy it to my local C:/ drive I can read it. I saved the command (in a "crib sheet" text file) in order to avoid all the typing, so I'm pretty sure I've done it before. I verified that the file I'm trying to read is OK. This is what happens: > SurveyData <-
2009 Feb 01
possible memory leak involving looping, optimization, and gam
When I run the gam function as part of an optimization and do the optimization many times using a loop, I'm finding that memory use increases over time (based on simply monitoring top). Below is some example code that involves varying the penalty parameter in gam, trying to find the value that gives exactly 50 edf for a simple smoothing problem. I thought I would post to the list to see if
2009 May 18
R 2.9.0 slower than R 2.8.1 for the data.frame function
Dear developers, I have noticed difference in computation time for the data.frame function between R2.9.0 and R2.8.1. The older release is more efficient: typically, R2.9.0 spends three more time in the data.frame function. Therefore, when many calls of this kind is done inside a function, the additional time spent with R2.9.0 may be several minutes. Looking at the profiling results (see file
2008 Nov 15
PostScript File Dimensions
Hi List, here I go again. Well I need to save plotted objects as .eps using the postscript() function, well I can do that but all resulting object are perfect squared dimensions (x = y). I need a rectangular output something like x = 2y dimension. Is it possible? The I’m new to R and postscript image format! I’m doing this…
2009 Mar 04
inserting lines in large data set
Hello, I need to insert a line after every eigth row (group/suset) which should contains the following: <(an incremented ID),0,1,1,1,1> I have two problems with constructing my code: 1. I am getting NAs in three of the columns and 2) I can not find a way to write the ID (group name) at the beginning of the inserted line. Below the # sign I show one of the ways I tried from a variation
2008 Oct 05
trouble with character \u00e2
Greetings R-wizards: For historical reasons I have filenames with the character "?" and have successfully used "\u00e2" in its place, with the hoped-for result on all my on-screen plots. However since R2.7.0 I have trouble with savePlot() when the file name includes that character as it does in this example: savePlot(paste("diagnostic ? vs a ", file.label,
2008 Sep 03
ugly plots with xlim/ylim exceeding data range (changed since R2.6.1)
The behaviour of the plot function when used with xlim/ylim and the matplot function as in the following simple example changed between R2.6.1 and 2.7.0+ producing ugly plots in the new versions. In case of plot it looks like the pretty function is called with wrong arguments (i.e. range of supplied data rather than values of xlim and ylim): m = matrix(c(-0.033, 0.009, 0.064, 0.050, 0.097,
2007 Jan 03
pre-1.0.rc6 / index file problems? try this
People who have had "duplicate header extension" and whatever other random index file corruption problems, please see if this fixes anything: The change is also in the latest nightly snapshot ( nightly/dovecot-latest.tar.gz). You could in general treat the latest snapshot as "pretty much the
2010 Aug 21
Speed improvement to evalList
I've been inspired to look at the R source code by some strange timing results that I wrote about on my blog at (see the posts on "Speeding up parentheses..." and "Two surprising things...". I discovered that the strange speed advantage of curly brackets over parentheses is partially explained by an inefficiency in the evalList and
1999 Apr 08
Keep-timestamp-in-`get'-patch for smbclient in samba-2.0.3
-------- --Multipart_Thu_Apr__8_13:33:51_1999-1 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Hello guys, I always wondered why smbclient keeps timestamp in `put'ting a file but does not keep it in `get'ting a file. Alternative to keep the time stamp in `get'ting file is to use -Tc option or smbtar script, but they are a bit hairy for interactive use, and it can only dump files with an
2017 Jan 04
On 1/4/17 1:26 AM, Martin Maechler wrote: >>>>>> Mick Jordan <mick.jordan at> >>>>>> on Tue, 3 Jan 2017 07:57:15 -0800 writes: > > This is a message for someone familiar with the implementation. > > Superficially the R code for seq.default and the C code for > > appear to be semantically very
2002 Jan 07
Mishandling missing "..." (PR#1247)
R> myfun <- function(x, ...) {x[...] <- 0; x} R> myfun(3) Error in myfun(3) : SubAssignArgs: invalid number of arguments It fails because no ... was passed. The workaround (and desired behavior) is: R> myfun <- function(x, ...) {if (missing(...)) x[] <- 0 else x[...] <- 0; x} R> myfun(3) [1] 0 Deja vu? This is the one piece of my PR#1110 (Oct 3, 2001) that I
2020 Jun 23
Currently, when mget() is used to get the value of a function's argument with no default value and no value in the call it returns the empty name (R_MissingArg). Is that the right thing to do or should it return 'ifnotfound' or give an error? E.g., > a <- (function(x) { y <- "y from function's environment"; mget(c("x","y","z"),
2023 Nov 15
saveRDS()/readRDS() on environments
Dear r-devel, I was surprised to see that saveRDS() and readRDS() work quite well with environments, see below: ``` z <- 3 # in global env y <- new.env() y$a <- 1 x <- new.env(parent = y) x$b <- 2 saveRDS(x, "x.RDS") # in a new session x <- readRDS("x.RDS") y <- parent.env(x) x$b #> [1] 2 y$a #> [1] 1 parent.env(y) #> <environment: