similar to: unique.default problem (PR#12551)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "unique.default problem (PR#12551)"

2011 Dec 02
1.6x speedup for requal() function (in R/src/main/unique.c)
Hi, FWIW: /* Taken from R/src/main/unique.c */ static int requal(SEXP x, int i, SEXP y, int j) { if (i < 0 || j < 0) return 0; if (!ISNAN(REAL(x)[i]) && !ISNAN(REAL(y)[j])) return (REAL(x)[i] == REAL(y)[j]); else if (R_IsNA(REAL(x)[i]) && R_IsNA(REAL(y)[j])) return 1; else if (R_IsNaN(REAL(x)[i]) && R_IsNaN(REAL(y)[j])) return 1;
2007 Aug 23
missing --vanilla option in INSTALL (PR#9877)
Full_Name: Vilmos Prokaj Version: 2.5.1 OS: windows Submission from: (NULL) ( I'm not sure that this is really a bug, if not I do not understand why should it be in this way. Most of the scripts used to build and install new packages calls the R program with the --slave --vanilla command line options. In the INSTALL script however we can find the following lines
2006 Nov 21
packBits (PR#9374)
Full_Name: Prokaj Vilmos Version: R 2-4-0 OS: Windows Submission from: (NULL) ( PackBits(rbinom(32,1,0.5)==1,"integer") does not work. z<-packBits(rbinom(32,1,.5)==1,"integer") Error in packBits(x, type) : argument 'x' must be raw, integer or logical Taking a closer look at the C code main/character.c do_packBits rutin one can find the following
2008 Oct 15
aggregate(empty data.frame) (PR#13167)
Full_Name: Vilmos Prokaj Version: R-2..7.1 OS: Win XP Submission from: (NULL) ( The 'aggregate' function on an empty data.frame generate an error, however it should return according to the documentation an empty data.frame. e.g. z<-data.frame(a=integer(0),b=numeric(0)) aggregate(z,by=z[1],FUN=sum) In a more realistic situation 'z' is of the form
2019 Sep 29
speed up R_IsNA, R_IsNaN for vector input
Dear R developers, I spotted that R_isNA and R_IsNaN could be improved when applied on a vector where we could take out small part of their logic, run it once, and then reuse inside the loop. I setup tiny plain-C experiment. Taking R_IsNA, R_IsNaN from R's arithmetic.c, and building R_vIsNA and R_vIsNaN accordingly. For double input of size 1e9 (having some NA and NaN) I observed following
2020 Jan 01
New R function is.nana = & !is.nan
Hello R-devel, Best wishes in the new year. I am writing to kindly request new R function so NA_real_ can be more easily detected. Currently if one wants to test for NA_real_ (but not NaN) then extra work has to be done: ` & !is.nan(x)` Required functionality is already at C level so to address my request there is not that much to do. Kevin Ushey made a nice summary of current R C api
2020 Jan 02
New R function is.nana = & !is.nan
"nana" is meant to express "NA, really NA". Your suggestion sounds good. On Thu 2 Jan, 2020, 3:38 AM Pages, Herve, <hpages at> wrote: > Happy New Year everybody! > > The name (is.nana) doesn't make much sense to me. Can you explain it? > > One alternative would be to add an extra argument (e.g. 'strict') to > FALSE by
2004 Oct 22
Incompatibility between R-2.0.0 and Rggobi_1.0-0.
Hello, I was trying to install Rggobi in the latest version of R and it gave me a compilation error for R CMD INSTALL Rggobi_1.0-0.tar.gz RSGGobi.C: In function RS_GGOBI_init (R_IsNaNorNA) undeclared (line 77) I searched for this function in R src files and it was abandoned in ~/R-2.0.0/src/include/R_ext/Arith.h file. Only functions int R_IsNA(double); /* True for R's NA only */
2009 Jul 14
Incorrect comment about ISNA(x) in Arith.h (PR#13826)
R-2.9.0/include/R_ext/Arith.h has: int R_IsNA(double); /* True for R's NA only */ int R_IsNaN(double); /* True for special NaN, *not* for NA */ int R_finite(double); /* True if none of NA, NaN, +/-Inf */ #define ISNA(x) R_IsNA(x) /* True for *both* NA and NaN. The first and last lines are contradictory - if R_IsNA is true only for NA, not NaN, then ISNA should be the same.
2014 Feb 10
Question re: NA, NaNs in R
Hi R-devel, I have a question about the differentiation between NA and NaN values as implemented in R. In arithmetic.c, we have int R_IsNA(double x) { if (isnan(x)) { ieee_double y; y.value = x; return (y.word[lw] == 1954); } return 0; } ieee_double is just used for type punning so we can check the final bits and see if they're equal to 1954; if they are, x is NA, if they're
2009 Jan 08
STAR_0.2-2 on CRAN
Hi all, The new version of STAR (0.2-2) is now available on CRAN. * An error in function varianceTime has been corrected (thanks to Chong Gu). * The vignette has been updated. * A new vignette is available on STAR web sire: * The new goodness-of-fit test for spike train models announced in the previous release in now fully functional
2009 Jan 08
STAR_0.2-2 on CRAN
Hi all, The new version of STAR (0.2-2) is now available on CRAN. * An error in function varianceTime has been corrected (thanks to Chong Gu). * The vignette has been updated. * A new vignette is available on STAR web sire: * The new goodness-of-fit test for spike train models announced in the previous release in now fully functional
2019 Sep 30
speed up R_IsNA, R_IsNaN for vector input
On 9/29/19 1:09 PM, Jan Gorecki wrote: > Dear R developers, > > I spotted that R_isNA and R_IsNaN could be improved when applied on a > vector where we could take out small part of their logic, run it once, > and then reuse inside the loop. Dear Jan, Looking at your examples, I just see you have hand-inlined R_IsNA/R_IsNaN, or is there anything more? In principle we could put
2010 Jan 22
Optimizing C code
Hi the list, I need to write some efficient distances function, so I read the code for the Euclidean distance. I do not understand the purpose of the line 11 : if x[i] and y[i] are not NA (line 9), can dev be NA ? Christophe #define both_FINITE(a,b) (R_FINITE(a) && R_FINITE(b)) #define both_non_NA(a,b) (!ISNAN(a) && !ISNAN(b)) 1. static double R_euclidean2(double *x, double
2020 Jan 01
New R function is.nana = & !is.nan
Happy New Year everybody! The name (is.nana) doesn't make much sense to me. Can you explain it? One alternative would be to add an extra argument (e.g. 'strict') to FALSE by default, and ignored (with or w/o a warning) when the type of 'x' is not "numeric". H. On 12/31/19 22:16, Jan Gorecki wrote: > Hello R-devel, > > Best wishes in the new
2006 Mar 17
[PATCH] OpenSSL RNG initialization
Hi, dovecot tries to use OpenSSL's PRNG to generate random numbers if there is no /dev/urandom found. Unfortunately, it is flawed in its present form, since the PRNG is not seeded before RAND_bytes() is called in src/lib/randgen.c (on systems which have /dev/urandom, OpenSSL automatically seeds its PRNG from the urandom device). Here's a patch to address this issue: it tries to seed
2005 Jan 05
Standalone Mathlib, C++ and ISNAN()
In the hope of some meaningful response and ignoring the risk of further abuse, let me try to clarify the issue here. I have re-read the 'Writing R Extensions' manual. It seems to me that it clearly says R API functions can be called from from C++ programs, and the API includes the special values ISNAN() and R_FINITE() and the missing test ISNA(). R_FINITE is no problem. It is
2006 Apr 02
1.0.beta4 released
I haven't had yet time to read all the mails in this list which I skipped in the last few of weeks. I'll try to get to them eventually. This release contains several new features which haven't been fully tested yet, such as ACLs, master users and Maildir++ quota. If you intend to use them, test them properly first. This is the first Dovecot release where it's supposed to work
2010 Feb 22
shash in unique.c
Looking at shash in unique.c, from R-2.10.1 I'm wondering if it makes sense to hash the pointer itself rather than the string it points to? In other words could the SEXP pointer be cast to unsigned int and the usual scatter be called on that as if it were integer? shash would look like a slightly modified version of ihash like this : static int shash(SEXP x, int indx, HashData *d) {
2009 May 08
anyDuplicated(incomp=NA) fails
With today's R 2.10.0(devel) I get: > anyDuplicated(c(1,NA,3,NA,5), incomp=NA) # expect 0 Warning: stack imbalance in 'anyDuplicated', 20 then 21 Warning: stack imbalance in '.Internal', 19 then 20 Warning: stack imbalance in '{', 17 then 18 [1] 0 > anyDuplicated(c(1,NA,3,NA,3), incomp=NA) # expect 5 Warning: stack imbalance in 'anyDuplicated', 20 then 21