similar to: the C function drawing a rectangle: heatmap() -> image() -> do_image() -> GRect() -> GERect() -> rect() -> do_rect() -> GRect() ??

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 120 matches similar to: "the C function drawing a rectangle: heatmap() -> image() -> do_image() -> GRect() -> GERect() -> rect() -> do_rect() -> GRect() ??"

1997 May 11
R-alpha: Logarithmic scales
Here are another three problems with logarithmic scales: 1) segments() does not work with logarithmic scales. I suggest to change lines 962-973 in "plot.c": for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (FINITE(xt(x0[i%nx0])) && FINITE(yt(y0[i%ny0])) && FINITE(xt(x1[i%nx1])) && FINITE(yt(y1[i%ny1]))) { GP->col = INTEGER(col)[i % ncol];
2012 Mar 13
111 FIXMEs in main/src
Hi, We sometimes see offers to contribute, asking what needs to be done. If they know C, how about the 111 FIXMEs? But which ones would be most useful to fix? Which are difficult and which are easy? Does R-core have a process to list and prioritise the FIXMEs? ~/R/Rtrunk/src/main$ grep "[^/]FIXME" * | wc -l 111 ~/R/Rtrunk/src/main$ grep -A 1 "[^/]FIXME" * arithmetic.c:/*
2008 Dec 13
Using R graphics from external C functions
Dear all, I haven't been working with R before, but has been asked by my colleagues to investigate the possibility of using R plotting capabilities from external (C) code. They have several plotting functions, implemented in R, that are needed to be included in a front-end Windows-based application. As far as I understood, R.dll is a dll that serves external R calls. 1) My first question is
1999 Nov 13
May I raise the issue of the behaviour of image()? In image() dim(z) is supposed to be c(length(x), length(y)). This suggests that the user is supplying the midpoints of the rectangles. For all but the outer rectangles this is true. The outer rectangles, however, are only displayed in half width. So it is not possible to show correctly an image plot of equally-spaced abscissa. I would hazard
2005 Sep 13
Rect.i and patch for wxRect.h
These files implement the wxRect class. I couldn''t think of any particular reason not to implement this. Roy _______________________________________________ wxruby-users mailing list
2011 Nov 09
Are there equivalents to xblocks or rect that can be used with plot.xts?
I would like to add vertical shaded blocks in plot.xts graphs (like recession periods in FRED graphs) The reason I use plot.xts instead of plot.zoo is that I like the fact that the grid is automatically aligned with major ticks in plot.xts. xblocks() and rect() do not seem to work with plot.xts (only with plot.zoo). Are there any alternative methods that work with plot.xts? Thanks. -- View
2012 Aug 26
[ wxruby-Bugs-29632 ] Missing "=" in rect.rb
Bugs item #29632, was opened at 2012-08-26 08:38 You can respond by visiting: Category: Incorrect behavior Group: None Status: Open Resolution: None Priority: 3 Submitted By: mark wonttell (runnerle) Assigned to: Nobody (None) Summary: Missing "=" in rect.rb Initial Comment: Hello, in rect.rb on line
2000 Nov 29
abline() AND rect() do not obey "xpd" (clipping) (PR#750)
>>>>> "MM" == Martin Maechler <> writes: MM> This is not a bug in the very strict sense, MM> but for consistency, MM> I feel that MM> abline() MM> should obey par("xpd") setting, even by ...-argument. MM> The following code shows how lines() ``works'' and abline() does not :
2004 Apr 05
rect.hclust fails when k is specified (PR#6740)
Full_Name: Ivan Egorov Version: 1.8.1 OS: MS Windows 2000, SP4 Submission from: (NULL) ( V<-t(matrix(scan('C:/V3.dat'),3)) d<-dist(V) hc<-hclust(d) rect.hclust(hc,5) Error message is displayed: Read 24 items Error in rect(m[which[n]] + 0.66, par("usr")[3], m[which[n] + 1] + 0.33, : has not been called yet Here's my data file
2006 Oct 19
bug in rect (PR#9307)
Full_Name: Joe Voelkel Version: 2.4.0 OS: Windows XP Submission from: (NULL) ( Using "border=NA" in the call to rect generates an error. But the help file says border=NA is acceptable. (The problem is that border=NA evaluates to TRUE for "is.logical(border)" inside the function. Using rect with border=FALSE works fine)
2009 Oct 14
rect function
Dear all, I have a question about how to load data or (entering data )to each cell of a rectangle created by rect . e.g. I have a matrix rbind(1:2,1:2) I have created a 2x2 rectangle by using: a<-0:1/10 b<-0:1/10 kk<-expand.grid(a,b) rect(kk[, 1], kk[, 2], kk[, 1] + .1,kk[, 2] + .1) so how do we put the value of rbind(1:2,1:2) into the relevant
2010 Oct 27
How Plot, Axis and Rect work together?
Hello everyone, I am trying to understand how plot axis and rect might work together I would like to plot some values on a plot with x(0,100) and y(0,100) i want to see all the values from 0,1,2,3,4,5,.....100 written in the x and y axis. At the same time I want some grid to easily see when y and x values cross. Finally I want to paint red two of the cells created by this grid. I am trying
2010 Dec 01
How to draw a rect() behind a hist() ?
Hi, I have the following code: hist(gps$heartpercent, breaks=5) rect(90, par("usr")[3], 100, par("usr")[4], col = "red") How do I get the rectangle to appear behind the histogram. Barring that, how can I make certain bars of the histogram to be a certain color? Thanks, Jason
2011 Sep 16
cutree() and rect.hclust(): different labelling of classes
I've found that while cutree() and rect.hclust() make the same classes for a given height in the dendrogram, the actual labeling of the classes is different. For example, both produce the same 4 classes but class 1 according to cutree() is class 4 according to rect.hclust(). Would it be possible that future versions provide the same labeling? rect.hclust() is useful to display the classes
2010 Oct 09
Plot time range with rect or boxplot
Hi, I am trying to use rect (R2.11) to plot a set of data as following > data Company Pt Pri Pub 1 A WO520 8/5/09 2/11/10 2 B WO893 7/30/03 2/24/05 3 A WO258 12/8/08 6/17/10 4 C WO248 1/13/09 9/2/10 pri<-
2012 Sep 27
Problem with grid.rect
I have a stupid problem that is currently driving me crazy... Let us suppose that I want to draw a big red square in the middle of my current device (say X11) I tried the following code : pushViewport(viewport(xscale=c(0,1), yscale=c(0,1)), just=c("center", "center")) vp1 <- viewport(x=unit(0.5, "native"), y=unit(0.5, "native"), width=unit(0.4,
2009 Apr 03
dendrogram rect.hclust() not working?
I have tried to use rect.hclust() to draw a rectangle around a set of leaves, but am running into trouble. The rect.hclust() is drawing two rects instead of one, and of the wrong size: -------------------- scoreClusterObj <- hclust(scoreDistanceObj, method=clustMethod) order <- scoreClusterObj$order orderedLabels <- rep(0, length(order)) for (orderIndex in 1:length(order)) { # this
2000 Aug 21
rect() question.
Hello. I have another rect question. If I want to make a lot of rectangular, without borders, and without any spaces between them, how could I do it? I.e. > plot(-1:1., -1:1., type = "n") > rect(0,-1,1,1,col="red",lwd=0,border=F,xpd=T) > rect(-1,-1,0,1,col="blue",lwd=0,border=F,xpd=T) will produce two rectangular, but there is space between them. How
2005 Mar 17
Varying grid.rect in different panels of a Lattice plot
Dear r-help, Sleep-deprivation from having 2 youngsters under 2 around the house is fuzzing my brain, so please be gentle if the answer to this query is obvious! In the example below, I'm trying to use grid.rect to add grey rectangles to the panels of a lattice plot to indicate which months spawning occurred of a (very cute) native Tasmanian fish. The fish in the two lakes spawned at
2010 Oct 20
need for speed on grid.rect
When I use grid.rect to print a multi-coloured grid, it is incredibly slow compared to a single colour grid, or even a two colour grid. I've set out some simplified examples below. This is something I run literally thousands of times a day, so I would greatly appreciate any hints on how I might improve the speed??? library(grid) pushViewport(viewport( width = unit(100,