similar to: Routine and Deep testing with R CMD check

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Routine and Deep testing with R CMD check"

2008 Feb 02
deep test with rspec?
All, Has anyone on this list tried to use DeepTest[1] with rspec? My initial attempts have failed so I would be really interested if someone has figured it out. Thanks. -Ben 1.
2006 Mar 23
ANN: capistrano-runit-tasks 0.2.0
I''d like to announce the second release of capistrano-runit-tasks, available from It now supports: * File based templates * sv as the service control command in addition to runsvctrl * A much simpler interface for creating additional services. More work still needs to be done though! == TODO * Allow add_service to create more than one
2006 Mar 18
ANN: capistrano-runit-tasks 0.1.0
I''d like to announce the first release of capistrano-runit-tasks. This came about as I wanted to use runit rather than spinner/spawner/ reaper on my memory limited VPS but should be useable for any setup. From the README: This library extends Capistrano to allow processes to be supervised using the runit package. It replaces some of the standard tasks with runit versions and
2007 May 09
Unit Testing Frameworks: summary and brief discussion
Greetings - I'm finally finished review, here's what I heard: ============ from Tobias Verbeke: wrote: > Greetings! > > After a quick look at current programming tools, especially with regards > to unit-testing frameworks, I've started looking at both "butler" and > "RUnit". I would be grateful to receieve real
2007 Apr 02
(Newbie)Basic Basic global vs. local variables
My R code has got too complex to have a non-modular approach. Ive done some coding in other languages before, but I somehow cant figure out R's general rules for global and local variables. I have put a simple code below, if anyone can show me what i need to add to make this work, i would greatly appreciate it! #---------------------------------------- g_Means<-numeric()
2011 Jan 27
use of depends, suggests, etc
Hi, I'm putting together an R package. In explaining how it works (in the Rd files), I want to refer to another package. The other package is not used anywhere in the actual code nor in the examples. So, there is no reason to include the other package in the Depends, Suggests, or Imports lines of the DESCRIPTION file. People will be able to use my package without actually installing
2004 Aug 09
Approaches to using RUnit
Having used JUnit and PyUnit, I was pleased to see the release of the RUnit package on CRAN. I'm wondering if there are any RUnit users out there that would be willing to share some tips on how they organize their code to work with RUnit. Specifically, I'm wondering about the best way to load/import/source the functions to be tested. I would like to end up with a script, testall or some
2009 Oct 05
unit testing for R packages?
Hi All, I'm interested in putting some unit tests into an R package I'm building. I have seen assorted things such as Runit library, svUnit library, packages with 'tests' directories, etc I grep'd "unit test" through the writing R extensions manual but didn't find anything. Are there any suggestions out there? Currently I have several (a lot?) classes/methods
2007 Aug 10
what is the correct way to stop/start a mongrel instance using monit with mongrel cluster
Hi -- I have been reading documentation and googling around to find the correct way to do this but I have found many ways that seem to not work, or the documentation makes no reference to. I am using mongrel cluster with 10 mongrels for each server. Recently I installed monit but which lead me to find the correct way to start/stop mongrel instances one pid at a time. I am assuming one pid at a
2015 Jul 01
Hi, I'm trying to use dovecot-lmtp so that I can filter messages with sieve, however it doesn't appear to be working. I followed the instructions on I'm running Debian Wheezy. I've got runit configured to execute postfix and dovecot, which may be the source of the problem (runit executes /usr/sbin/dovecot -F). I've got mail_debug turned on and there is
2013 Jan 14
Issue with getParserData in R3.0.0
Hello, I am migrating my package lambda.r to R3.0.0 and am experiencing some issues with the getParserData function (which replaces the parser package). Basically the function works in the R shell but fails when either called from RUnit or from R CMD check. I've narrowed it down to the function getSrcfile, which is returning different values depending on the code path. From the command line
2009 Jul 20
Rcmd check fails on Windows Samba network path in R 2.9.1
Hi, I have just updated R from version 2.8.1 to version 2.9.1. I am running Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 3. With the update, I decided to update a set of packages that I maintain by compiling them for the new version. Everything worked fine except for one package. This package is unique (among the six I was working on) in that is stored on a UNIX-based file server that is
2004 Oct 05
R 2.0.0: problem: installing --with-package-versions
Hello R developers, installing R 2.0.0 from source on a Linux Debian system (gcc 3.2.2) - which worked just fine - I encountered the following problem when trying to update/install packages with the option --with-package-versions: example: RUnit 0.4.0 (also on CRAN) R20 CMD INSTALL -l /mnt/local/R/R-2.0.x-libs-EpiR --with-package-versions RUnit_0.4.0.tar.gz or after untaring R20 CMD INSTALL
2007 Sep 05
RUnit testing with R CMD check and more (was: R CMD check recursive copy of tests/)
Hello! I have looked at Martin's recent work on "merging" unit tests with R CMD check, fused it with my and Tony's contributions and developed it a bit further. Take a look into the attached demo package on how it works. In essence: PKG/inst/RUnitTests |- runRUnitTests.R (script to run RUnit tests) \- ... (any RUnit test file)
2009 Nov 19
R Usage Statistics
Hi, I got the following comment from the reviewer of a paper (describing an algorithm implemented in R) that I submitted to BMC Bioinformatics: "Finally, which useful for exploratory work and some prototyping, neither R nor S-Plus are appropriate environments for deploying user applications that would receive much use." I can certainly respond by pointing out that CRAN contains
2009 Nov 23
CRAN Server download statistics (Was: R Usage Statistics)
Hi All, It seems that the question of how may people use (or download) R, and it's packages is one that comes up on a fairly regular basis in a variety of forums (There was also recent thread on the subject on Stack Overflow). A couple of students at UCLA (including myself), wanted to address the issue, so we set up a system to get and parse the APACHE logs every night, and
2013 May 20
Unicorn + RUnit Rails Not Killing Old Master
Hi, I''m deploying Unicorn on a Rails application with RUnit. Technically I''m using Chef''s deployment tools, if any of you are familiar with it ( but to be clear they aren''t doing anything magical, so this is purely an issue with RUnit and Unicorn. The TL;DR of the following post, which has lots of
2009 Jul 10
RUnit detects parse error, but why?
Folks, An RUnit test suite is failing after all tests are complete with the following message: Error in parse(n = -1, file = file) : unexpected '}' at 620: 621: } All individual tests work when run individually, and all but one run within the RUnit test suite. What might be causing this? A similar error message during package creation was discussed earlier
2007 Apr 26
SweaveInput and absolute paths
Hi, Is there a way to turn off the automatic inclusion of "./" at the beginning of a path specified in an \SweaveInput{} instruction? I'd like to create some reusable "template modules" of Sweave code and put them in a standard directory like /Resources/Affymetrix Then the corresponding file that uses one of these would include a command like
2016 Sep 08
Fwd: Re: RSiteSearch, sos,, ...?
Would it make sense to recreate the "searchable R help pages" by feeding them all into elasticsearch, which will automatically index them and also provides an extensive (HTTP+JSON-based) API to perform complex searches? On 9/8/2016 10:31 AM, Jonathan Baron wrote: > On 09/08/16 07:09, John Merrill wrote: >> Given Google's commitment to R, I don't think that they'd