similar to: prevent `R CMD INSTALL' from reading `.Rprofile'

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "prevent `R CMD INSTALL' from reading `.Rprofile'"

2011 Aug 08
This question seemed to me to be more appropriate for r-devel than for r-help. My apologies if this is not the case. Recently I installed ``cairo'' on my lap-top so that I could make use of the (newish) polypath() function, with on-screen graphics. (The polypath() function does not work with X11(type="Xlib").) The installation went smoothly, X11(type="cairo") works
2012 Feb 23
R devel [and R 2.14.1 patched]: R CMD build now sources ~/.Rprofile
I'd like to follow up on this one. It may be that I have misunderstood something, but on both R devel (2012-02-22 r58452) and R 2.14.1 patched (2012-02-18 r58394) I can't seem to avoid loading ~/.Rprofile when I run 'R CMD <cmd>', e.g. R CMD build. For me, the loading of ~/.Rprofile by 'R CMD' started a few weeks ago, and I haven't seen it before. More details
2020 Oct 02
Unable to compile with R CMD INSTALL on windows when sourcing from Rprofile
Hello, I am currently facing a rather unusual situation. I am running the following command on two windows 10 machines: C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-3.6.3\\bin\\R.exe CMD INSTALL -l ".envs\\default\\lib"
2007 Mar 04
fortune() in .Rprofile conflicts with R CMD INSTALL
Hello, This is about fortune package, but I think that might be related also to base R, so I am sending to package maintainer and R-devel list. I have the following in my .Rprofile to break monotony of code writing library(utils) library(fortunes) fortune() detach("package:fortunes") so I get a fortune every time I start R. It seems that this conflicts with R CMD INSTALL in latest
2013 Oct 03
When to use or .Rprofile
I would appreciate some advice on what the preferred contents of vs. .Rprofile should be. A .First() function can reside in either one, but is it preferred to place it in .Rprofile? I currently use .First() in .Rprofile files placed in separate directories used for different RStudio projects. Thank you [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 May 02
.Rprofile is being executed twice
Hi, After updating to R 2.7, my .Rprofile executes twice on startup. I confirmed this by putting in the following line: print("starting .Rprofile...") When I start R, I see: [1] "starting .Rprofile..." [1] "starting .Rprofile..." This seems like the obverse of the following FAQ:
2012 Mar 01
Execution of
Hi everyone. I have recently installed R 2.14.1 on my 64-bit Windows 7 laptop. I am attempting to include some favourite functions in the file to run at R start-up as I did with my previous 32-bit XP machine. I have edited the file in "C:\Program Files\R\R-2.14.1\etc\" but the added code doesn't seem to be executed when I run R, whether through Tinn-R
1999 Nov 27
.Rprofile results in corruption of .RData? (PR#346)
It could be that the following may be due to something wrong that I managed to do (I cannot think what...) but I submit this report in case it is something that you want to know about (I have solved the problem by removing .Rprofile as I describe below). 1. After compiling/installing R 0.90 (an uneventful process), it worked perfectly the first time, and it read .RData written by the previous
2001 Nov 28
Rprofile etc in Linux
Hi! I do not have an Rprofile file in $R_HOME/etc, but I do have one in $R_HOME/library/base/R. I thought I could include a .First() function in a new $R_HOME/etc/Rprofile file for attaching a couple files which have custom "always needed" functions. But would the new $R_HOME/etc/Rprofile create a conflict with $R_HOME/library/base/R/Rprofile (in particular because the later also has a
2005 Jan 31
Startup Files (RProfile) and R-Aqua
Hello, I'm having some difficulty understanding the documentation relative to the startup files with R-Aqua 2.0.1 for Mac OS X. Specifically, I'm wondering: where does R search for the startup files (my home directory at Users:<me>:?); how should they be named (.RProfile will be treated by Mac OS X as a system file and be hidden, so I'm wondering if it should just be
2023 Mar 21
1 and automatic installation of missing packages
Dear all. I am trying to install missing (not installed) packages during startup of R through code in but I miserably failed and I am not sure what I am doing wrong. R is installed to C:Program files but it is not writable for the users, therefore I cannot change located in root etc directory. I however can put in users home directory (Documents)
2003 Jan 13
1 assignments occur in base package (PR#2448)
Not sure whether this is a feature or bug -- but it does not appear to be documented. R1.6.1 on Windows NT 4.00.1381 Objects assigned in the file (e.g. foo<-'something') are put into package:base not .GlobalEnv on startup. Objects assigned in the .Rprofile file are put into .GlobalEnv. This doesn't seem consistent to me. The objects exist in base only for the
2006 May 12
.Rprofile file and .First function
I am new to R ( and windows XP ) and am in the process of setting it up I put an options (repos=") file in my .Rprofile file and it works but that's all I put in and i don'tknow what to put in my .First function. I understand that .Rprofile is used for more general options and .First for options specific to that working directory. would someone mind to send me an
2009 Jul 21
Customization options with .Renviron, R_LIBS, .Rprofile etc
Hi, I am interested in customizing the installation of R. I have gone through the ?R Installation and Administration? manual. But some of the stuff is not clear to me and I would like to get clarifications on the following points (for a Windows installation with R_HOME=C:\\R\\R-2.9.1 ) : 1. I understand that I need to create a file, .Renviron with the following path : R_HOME\\etc\\.Renviron where
2012 Apr 13
Hello: I've been using "" for several years to set the repos environment variable as follows: options(repos=c(CRAN='', CRANextra='') ) However, R 2.15.0 is not recognizing this. Instead, I get the following: options('repos') $repos
2003 Sep 03
Last line in .Rprofile must have newline (PR#4056)
Full_Name: Henrik Bengtsson Version: R v1.7.1 OS: WinXP Pro, Solaris 9 Submission from: (NULL) ( A colleague of mine who is new to R had problems setting up his .Rprofile and we tracked it down to the following. On both WinXP and Solaris with Rv1.7.1 we noticed that the *last* line in .Rprofile has to have a *newline* to be evaluated. For instance, starting R with the following
2002 Jul 12
.Rprofile on MacOSX
I'm new to R, so apologies if the answer to my question is very obvious to everyone else! I use the carbon version of R (1.5.1), not the Darwin version. After a bit of a battle, I'm getting to grips with using R, and really getting to like it, but I'm still having trouble customising startup the way I'd like it. Reading ?Startup, I see that I can specify some commands to be run
2008 Jul 14
.First and .Rprofile won't run on startup
I'm trying to source a file automatically every time I start R. I tried adding the following .First function in a file in my $R_HOME/etc/ directory (verified $R_HOME by Sys.getenv()) as well as in a file .Rprofile in my $HOME directory and .Rprofile in the working directory: .First <- function(){ source(file.path(Sys.getenv("HOME"), "R",
2012 May 04
1 under Windows 7?
Hello All: I'm still unable to get to set, e.g., options(max.print=222), as I did with previous versions of R. I just found similar questions posed by Trevor Miles and Ross Bowden with replies by Uwe Ligges and Duncan Murdoch. In addition to the things I tried documented below, I also copied into "R_HOME/etc/i386" and
2004 Aug 21
loadhistory() in .Rprofile ?
dear wizards: my .Rprofile has just one command for testing, loadhistory("~/.Rhistory") but this gives me an error on R startup: Error: couldn't find function "loadhistory" Invoking loadhistory() as the first interactive command works fine; incidentally, I believe loadhistory() in the .Rprofile worked in earlier or other platform R releases, too. Is the .Rprofile