similar to: A small modification of plot.acf (patch)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "A small modification of plot.acf (patch)"

2008 Oct 17
Error when posting facebook.feed.publishActionOfUser
posting ''facebook.feed.publishActionOfUser'' with {:title=>"<fb:fbml> <fb:name ifcantsee=\"A Hidden User\" linked=\"true\" uid=\"579947937\" /> wrote a <a href=\"\">caption</a></fb:fbml>",
2010 Dec 08
Newbie trying to understand $ so I can understand acf function in stats
I am trying to understand the function acf stats:::acf shows me the function I am having trouble understanding the usage "$acf" in the following acf <- array(.C(R_acf, as.double(x), as.integer(sampleT), as.integer(nser), as.integer(lag.max), as.integer(type == "correlation"), acf = double((lag.max + 1L) * nser * nser), NAOK =
2010 Nov 07
When using ACF, receive error: no applicable method for 'ACF' applied to an object of class "c('double', 'numeric')"
I am guessing this is a very simple question, but this is only my second day with R so it is all still a bit imposing. I am trying to run an autocorrelation. I imported a CSV file, which has one column labeled "logistic". I ran the command: ACF(data$logistic,maxLag=10) However, I received the error: Error in UseMethod("ACF") : no applicable method for 'ACF'
2006 Nov 13
bug in acf (PR#9360)
Full_Name: Ian McLeod Version: 2.3.1 OS: Windows Submission from: (NULL) ( > There is a simple bug in acf as shown below: > > z <- 1 > acf(z,lag.max=1,plot=FALSE) > Error in acf(z, lag.max = 1, plot = FALSE) : > 'lag.max' must be at least 1 > This is certainly a bug. There are two problems: (i) the error message is wrong since lag.max is
2010 Sep 26
acf function
Hi, Im new to R so this question is quite fundamental. Im trying to compare some autocorrelations generated by the acf function to some theoretical correlations. How can I have acces to just the autocorrelations, for computation? This is some of my code: ><-c(acf(x)) > This is the R output: $acf , , 1 [,1] [1,] 1.000000000 [2,]
2002 May 08
ts acf accessing to values
Hi, I don't quite understant how can I access to the acf values from the list produced by the acf function Example: library(ts) t <- acf(ts.union(ts(1:10), ts(11:20))) t$acf > tmp$acf , , 1 [,1] [,2] [1,] 1.00000000 1.00000000 [2,] 0.70000000 0.70000000 [3,] 0.41212121 0.41212121 [4,] 0.14848485 0.14848485 [5,] -0.07878788 -0.07878788 [6,] -0.25757576
2012 Mar 02
acf() plot of matrix cuts y-axis labels
Hello all, I found a funny problem with y-axis labels when plotting acf(matrix) - the labels are too close to one of the margins and cut in half. Here's the problem: test<-matrix(rnorm(200),ncol=4) acf(test) This doesn't fix the problem: test<-matrix(rnorm(200),ncol=4) par(mar=c(3,3,2,0.2),oma=c(0,0,0,0)) acf(test) This does fix the margin. I understand why, but not sure why ONLY
2008 Aug 06
using acf() for multiple columns
Hi everyone, I'm trying to use the acf() function to calculate the autocorrelation of each column in a matrix. The trouble is that I can only seem to get the function to work if I extract the data in the column into a separate matrix and then apply the acf() function to this column. I have something like this: acf(mat,lag.max=10,na.action=na.pass) ...but I would really like to apply the
2012 Jun 22
Definition list as image caption
recently though about image captions, then i realized that this could be achiebed by Markdown Extra's definition list feature: ![alttext]( : here goes the *caption* What do you think? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Mar 07
Calculating confidence limits on acf graphs
Hello, I was wondering if anybody could help me with this? I have plotted an acf function for a time series and am very happy with it. Now I am interested in calculating for myself the two values for the confidence intervals that are plotted on the graph of the acf. The confidence intervals do not appear to be returned from the acf function (is this true?). So far I haven't managed to
2010 Apr 29
a question on autocorrelation acf
Hi R users, where can I find the equations used by acf function to calculate autocorrelation? I think I misunderstand acf. Doesn't acf use following equation to calculate autocorrelation? [image: R(\tau) = \frac{\operatorname{E}[(X_t - \mu)(X_{t+\tau} - \mu)]}{\sigma^2}\, ,] If it does, then the autocorrelation of a sine function should give a cosine; however, the following code gives a
2010 Apr 17
interpreting acf plot
Hello, I am attending a course in Computational Statistics at ETH and in one of the assignments I am asked to prove that a time series is not autocorrelated using the R function "acf". I tried out the acf function with the given data, according to what I found here: this test data does not look IID but rather shows some trends so how can I
2009 Aug 05
acf Significance
Hi List, I'm trying to calculate the autocorrelation coefficients for a time series using acf at various lags. This is working well, and I can get the coefficients without any trouble. However, I don't seem to be able to obtain the significance of these coefficients from the returned acf object, largely because I don't know where I might find them. It's clear that the acf
2006 Mar 24
bug in plot.acf (PR#8705)
(Moved from r-devel to r-bugs) On 3/24/2006 5:03 AM, Antonio, Fabio Di Narzo wrote: > Hi all. > There's a bug in plot.acf, when plotting acf for multivariate time series. > Here a reproducible example: > > X <- rnorm(1000) > Y <- -X + rnorm(1000, sd=0.6) > Z <- cbind(X,Y) > > In > acf(Z) > cross-correlation plot y-axis is limited to 0-1. But: >
2007 Feb 08
Newbie: Acf function
Hi, I would like to use acf.plot on a correlogram that is computed externally. In other words, I would like to "fake out" the acf object. Is this possible?-- any help would be appreciated. TIA Martin
2012 Aug 20
A LaTeX question -- Hope people won't mind
Hello All, Hope people won't mind my posting a LaTeX question here. I know a lot of people who use R are also using LaTeX. I'm in a bit of a rush to complete a document and am having trouble with one aspect of the formatting. I'm creating a list of tables using: \listoftables I also have some table captions that contain the number of patients in an anlysis like: \caption{Results
2005 May 12
acf problem ?
Hi I'm getting the following error that do not make sense to me, what am Idoing wrong ? > acf(Recsim[1,], lag.max=1) Error in acf(Recsim[1, ], lag.max = 1) : 'lag.max' must be at least 1 Regards EJ
2008 Sep 30
Using sub to get captions in barplots
All, I've been using "sub" (subtitle) instead of "main" such that captions are below figures produced by xyplot. This works fine and captions are on a single line. However, when I try this for bar plots with error bars (altering the error.bars function form Crawley's The R Book, see below), the captions are split on more than 1 line. Is there a way to get the
2011 Aug 25
Autocorrelation using acf
Dear R list As suggested by Prof Brian Ripley, I have tried to read acf literature. The main problem is I am not the statistician and hence have some problem in understanding the concepts immediately. I came across one literature ( on auto-correlation giving the methodology. As per that literature, the auto-correlation is arrived at as per following.
2009 Dec 22
ACF normalization.
Hi, Can anyone please provide the formula used to compute ACF(nlme). I believe the one that is used in R is of the type mentioned on the website. Please correct me if I am wrong. The normalization of the numerator (Ch) has been done by 'N' where as I would like to do it by 'N-k'. Is there anyway in the present implementation of ACF to normalize it by 'N-k', where