similar to: graphics::Axis loosing S3/S4 class attributes of 'x' in 2.7.0 RC

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "graphics::Axis loosing S3/S4 class attributes of 'x' in 2.7.0 RC"

2008 Apr 22
S3 method despatch (changed between 2.6.2 and 2.7.0 RC?)
Dear developers: I have observed a change in the behaviour of S3 method despatch (as I guess related to namespaces) between 2.6.2 and yesterday's 2.7.0 RC and would be grateful if you could comment on that: the 'Axis' function in the 'graphics' namespace calls UseMethod("Axis",x), internally to despatch on the S3 Axis method depending on the type of the argument.
2009 Feb 11
setClassUnion with numeric; extending class union
Dear list: I am looking for a good way to create an S4 class that would extend numeric, but would allow NULL instead of data as well. As far as I can see there is no way at the moment to do that, but please correct me if I am wrong. The best solution I came up with so far was the following (it also indicates a problem of using setClassUnion with numeric as one of the classes): I define a class
2008 Apr 07
Overriding axis formatting with custom Axis method, Axis.numeric etc
Dear list: I would like to override the default way R formats plot axes with a custom method(s). Obviously I would prefer to define it as general as possible avoiding writing a custom method for each individual class where possible. The plot.default method (and I assume other methods as well) calls Axis(...) to produce the axis layout depending on data. In this sense it seems reasonable to
2008 May 13
'cat' and 'write' as generic, just like 'c', 'cbind' etc?
Dear list: is there any good reason why 'c', 'cbind', 'rbind' etc (all defined as 'function(..., <rest>)') are generic and thus methods can be defined whereas such quite useful functions like 'cat' and 'write' are not? Would it not be reasonable to add such functionality? This would allow to define S3/S4 methods for cat and write for complex
2006 Jul 19
Catch 22 with after_save. Please help.
I have a pretty strange problem. Here is basically what I have to demonstrate my problem: class Event < ActiveRecord::Base def after_create AnotherClass.find_event(id) end end class AnotherClass < ActiveRecord::Base def self.find_event(event_id) e = Event.find event_id end end Here is the catch 22 and it''s quite annoying. Basically ActiveRecord puts to whole save
2008 Mar 26
as.POSIXct/as.POSIXlt generics
Hi, I am trying to define the as.POSIXct as an S4 method for one of my classes. Trying to define a generic, I am getting an error that it is already differently defined in base. However, if I query for it, there is no definition. Being in base, I also cannot really import it. If I define methods without definig a generic, they will work but with a warning that a new generic will be automatically
2008 Apr 21
R-2.7.0 RC (2008-04-20 r45403) fails fullcheck
A strange thing happened. After installing the most recent RC version of 2.7 (2008-04-20 r45403) I compiled it as usual with no errors. After installing it I ran "make fullcheck". I got as far as testing recommended packages and I got the following: ... -------- Testing package foreign -------- Running examples in 'foreign-Ex.R' ... Comparing `foreign-Ex.Rout' to
2008 Apr 10
ISOdate/ISOdatetime performance suggestions, other date/time questions
Dear list: working with date/times I have come across a problem that ISOdate and ISOdatetime are too slow on large vectors of data. I was surprised just until I looked at the implementation and the man page: "ISOdatetime and ISOdate are convenience wrappers for strptime". In other terms, they convert data to character representation first in order to create a POSIXlt object that is then
2009 Mar 27
imporving performance of slicing on matrices and S4 their derivatives
Dear list. It is a known issue that accessing slots of S4 objects and in particular accessing .Data slots is slow in R. However, what surprises me are two things demonstrated in the code below (runnable with 'inline', my times are in the comments): - copying data out of a large 3x1e7 .Data slot into a matrix can be easily made 3-4 times faster than accessing a .Data slot which I believe
2008 Apr 22
Getting rid of borders on semi-transparent plotting symbols
R version 2.7.0 RC (2008-04-20 r45403) When using semi-transparent filled plotting symbols, the border of the symbol has a different (darker) colour than the interior: plot(0, 0, pch=19, col="#FF000022") (Saving this as a PDF and looking at it magnified may make it easier to see.) This is pretty annoying, since when plotting partially overlapping points, the border colour dominates,
2005 Dec 07
Dots argument in apply method
Hello everyone, I'm working on a package using S4 classes and methods and I ran into the following "problem" when I tried to create an "apply" method for objects of one of my new classes. I've found a way around the problem but I wonder if I did not paint myself into the corner. I'd like your opinion about that. So I have an object "myObj" of class
2007 Mar 30
Replacing slot of S4 class in method of S4 class?
Dear all, Assume that I have an S4 class "MyClass" with a slot "myname", which is initialized to: myname="" in method("initialize"): myclass <- new("MyClass", myname="") Assume that class "MyClass" has a method "mymethod": "mymethod.MyClass" <- function(object, myname=character(0), ...) {
2011 Oct 31
Question about copying reference objects using the initialize method
Dears, I have a question about copying reference objects using the initialize method. 1) If the latter has no arguments, there is no problem to copy an object. myClass = setRefClass("myClass", fields = list(value = "numeric") ) myClass$methods(initialize = function(...){ ? value <<- 1 ? callSuper(...) }) newObject = myClass$new() newObject$value = 2 copyObject =
2008 Dec 22
How to add a slot to S4 class of an existing package?
Dear all, Since my package is based on S4 classes, I would like to know how to add a slot to an existing S4 class without breaking the code of users of my package. Assume the following S4 class: setClass("MyClass", representation(name = "character", type = "character", data = "data.frame" ), prototype(name =
2011 Sep 22
R.oo: do work on data member at construction
Hello, I'd like to 'do work' on data members upon construction (i.e. without implementing it in a get method). Is this the best way to create data member 'z' upon construction? I'm thinking if .z=paste(x,y) below gets more complex I'll run into issues. setConstructorS3("MyClass", function(x=NA,y=NA,...) { this <- extend(Object(), "MyClass",
2019 Jul 07
Possible bug in `class<-` when a class-specific '[[.' method is defined
Hi all ! I noticed a strange behaviour of the function `class<-` when a class-specific '[[.' method is defined. Here below a reproducible example : #-------------------------------------------------------------------. counttt <- 0 `[[.MYCLASS` = function(x, ...) { counttt <<- counttt + 1 # browser() x = NextMethod() return(x) } df <-,
2009 Jan 02
"registering" a generic method for a class
Sorry in advance if this is too simple a question, but I'm stuck with some odd behavior and I can't find the text to rid myself of this (admittedly somewhat trivial) problem. Note that I've done generic programming with S3 "objects" in the past, but I've never really dabbled in creating S4 objects until now. So, I've created a new S4 class, call it
2011 Jun 06
Seeking help to define method for show() for an S4 object
Dear all, I have created a new S4 class with name "MyClass". Please see below for it's definition. Now I want to create a method for the show() function for this class. In defining this method, what I want is, once user would like see an object of this class some values will be displayed. Then R will ask for **press Enter**. Once user presses enter then, remaining values will be
2020 May 12
S3 method dispatch for methods in local environments
Dear All, In R 3.6.3 (and earlier), method dispatch used to work for methods stored in local environments that are attached to the search path. For example: myfun <- function(y) { out <- list(y=y) class(out) <- "myclass" return(out) } print.myclass <- function(x, ...) print(formatC(x$y, format="f", digits=5)) myfun(1:4) # prints: [1]
2005 Jun 02
showMethods doubt
Hi, I'm developing in S4 and I wanted to see the methods for a specific class using showMethods but I didn't succed. Can someone help ? See the example below. setClass("myclass", representation( name ="character" ) ) setGeneric("mymeth", function(obj, ...){ standardGeneric("mymeth") } ) setMethod("mymeth",