similar to: revision 44805 breaks promptMethods()

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "revision 44805 breaks promptMethods()"

2009 Nov 09
\\signature macro generated by promptMethods
Hello, promptMethods generate a macro for signatures, but the macro does not exist in the Rd parser. > setClass("track", + representation(x="numeric", y="numeric")) [1] "track" > setGeneric("foo", function(x){ standardGeneric("foo") } ) [1] "foo" > setMethod( "foo", "track",
2003 May 24
Re: R-devel Digest, Vol 3, Issue 23
I am another person who has had trouble documenting S4 classes and (particularly) methods. The methods package itself is pretty cool by the way, but it is a pity that there are as yet no guidelines on S4 in the "Writing R Extensions" document. I have actually put together a guide on S4 documentation myself for the use of my own lab which is at
2004 Sep 16
checking for _non-existing_ documentation entries.
Hi! I have renamed some functions and deleted others. I have noticed that R CMD check complains only about newly added functions, but documented non-anymore-existing functions seem not to matter. I knew about prompt and promptMethods promptClass. They are extremely useful if you are starting to write a package. But what with existing packages that have to be rewritten? Having code and
2006 Oct 02
documenation duplication and proposed automatic tools
I've been looking at documenting S4 classes and methods, though I have a feeling many of these issues apply to S3 as well. My impression is that the documentation system requires or recommends creating basically the same information in several places. I'd like to explain that, see if I'm correct, and suggest that a more automated framework might make life easier. PROBLEM Consider a
2004 Aug 16
Hi! Have written some functions with signature "numeric". eg. setGeneric("foo", function(object,...) standardGeneric("foo")) setMethod("foo",signature(object="numeric"),def = .... To generate the Rd file sceleton i use > promtClass("numeric") A shell of class documentation has been written to the file
2008 Mar 30
Hi the devel list. I am adapting the package.skeleton to S4 classes and methods I would have been very proud to post a new working function on this list. Unfortunately, I do not manage to solve all the problems. Mainly - sys.source does not compile a file with setClass - dumpMethod does not exists yet In the following code, thise two problems are notified by a line ################# Still
2003 May 23
Documenting S4 classes; debugging them
1. I'm putting together my first package that uses S4 classes and objects. I'd like to document them, but I'm not sure what the documentation should look like, and package.skeleton doesn't produce any at all for the classes or methods. Are there any good examples to follow? 2. How do I do the equivalent of debug(foo), when foo is an anonymous function being used as a method?
2001 Nov 30
New version of methods package
A new version of the package has been committed to the r-devel branch. There are a lot of changes, mostly non-visible, many of those to tighten up some possible problems. For example, slot assignment now checks the validity of the value being assigned, and basic classes cannot be overriden. There is a version of the promptClass function by Vince Carey, to produce shell of documentation for a
2008 Mar 20
S4 : package creation
Hi the list, Using S4, how can we create a package? In "S4 Classes in 15 pages, more or less", they put all the classes definition in a function that will be called at the opening of the library and they add "by hand" a Rd file. Is it the only way ? Is there something like "S4.package.skeleton"? Thanks Christophe
2002 Aug 28
Fixes/additions to methods package
Some changes committed today to the r-devel (1.6.0) version of the methods package: 1. The function setOldClass has been added as per the green book, p. 450. The point in this case is not conversion as in the green book so much as allowing old-style classes to be included in signatures given to setMethod. This worked before (with a warning), but old-style inheritance couldn't be picked up.
2010 Jun 09
Documenting generic S4 replacement method for package building
Dear List Members, I'm struggling with the documentation of a generic S4 replacement method. I've created a S4 method "lows" via setGeneric("lows", function(object) standardGeneric("lows")) setGeneric("lows<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("lows<-")) setMethod("lows", "myClass", function(object) {
2011 Jan 10
overfilled signature lines in documentation shell for methods
The documentation shells created by the utility functions for classes and methods contain section "Methods". Due to a slight difference in the layout and the underlying Rd code, function signatures are wrapped on the following line (if necessary) in the "methods" section in a class description (xxx-class.Rd) but not in xxx.-methods.Rd. As a result long signatures may
2009 Sep 17
package documentation of S4 methods
Hi, I'm new to this mailing list and to R-programming so if the question is stupid I apologize. I have to create a package, which includes an S4-class called "BList". For objects of this class I implemented a method "show", which displays the first 15 data-lines of the object. I further implemented a method "showall", which displays the whole data in the object.
2009 Jul 09
class export in package creation / setClass / namespace?
Dear all, I have been trying to create an R package. This has been successfull until I tried to define classes. Currently, my procedure is the following: Start R, load the function and class definition >tmp <- function (x) {x} >setClass("rpa", contains = "list", where=topenv(parent.frame())) Use package skeleton to create directory structure:
2003 Oct 03
openoffice port build on FreeBSD 4.9
I am very new to FreeBSD and Unix in general. I may have more problems than I think, but here goes. I am trying to make depend && install WITH_BSD_JDK=TRUE clean with openoffice. Everything works fine until I get to the jvm section (seen below). I have tried looking for this on the net, but I have not been to successful in finding a solution. Thanks for your help. Stephen
2004 Sep 21
checking for _non-existing_ -> documentation and sources at one place.
Wolski wrote: #>>>Has anyone a tool which is able to generate from #>>>#appropriately commented R-code files (e.g. <<example>>= #>>>#-example section) Rd files: Mark Bravington mentioned something similar in the 'mvbutils' package: Wolski wrote: # # #Hi! # #Is it working with S4? Mark's reply: Don't know whether it works with S4
2009 Dec 14
R 2.10.1 is released
R-2.10.1.tar.gz was built a short while ago. This is a maintenance release and fixes a number of mostly minor issues. See the full list of changes below. You can get it from or wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site nearer to you. Binaries for various platforms will appear in due course. For the R Core Team Peter
2009 Dec 14
R 2.10.1 is released
R-2.10.1.tar.gz was built a short while ago. This is a maintenance release and fixes a number of mostly minor issues. See the full list of changes below. You can get it from or wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site nearer to you. Binaries for various platforms will appear in due course. For the R Core Team Peter
2003 Jun 16
R 1.7.1 is released
I've rolled up R-1.7.1.tgz a short while ago. This is a patch version mainly fixing up an assortment of issues (see below). Note also that it comes with an updated set of recommended packages, fixing a couple of nasty issues in at least foreign and nlme. You can get it from or wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site nearer to you. Binaries
2003 Jun 16
R 1.7.1 is released
I've rolled up R-1.7.1.tgz a short while ago. This is a patch version mainly fixing up an assortment of issues (see below). Note also that it comes with an updated set of recommended packages, fixing a couple of nasty issues in at least foreign and nlme. You can get it from or wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site nearer to you. Binaries