similar to: glm poisson, method='ML' (PR#10985)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "glm poisson, method='ML' (PR#10985)"

2008 Oct 11
step() and stepAIC()
The birth weight example from ?stepAIC in package MASS runs well as indeed it should. However when I change stepAIC() calls to step() calls I get warning messages that I don't understand, although the output is similar. Warning messages: 1: In model.response(m, "numeric") : using type="numeric" with a factor response will be ignored (and three more the same.) Checked
2010 Feb 12
validate (rms package) using step instead of fastbw
Dear All, For logistic regression models: is it possible to use validate (rms package) to compute bias-corrected AUC, but have variable selection with AIC use step (or stepAIC, from MASS), instead of fastbw? More details: I've been using the validate function (in the rms package, by Frank Harrell) to obtain, among other things, bootstrap bias-corrected estimates of the AUC, when variable
2010 Oct 12
Help with function writing
Hello all I have what seems like a simple question but have not been able to find an answer on the forum. I'm trying to define a function which involves regression models and a large number of covariates. I would like the function to accept any number of covariates and, ideally, I would like to be able to enter the covariates in a group (e.g. as a list) rather than individually. Is there any
2015 Jul 21
glm com etiquetas en las variables
Hola: Si aún hay alguien que no está de vacaciones, igual me pueden ayudar. Quiero ajustar unos modelos: REG_LOG <- glm (low ~ X, family = "binomial", data = DATOS) Ejemplo: library(MASS) data(birthwt, package="MASS") birthwt$low <- factor(birthwt$low) birthwt$race <- factor(birthwt$smoke) REG_LOG <- glm (low ~ smoke, family =
2002 Jan 25
Better idea than Poisson?
My data has three factors, a discrete response and an offset column. >From the summary of a glm object derived using three way interactions, I get this deviance information: (Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1) Null deviance: 39244 on 896 degrees of freedom Residual deviance: 11913 on 795 degrees of freedom AIC: 13905 Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 6 The
2015 Jul 14
Conservar el nombre de la variable entre varias funciones: ejemplos de resultados
Hola Carlos: Te adjunto un ejemplo de aplicación: las funciones (he borrado los path de las funciones y las ordenes "source()" que las carga ) y un ejemplo para ejecutarlas para las opciones que tengo implementadas con la tabla de datos birthwt del paquete"MASS": - Descriptiva de todas las variables de una tabla. - Análisis univariado de todas las variables de una tabla
2004 Jul 28
automating sequence of multinomial regressions
Disclaimer first: I only heard about R fairly recently, so I apologize if this is either a simple or impossible request, but R looked like it might be a good framework for this sort of thing... Is it possible to write a script to run stepwise multinomial regressions on many *dependent* variables, and then compare results to a validation data set (e.g., Chow test)? Essentially, automate the
2015 Jul 27
Error sql en función
Hola Carlos: Gracias por responder! Ayer caí en esta página al buscar el problema con google, pero no conseguir entender y implementar lo que sugiere. Sin entender nada, lo que hice fue: ======================== > library(MASS) > library (sqldf) # Per SQL > data(Aids2, package="MASS") > SQL_PROVA = function (XDADES, XWHE) + { + XDADES_SQL = sqldf ("select * from
2015 Jul 27
Error sql en función
Hola: No consigo que la función sqldf () funcione dentro de una función. Alguien puede echarme una mano. En resumen, el problema es que cuando lo ejecuto fuera de una función no tengo ningún problema: ========================== > # install.packages("sqldf") > library(MASS) > library (sqldf) > data(Aids2, package="MASS") > options(digits=3) > table
2000 Dec 12
smoothing binary data
I'm trying to figure out a good way to smooth binary data. The ideal approach appears to be the "sm.logit" function in library "sm", but I haven't had success with it. Below, is some code illustrating what I've come up with so far, but I'm hoping there is a better approach. I'm using R 1.2 (development) under Windows 98. -Bill library(MASS) data(birthwt)
2008 Nov 03
IWLS vs direct ML estimation
Hi, I am thinking about IWLS vs ML estimation. When I use glm() for a 2-parameter distribution (e.g., Weibull), I can otain the MLE of scale parameter given shape parameter through IWLS. Because this scale parameter usually converges to the MLE. In this point, I am wondering: i) can you say that the direct MLE, which is obtained by maximizing a likelihood function, is equalvant to the indirect
2006 May 11
Now another question regarding the Foreign package
Hi, Because I'm new to R and trying to move off of SPSS, I have another question. I downloaded the "Foreign" package which I understand reads in various datasets from programs such as SPSS and SAS. There isn't much documentation that I can find regarding the specifics of this in the online docs, but I assume that it is like read.table. So, here is what I wrote and here is
2017 Jul 12
Distribution of Commercial RPM
Apologies if this is the wrong place to ask this. Is there a location to upload paid for RPM for distrubution, ie a store for CentOS? Is there a discription of how to create your own RPM repository for distrubution? What about updates of these RPM?
1999 Jan 07
Happy New Year to all, I am using RW0631 and WIN98. 1. The command DATA only works for the base library. 2. The following code on page 312 of Venables and Ripley 1997 sitka.lme <- lme(size~treat*ordered(Time),random=~1,cluster=~tree,data=Sitka, serial.structure="ar1.continuous",serial.covariate=~Time) produced the following error message Error in lme(size ~ treat *
2007 Jul 25
Regarding Bivariate normal distribution.
Dear all R gurus, My question is related to statistics rather directly to R. Suppose (X,Y) has a bivariate normal distrubution. I want to find two values of X and Y say x, and y respectively, such that: P[X<x, Y<y] = 0.05 My questions are : 1. Can x and y be uniquely found? 2. If it is, how I can find them using R Your help will be highly appreciated. Thanks and regards,
2007 May 11
megasr Sata Raid driver and the lastest kernel
Hi List I'm trying to update to the lastest kernel but I have a dirver that is not inculded in the distrubution, and I had to use the driver disk when installing centos 4.4 in the first place, The driver megasr .ko works fine with the installed kernel but I cannot find on for the updated kernel, any adive would be appreciated. without the updated driver there is a kernel panic on boot due to
2009 Aug 10
(sin asunto)
Tengo un problema que me dice: La libreria MASS de R contiene el fichero birthwt.Trabajando sobre estos datos: 1.-Recodifica las variables tal y como aparece en la ayuda sobre este fichero en R. 2.-Analiza e interpreta la posible asociacion estadistica entre las variables low y smoke. ¿Alguien me podria explicar como hacerlo? Ademas, si alguien puede, no entiendo la validacion cruzada, ni la
2003 May 05
Error in library(MASS) : package/namespace load failed
Dear all, I have installed 1.7.0 on my Win XP and want to use MASS. But I get this error message: > library(MASS) Error in namespaceExport(ns, exports) : undefined exports: abbey, accdeaths, Aids2, Animals, anorexia, austres, bacteria, beav1, beav2, biopsy, birthwt, ... Error in library(MASS) : package/namespace load failed I therefore again downloaded When I extracted the files I
2015 Nov 03
Changing the centos name on boot
I have changed most of the things, the grub, issues. Since I run a minimal, I dont really have a gnome login screen, all text based (no GUI). The only place I am not able to trace is the booting time screen. Please do see an attached screenshot in this mail On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 10:17 AM, John R Pierce <pierce at> wrote: > On 11/2/2015 8:35 PM, Ramaseshan S wrote: >
2015 Nov 03
Changing the centos name on boot
I am kinda getting a tweaked distrubution with CentOS, So this is kinda rebranding. I am not trying to change the hostname, trying to change the System OS name in the on boot screen. I have changed the grub configuration file and it reflects in the Boot OS selection screen, login screen. But only in the on boot screen does it not reflect. My search led me to something called plymouth, and the