similar to: Unix-like touch to update modification timestamp of file?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Unix-like touch to update modification timestamp of file?"

2013 Apr 04
R 3.0.0: wrong MD5 checksums for Windows?
Hello dear R-devel, When installing R 3.0.0 on Windows 7, and then running: require(tools) checkMD5sums(dir=R.home()) I get the following massage: files ‘etc/Rconsole’, ‘etc/’ have the wrong MD5 checksums [1] FALSE This happens when using the 32 and the 64 bit version of R. And was also reported by 2 other users on other machines, as can be seen in the comments to this post:
2005 Jul 26
last access file for 1.0-stable?
Hi, I am almost ready to convert from UW-imap to dovecot 1.0 stable for my imap use. I hacked UW-imap to touch a file in the user's home directory so I can always tell the last time they used imap. My hack looks something like this: if(authenticated) { touchfile = (char *) malloc((strlen (home) + 15); sprintf(touchfile,"%s/.imapd.last",homedir); fd =
2006 May 25
save() saves extra stuff if object is not evaluated
Hi, it looks like save() is saving all contents of the calling environments if the object to be saved is *not* evaluated, although it is not that simple either. After many hours of troubleshooting, I'm still confused. Here is a reproducible example (also attached) with output. I let the code and the output talk for itself: peek <- function(file, from=1, to=500) {
2010 Jul 22
Updating a Data Frame
Hi, I have a global data-frame in my R script. At some point in my script, I want to update certain columns of this data-frame by calling in an update function. The function looks like this: # get events data. This populates a global event data frame in the R-script events <- getEvents(con, eventsFilePath) # events has columns eventid, timeStamp, isSynchronized, timeDiff; with millions of
2006 Jun 05
migration to be called inside others migrations
Hi list I''m writing some migrations to move a legacy db on a rails app. I have a bunch of tables which need some custom modifications and the columns updated_at to be added etc... Now since the rails related columns will be the same for many (but not all) tables I was thinking... can I write a Migration that sounds like that class AddRailsFields < ActiveRecord::Migration def
2011 Feb 17
Nested defined resources
I''m working on a module to handle creating and populating Python virtualenvs. Without going into too much detail, basically these are nicely-encapsulated environments into which python packages can be installed and run. It''s not uncommon to have several virtualenvs on a system, potentially with the same packages installed (maybe different versions). Puppet''s defines
2001 Jul 17
How to write the bytes 00 01 00 to a file/connection?
Is there any way to write (8-bit) bytes to a file which works on all [R] platforms? I have been looking at 1) writeBin 2) writeChar 3) cat and neither of them manage to write arbitrary sequences of bytes (0-255). For instance, I would like to create a binary file of length three containing the bytes 0, 1 and 0. I [R] I have the following vector of bytes: bfr <- c(0,1,0) 1) For
2014 Jan 07
0 on a file.symlink():ed file on Windows - is help correct?
Is the following passage from help(""): "Junction points and symbolic links are followed, so information is given about the file/directory to which the link points rather than about the link." correct? Could it be that Windows was not considered? help("file.symlink") mentions several Windows-related issues, but none of those are related to the following.
2006 Mar 08
recycle vfs module doesn't touch modification time
I have this in smb.conf: vfs objects = recycle recycle:repository = .recycle/%U recycle:keeptree = yes recycle:touch_mtime = yes Files get moved to each user's subfolder inside .recycle, and the directory tree where the deleted file lied gets created, but the modification time of the file is preserved. I'm trying that they have the date where they were deleted so that I can delete from
2008 Aug 29
nls() fails on a simple exponential fit, when lm() gets it right?
Dear R-help, Here's a simple example of nonlinear curve fitting where nls seems to get the answer wrong on a very simple exponential fit (my R version 2.7.2). Look at this code below for a very basic curve fit using nls to fit to (a) a logarithmic and (b) an exponential curve. I did the fits using self-start functions and I compared the results with a more simple fit using a straight lm()
2012 Mar 16
[Bug 8818] New: Add --out-format escape for file modification time as UNIX timestamp (seconds since epoch) Summary: Add --out-format escape for file modification time as UNIX timestamp (seconds since epoch) Product: rsync Version: 3.0.9 Platform: All OS/Version: All Status: NEW Severity: enhancement Priority: P5 Component: core
2007 Dec 31
readBin differences on Windows and Linux/mac
I have been trying to use the gunzip function in the R.utils package. It opens a connection to a gzfile, uses readBin to read from that connection, and then uses writeBin to write out the raw data to a new file. This works as expected under linux/mac, but under Windows, I get: Error in readBin(inn, what= raw(0), size = 1, n=BFR.SIZE) : negative length vectors are not allowed A simple
2010 Oct 06
R getting slower until it breaks...
Hello R-users, I'm currently facing a pretty hard problem which I'm hopping you'll be able to help me with. I'm using R to create images. That alone is not the problem, the problem is that I'm using R to create 168 000 images... My code (which is given below) use different package (raster and rgdal) to import a image (size 20gig) and divide it into 168 000 pictures that are
2002 Oct 22
pruning old files
Actually, what I do also propogates deletions. Since someone may unpack a tar containing files with earlier mtimes than a marker file, a simple --newer won't do it for us, either. Instead, I generate a list of all items, consisting of name and type, to which i append number of links, size, and mtime for files; link destination for symlinks; and for directories, fifos, chars, blocks,
1999 Apr 08
Keep-timestamp-in-`get'-patch for smbclient in samba-2.0.3
-------- --Multipart_Thu_Apr__8_13:33:51_1999-1 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Hello guys, I always wondered why smbclient keeps timestamp in `put'ting a file but does not keep it in `get'ting a file. Alternative to keep the time stamp in `get'ting file is to use -Tc option or smbtar script, but they are a bit hairy for interactive use, and it can only dump files with an
2013 Oct 01
9.2-PRE: switch off that stupid "Nakatomi Socrates"
> > Message: 6 > Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 20:23:16 +0200 > From: David Demelier <demelier.david at> > To: freebsd-stable at > Subject: Re: 9.2-PRE: switch off that stupid "Nakatomi Socrates" > Message-ID: <5249C194.8030504 at> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 > > On 30.09.2013 15:50, Matthieu Volat
2008 Nov 13
Touch an ActiveRecord - timestamps
When I update an ActiveRecord, i would like to "touch" one of the related objects, that the updated record belongs_to, in order to update the timestamps on the parent record, although i don''t want to change any of the data in the parent. Whats the accepted way to do this? -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You
2008 Jul 14
Execute some steps if a file isn't present
Hi all, I''ve come quite far with my puppet setup, but a few times I got this problem: I want to execute a few things if a file isn''t present on the puppet client. For example: I want puppet to check if the mod_passenger apache module exists. If not: installl passenger from gem. Execute the installer, copy the config file and enable the module with a2enmod. What would be the
2004 Apr 03
rsync is slowing down
The cause is, of course, that the tree being syncronized ie getting larger, so of course rsync is slowing down. But in the case of my particular file tree, there is a way it could be speeded up, but this would obviously also need a change in the rsync protocol to accomplish it. Any tree that has major unchanged subbranches would benefit from this. The file tree I'm syncronizing in this case
2014 Sep 22
[PATCH] New APIs: Implement stat calls that return nanosecond timestamps (RHBZ#1144891).
The existing APIs guestfs_stat, guestfs_lstat and guestfs_lstatlist return a stat structure that contains atime, mtime and ctime fields that store only the timestamp in seconds. Modern filesystems can store timestamps down to nanosecond granularity, and the ordinary glibc stat(2) wrapper will return these in "hidden" stat fields: struct timespec st_atim; /* Time of last