similar to: Wishlist- Windows Gui (PR#10589)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Wishlist- Windows Gui (PR#10589)"

2009 Oct 10
SPSS long variable names
Hello guys I am new to this list and for R too. I am wondering if there is a patch for the SPSS reading code on the foreign package, in order to be able to read long variable names. Right now read.spss() just trunc the names to 8 characters. Or if someone could help me on other way: I have to process everyday a lot of SPSS Syntax Files and Dat files that come from one system that can only export
2007 Feb 21
Examples on how to READ/WRITE to database using R-Project
Hi, We are working on a project on forecast modeling and would like to know if there are any examples on how to READ/WRITE to a database (e.g. PostgreSQL) using R-Project. I do have a sample R Script which takes input as files from a directory and writes back output files to a directory. I would like to convert this script to read from a database and write back the output to a database.
2011 May 20
regression coefficient for different factors
Dear R-helpers, In my dataset I have two continuous variable (A and B) and one factor. I'm investigating the regression between the two variables usign the command lm(A ~ B, ...) but now I want to know the regression coefficient (r2) of A vs. B for every factors. I know that I can obtain this information with excel, but the factor have 68 levels...maybe [r] have a useful command. Thanks,
2017 Mar 12
. Possible issue with R-tools on Windows
I encountered this issue a couple of months ago and resolved it by installing Rtools in the default directory C:\Rtools, see below for details. I didn't have time to prepare a proper error report and in fact suspected that I may be messing up something. I tracked down the error by installing from the command line, rather than with install.packages(). On Windows I keep multiple versions of
2018 Jul 16
persp command
Dear R-devel mailing list, I am wondering whether the "theta" and "phi" parameters of the "persp" function in the graphics commands are named in error (the names seem to have been swapped). Also, in the documentation to "persp", reference is made to "colatitude" when the effect in the image is actually that of "latitude". Thank you,
2008 Apr 13
SPSS to R Data file conversion
I wrote a little routine to convert multiple spss data files (as data frames) to R data files. The code is as follows: # list=dir(pattern=".sav") library(foreign) for (i in 1:length(list)){ # The saved data frame will be dat dat=read.spss(list[i], name=substring(list[i],1,nchar(list[i])-4) rname=paste("../R/",name,".rda",sep="") # This
2012 Apr 13
Hello: I've been using "" for several years to set the repos environment variable as follows: options(repos=c(CRAN='', CRANextra='') ) However, R 2.15.0 is not recognizing this. Instead, I get the following: options('repos') $repos
2011 Apr 06
corSpatial and nlme
I noticed that ?corClasses in package nlme does not list corSpatial among the standard classes. This might either be intentional because corSpatial is not "standard" , or it might be simply an oversight that needs correcting. ------------------------------------------ Robert W. Baer, Ph.D. Professor of Physiology Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine A. T. Still University of
2012 Oct 09
RMySQL install on windows
I have been trying to install RMySQL on Windows 7 following the procedure at: I think I have properly installed RTools and created a proper file saying: MYSQL_HOME="C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.5" When I try to install the packages from source, I get warnings that suggest I'm still not quite "with the
2011 Jan 24
Setting bioconductor repository in .Rprofile. Is there a permanent way?
I currently set the Bioconductor repository in my .Rprofile using this code (which needs editing for every version number change of Bioconductor): # Choose repositories repos <- structure(c(CRAN="", CRANextra="",
2017 Sep 30
Converting SAS Code
On 9/29/2017 3:37 PM, Rolf Turner wrote: > On 30/09/17 07:45, JLucke at wrote: > > <SNIP> > >> >> The conceptual paradigm for R is only marginally commensurate with >> that of >> standard statistical software. >> You must immerse yourself in R to become proficient. > > Fortune nomination. For newer list members wondering what
2011 Mar 25
library(foreign) read.spss warning
I got the following: > library(foreign) > swal = read.spss("swallowing.sav", =TRUE) Warning message: In read.spss("swallowing.sav", = TRUE) : swallowing.sav: Unrecognized record type 7, subtype 21 encountered in system file > The bulk of the data seems to read in a usable form, but I'm curious about what might be getting lost
2004 Oct 19
Matrix/Table col headings R 2.0.0
I have been looking at some 'table' examples in Peter Dalgaard's ISwR book, and I am confused by how to get right justification of my table headings when I use the tables() command. Compare the following: # Produces right justfified column names caff.marital=matrix(c(652,1537,598,242,36,46,38,21,218,327,106,67),nrow=3,byrow=T)
2006 Jan 31
changing the default repositories
Hello, Is it possible to change the default repositories? I've already changed the list in the repositories file under etc/ this is how my repositories file under R/etc looks like: row name menu_name URL default source win.binary mac.binary CRAN CRAN @CRAN@ TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE BioC Bioconductor TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE
2004 Mar 07
Excel files
Hello, I was trying to import data from an Excel file. After I imported the data, I was trying to make a scatter plot. The X axes variable is a time variable, which occupies two columns, one is date, another one is time. Example 21-Apr-03, 4:10 PM. My qestion is: 1. How can I access the data of certain column? I mean how can I refer it in R? 2. How can I make the two column character
2011 May 03
Watts Strogatz game
Hi, I have a erdos-renyi game with 6000 nodes and probability 0.003. g1 =, 0.003) How to create a Watts Strogatz game with the same probability. g1 =, 6000, ?, ?) What should be the third and fourth parameter to this argument. -- View this message in context: Sent from the R
2004 Jan 20
Loading packages at startup
Hi, I use the Windows R GUI. I frequently use (or have my students use) foreign and survival packages. I would like to make them part of the basic start-up package set (like base, ctest, etc.) using something short of recompiling a special Windows version of R. Is this possible? I examined the autoload() command but this seems to target a single command of package, and only apply during a
2004 Nov 24
confidence interval of a average...
I have a sample of lung capacities from a population measured against height. I need to know the 95% CI of the lung capacity of a person of average height. I have fitted a regression line. How do I get a minimum and maximum values of the 95% CI? My thinking was that this has something to do with covariance, but how? My other thinking was that I could derive the 0.975 (sqrt 0.95) CI for the
2006 Mar 21
How to use: library lattice: barchart
Dear ladies and gentlemen! In the help text for the xyplot (library(lattice), help(xyplot)) is an example given how one can use barchart: barchart(yield ~ variety | site, data = barley, groups = year, layout = c(1,6), ylab = "Barley Yield (bushels/acre)", scales = list(x = list(abbreviate = TRUE, minlength = 5)))
2011 Jan 30
ggplot2 -- scale_colour_manual()
According to Hadley's ggplot book (p. 109), both the graphs below should have a legend, and yet none appears in my hands. Any suggestions? I can't see a typo. Is there a bug? library(ggplot2) data(LakeHuron) huron = data.frame(year=1875:1972,level=LakeHuron) p = ggplot(huron, aes(year)) + geom_line(aes(y= level - 5), colour = 'blue') + geom_line(aes(y= level + 5), colour