similar to: write.dta (foreign package)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "write.dta (foreign package)"

2003 Dec 03
R and Memory
I would suggest that you make a more thorough search of the R-Archives. ( If you do you will find this discussion has been had several times and that the type of machine you are running will have an impact upon what you can do. My feeling is that you are going have to knuckle down with the documentation and understand how R works and then when you have
2018 May 11
Bug in plot.lm function (stats package): positioning of labels for extreme points.
Hi, ==================== Reproducible example: ==================== data(Animals, package="MASS") # interesting dataset # Run model lm1 <- lm(log10(body)~log10(brain), data=Animals) # Setup 2x2 graphics device par(mfrow=c(2,2)) # Plot diagnostics, label the two most "extreme" points based on magnitude of residuals plot(lm1, id.n=2) ==============================
2006 May 22
Sys.setlocale upsets windows graphics device (PR#8887)
Full_Name: Edward McNeil Version: 2.3.0 OS: Widows XP Submission from: (NULL) ( Type the following: > Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL","C") > hist(1:10) CRASH
2013 Jan 16
Read.dta and Write.dta Binary Data Error
Thanks in advance. I pass data sets between R and Stata and think dta files would be the best files for this. To do this I can use package foreign or package memisc. I mostly use foreign, although have used memisc and this problem mostly didn't happen, but created errors at other times. I have a csv data set (and created a test case) with with at least one column completely missing. This
2005 Jun 06
write.dta limits
Hope everyone id doing great .. Just need some clarification over the limit of write.dta. I have some coauthors that use stata and I need to send them my data in .dta format. the data.frame is 41706x229 and I get the following Error in write.dta(Panel, file = "STATADATA/Panel.dta", version = 7) : a binary write error occured Once I subset the data everything works out fine. my
2007 Jun 15
importing .dta files
I'm trying to read in a Stata file but I've never used this function ( read.dta). It's the only one that seems to come close to working, but I keep getting this error: > data<-read.dta("C:/Documents and Settings/Chris/Desktop/S4412/catestscores.dta") Error in read.dta("C:/Documents and Settings/Chris/Desktop/S4412/catestscores.dta", : a binary read
2012 Mar 05
problems reading a large dta dataset in R
Dear R listers, I have a silly problem. I am trying to load a dta (Stata) file in R. The dta is about 650 MB and contains the integrated World Values Survey/ European Value Study data-set. My problem is that I don't manage to load the file. After almost 3 hours after I issued the following command: data <-
2011 Aug 28
Fractional component of a number
Dear all, I am happy to accept that > is.integer(1) [1] FALSE But I'm having difficulty with this one: > as.integer((2.53-2)*100) [1] 52 especially since: > as.integer((1.53-1)*100) [1] 53 Although I know that this is a precision issue since > x <- (2.53-2)*100 > x-53 [1] -2.131628e-14 And I can always use the round function to get what I want, but I just wonder if
2008 Mar 18
read.dta for files from stata 9.0
Dear R-helpers, if I want to read a .dta-file generated by stata 9.0 with read.dta (foreign), I get the message "not a stata version 5-8 .dta-file". I'm using R-2.6.2 and the latest version of the foreign package. Has someone any hint? With many thanks, Albrecht
2003 Nov 04
write.dta and handling labels
Hello, I need to write out a data matrix as a STATA 7 file and this happens perfectly with write.dta(), except I cannot seem to export the labelnames to Stata. So far I have tried the following: # X is the data matrix that is to be exported attributes(X)$var.labels <- c("apple", "banana", "cat") write(X, filename = "text.dta", version = 7) When i
2011 Jan 14
Write.dta and export of variable labels
When I import a data file in stata format using read.dta, the full variable labels (e.g. variable= "inc2000"; variable label= "Total household income in year 2000"). When I then export the same data file using write.dta, the variable labels are not included in the new .dta file. Is there any way to ensure that the variable labels are maintained? Thanks [[alternative HTML
2009 May 03
dates from Stata's .dta to R's .Rdata: become character
Dear Sir/Madam, I converted the .dta into .Rdata with the foreign library read.dta. However, when I use fix() I get the message that the dates are discarded. Before fix(), class(dateX) gives 'dates' as class; after fix() class(dateX) gives 'character' Why is that? Best regards, Rob Bakker [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Aug 06
.dta from e-mail
I got a .dta extension file by e-mail, but I can't save it in my computer and open it in R. How can I do it? [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Mar 01
How to Save R library data into xls or dta format
Thanks in advance. I'm having a trouble with data saving. I want to run the same data which is in Ecdat library at different statistic programs(excel, stata and matlab) The data I want to use is library(Ecdat) data(Housing) and I want to extract this data our of R as *.dta *.xls formats. So, my first try was to open the data in R window and drag and paste to excel or notepad. BUT, it
2004 Apr 28
Possible bug in foreign library import of Stata datasets
Concerning this article, Christopher Zorn, "Generalized Estimating Equation Models for Correlated Data: A Review with Applications." 2001. American Journal of Political Science 45(April):470-90. The author very kindly provides data for replication on his web page: I've been comparing the Professor Zorn's results obtained with
2004 Apr 03
Direct connection to Packet8 without DTA
I found some old messages regarding a possible pkt8 DTA "bypass". Anyone is using Packet8 with Asterisk? ==========,7292324~root=voip~mode=flat Got Softphone Working with Packet8 Friendly name: {Anything you'd like.} SIP domain: SIP proxy: Leave everything else at the default. When you login, it will ask for a username
2007 May 21
Merge (PR#9699)
Full_Name: Edward McNeil Version: 2.5.0 OS: Windows XP Submission from: (NULL) ( This is a new bug introduced to R2.5.0. Scenario: If one of the data frames to merge contains two variables that have the same name, then the data in first variable (of the same name) is copied to the second variable in the resulting merged data frame. In R2.4.1, the second variable name is
2002 May 16
foreign library - negative integers??
I am having a problem with the foreign library correctly reading some integer data. Specifically, d _ read.dta('aptaa.dta') > d[1:5,] scenario metcode yr ginv cons gocc abs dvac gmre gmer 1 1 AA 2002 0.007 1377 -0.071 51710 0.071 -0.011 -0.127 2 1 AA 2003 0.000 0 -0.016 62568 0.014 -0.043 -0.538 3 1 AA 2004 0.000 0 -0.002
2003 Oct 06
Re: Use of the Foreign package to import Stata files
Long ago (Sat, 2 Nov 2002), Bill Hart <w.hart at> wrote: > An R newbie here. I am using R 1.6 currently and have > (successfully, I think) installed the Foreign package. > Tried to import a data file created with Stata 7.0 > SE. Had minor problems with syntax then R decided > that my file was not really a Stata file. It rejected > the file saying
2008 May 26
read.dta error
Greetings! I attempted to read a STATA 10 file using the following syntax: library(foreign) data <- read.dta("~/Documents/agestandard/analysis.dta") I got the following error: *** stack smashing detected ***: /usr/lib/R/bin/exec/R terminated ======= Backtrace: ========= /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0xb7c13138]