similar to: read.table: aborting based on a time constraint

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "read.table: aborting based on a time constraint"

2006 Nov 06
memory issues with new release (PR#9344)
Full_Name: Derek Elmerick Version: 2.4.0 OS: Windows XP Submission from: (NULL) ( hello - i have some code that i run regularly using R version 2.3.x . the final step of the code is to build a multinomial logit model. the dataset is large; however, i have not had issues in the past. i just installed the 2.4.0 version of R and now have memory allocation issues. to verify, i ran
2009 Apr 22
I ran the memory limit function in R 2.9.0 and received the 'error' below. The memory appears to update correctly, so there's probably no implication beyond cosmetic; however, thought I would make sure since the function as written did not generate the same error in my 2.8.0 version of R. Thanks > memory.limit(size=4095) Error in trunc(.Internal(memory.size(size))) :
2006 Aug 15
AGAIN: file object treated as string
I am trying to implement the uploading of a file to a remote server I get error while trying to write the file on the server. The error I get is the following: undefined method `rewind'' for #<String:0x2aaaad062eb8> It seems to be treating my file as a string instead of a File object. --------- Code is below ------------------ VIEW: <%=
2009 Apr 22
Exporting objects plotted with plot3d() - rgl package
Dear all, Can anybody tell me how to export a 3d figure made with the plot3d function? I'm careless about whether it's still interactive or not in another format, as long I can get it out of R. Thanks! Alejandro Gonz?lez Departamento de Biodiversidad y Conservaci?n Real Jard?n Bot?nico Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient?ficas Claudio Moyano, 1 28014 Madrid, Spain Tel +0034
2004 Aug 16
Polycom SoundPoint IP 500/600 XML minibrowser
Has anyone been able to get the minibrowser on the Polycom SoundPoint IP 500/600 phones working? If so could you share the relevant sections of your config with me?
2009 Mar 27
ROCR package finding maximum accuracy and optimal cutoff point
If we use the ROCR package to find the accuracy of a classifier pred <- prediction(svm.pred, testset[,2]) perf.acc <- performance(pred,"acc") Do we?find the maximum accuracy?as follows?(is there a simplier way?): > max(perf.acc at x.values[[1]]) Then to find the cutoff point that maximizes the accuracy?do we do the following?(is there a simpler way): > cutoff.list <-
2007 Apr 26
Program entries not working
Dear All After various failed attempts at using Wine I have installed this from the Mandriva 2006 DVD. I have version ?Wine 20050725?. I have installed Paint Shop Pro as follows: As a user I typed: ?Winecfg? and when in the configuration programme I went to the Application tab > Add Application button > browse to the installation executable: ?/mnt/cdrom/autorun.exe? > Open button
2023 Oct 15
Create new data frame with conditional sums
Under the hood, sapply() is also a loop (at the interpreted level). As is lapply(), etc. -- Bert On Sun, Oct 15, 2023 at 2:34?AM Jason Stout, M.D. <jason.stout at> wrote: > > That's very helpful and instructive, thank you! > > Jason Stout, MD, MHS > Box 102359-DUMC > Durham, NC 27710 > FAX 919-681-7494 > ________________________________ > From: John
2023 Oct 16
Create new data frame with conditional sums
If one makes the reasonable assumption that Pct is much larger than Cutoff, sorting Cutoff is the expensive part e.g O(nlog2(n) for Quicksort (n = length Cutoff). I believe looping is O(n^2). Jeff's approach using findInterval may be faster. Of course implementation details matter. -- Bert On Mon, Oct 16, 2023 at 4:41?AM Leonard Mada <leo.mada at> wrote: > > Dear
2009 Jul 23
ROCR - confidence interval for Sens and Spec
Dear List,   I am new to ROC analysis and the package ROCR. I want to compute the confidence intervals of sensitivity and specificity for a given cutoff value. I have used the following to calculate sensitivity and specificity:   data(ROCR.simple) pred <- prediction(ROCR.simple$predictions, ROCR.simple$labels)   se.sp <- function (cutoff, performance) {     sens <-
2023 Oct 16
Create new data frame with conditional sums
Dear Jason, The code could look something like: dummyData = data.frame(Tract=seq(1, 10, by=1), ?? ?Pct = c(0.05,0.03,0.01,0.12,0.21,0.04,0.07,0.09,0.06,0.03), ?? ?Totpop = c(4000,3500,4500,4100,3900,4250,5100,4700,4950,4800)) # Define the cutoffs # - allow for duplicate entries; by = 0.03; # by = 0.01; cutoffs <- seq(0, 0.20, by = by) # Create a new column with cutoffs dummyData$Cutoff
2014 Apr 15
[PATCH 0/3] misc. cleanup
Hello, some misc. cleanup patches for speexdsp, nothing big I'm not sure about how to submit patches, so this is a test balloon :) ultimately, I'd like to fix the FIXED_POINT issue, see currently, I think the only way to find out how speexdsp has been compiled is to resample some bytes and observe the output; which is
2023 Oct 14
Create new data frame with conditional sums
That's very helpful and instructive, thank you! Jason Stout, MD, MHS Box 102359-DUMC Durham, NC 27710 FAX 919-681-7494 ________________________________ From: John Fox <jfox at> Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2023 10:13 AM To: Jason Stout, M.D. <jason.stout at> Cc: r-help at <r-help at> Subject: Re: [R] Create new data frame with
2023 Oct 14
Create new data frame with conditional sums
Well, here's one way to do it: (dat is your example data frame) Cutoff <- seq(0, .15, .01) Pop <- with(dat, sapply(Cutoff, \(p)sum(Totpop[Pct >= p]))) I think there must be a more efficient way to do it with cumsum(), though. Cheers, Bert On Sat, Oct 14, 2023 at 12:53?AM Jason Stout, M.D. <jason.stout at> wrote: > > This seems like it should be simple but I
2009 Aug 17
how to pass more than one argument to the function called by lapply?
Dear R helpers: I wonder how to pass more than one argument to the function called by lapply. For example, #R code below --------------------------- indf <- data.frame(id=I(c('a','b')),y=c(1,10)) #I want to add an addition argument cutoff into the function called by lapply. <- function(indf, cutoff) { unlist(lapply(split(indf, indf[,'id']),
2023 Oct 15
Create new data frame with conditional sums
Dear Jason, I do not think that the solution based on aggregate offered by GPT was correct. That quasi-solution only aggregates for every individual level. As I understand, you want the cumulative sum. The idea was proposed by Bert; you need only to sort first based on the cutoff (e.g. using an ordered factor). And then only extract the last value for each level. If Pct is unique, than you
2010 Jun 30
vlmc - "In vlmc(traffic.clusters.stationary, cutoff = i) : alphabet with >1-letter strings; trying to abbreviate"
Dear all (copying the package author), I have a question on the vlmc package. I am trying to model a time series, where each element can take one of 11 values (the result of some clustering). When I run the following command (synthetic data to facilitate self-contained example) I get the following warning: ("alphabet with >1-letter strings; trying to abbreviate") +++ START+++ >
2020 Feb 24
ORC JIT Weekly #6 -- General initializer support and JITLink optimizations
Hi All, The general initializer support patch has landed (see 85fb997659b plus follow up fixes). Some quick background: Until now ORC, like MCJIT, has handled static initializer discovery by searching for llvm.global_ctors and llvm.global_dtors arrays in the IR added to the JIT. This approach suffers from several drawbacks: 1) It provides no built-in support for other program representations:
2001 Jul 31
nlme: bug in getCovariateFormula (PR#1038)
I found that predict.gnls failed with a wierd error message about a non-numeric argument to a binary vector in one of three nearly identical uses. Error in Inh/Ki : non-numeric argument to binary operator (Inh and Ki are arguments to the function used in the formula for the object whose predictions were requested). It turns out that the problem is in getCovariateFormula(). The final line in
2008 May 17
Correlated Columns in data frame
Dear all, Sorry to post my query once again in the list, since I did not get attention from anyone in my previous mail to this list. Now I make it simple here that please give me a code for find out the columns of a dataframe whose correlation coefficient is below a pre-determined threshold. (For detailed query please see my previous message to this list, pasted hereunder) Thanks and regards,