similar to: Returning vectors of two different data types back to R environment (from C).

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Returning vectors of two different data types back to R environment (from C)."

2003 Sep 05
Problem with S4 slots in C code (PR#4073)
This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. ------_=_NextPart_000_01C3738F.63DE3390 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" #I want to be able to create a new S4 class and read data into it using C code # Here is a very simple S4 object inheriting from "array", but with 5
2014 Jun 24
using C code to create data frame but always return as list
there is my code,  expect return value  is a data frame but R say it is list: SEXP Julia_R_MD_NA_DataFrame(jl_value_t* Var) {  SEXP ans,names,rownames;  char evalcmd[4096];  int i;  const char* dfname="DataFrameName0tmp";  jl_set_global(jl_main_module, jl_symbol(dfname), (jl_value_t*)Var);  //Get Frame cols   sprintf(evalcmd,"size(%s,2)",dfname);  jl_value_t*
2014 Mar 06
Create dataframe in C from table and return to R
Hi , I am trying to create a dataframe in C and sebd it back to R. Can anyone point me to the part of the source code where it is doing , let me explain the problem I am having . -------------------------------------------------------------------- My simple implementation is like this SEXP formDF() { SEXP dfm ,df , dfint , dfStr,lsnm; char *ab[3] =
2010 Aug 26
Speeding up transpose
I've looked at how to speed up the transpose function in R (ie, t(X)). The existing code does the work with loops like the following: for (i = 0; i < len; i++) REAL(r)[i] = REAL(a)[(i / ncol) + (i % ncol) * nrow]; It seems a bit optimistic to expect a compiler to produce good code from this. I've re-written these loops as follows: for (i = 0, j = 0; i<len; i +=
2016 Oct 24
typo or stale info in qr man
man for `qr` says that the function uses LINPACK's DQRDC, while it in fact uses DQRDC2. ``` The QR decomposition of the matrix as computed by LINPACK or LAPACK. The components in the returned value correspond directly to the values returned by DQRDC/DGEQP3/ZGEQP3 ```
2006 Nov 17
Manipulating R lists in C
Hi, I have been studying the R manual on lists but cannot seem to create a simple R list in C - I keep on getting "'dimnames' applied to non-array" whenever I attempt to assign names to the list elements: Wanted output a list structure something like [ type="Bid", price=2.0, volume=1000 ] I can get up to a list of [ "Bid2, 2.0, 1000 ] But for the life of
2014 Apr 03
question regarding lang2 command in C
Hi , I am asking too many questions , sorry for that . I am creating a data frame in C itself , reading a table . The data frame calling code looks like this ====================================== *PROTECT(dfm=lang2(install("data.frame"),df));* *SEXP res = PROTECT(eval(dfm,R_GlobalEnv));* UNPROTECT(2); return res; ================================== It works fine , now the problem
2004 Jun 16
off topic: C/C++ codes for pseudo inverse
Hi, I am looking for C/C++ codes for computing generalized inverse of a matrix. Can anyone help me in this regard? Thanks, Mahbub.
2011 Jan 17
isoreg memory leak?
I believe there is a memory leak in isoreg in the current version of R, as I believe the following shows > gc() used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) max used (Mb) Ncells 120405 3.3 350000 9.4 350000 9.4 Vcells 78639 0.6 786432 6.0 392463 3.0 > for(k in 1:100) { + + y <- runif(10000) + isoreg(x,y) + } > rm(x) > rm(y) > gc() used (Mb) gc
2014 May 16
Dear list, On a follow up from my previous email, I am now trying to allocate vectors of length larger than 32-bit in C. >From the R internals documentation, I read that: "The sxpinfo header is defined as a 32-bit C structure..." and "A SEXPREC is a C structure containing the 32-bit header..." The question is: does the INTSXP allow vectors larger than 32-bit? A test
2013 Nov 05
Dynamic list creation (SEXP in C) returns error "unimplemented type (29) in 'duplicate'"
Dear R-devel, A couple of weeks ago I started to use the R C API for package development. Without knowing much about C, I've been able to write some routines sucessfully... until now. My problem consists in dynamically creating a list ("L1") of lists using .Call, the tricky part is that each element of the "mother list" contains two vectors (INTSXP and REALEXP types) with
2010 Mar 07
duplicate STRSXP : shallow copy ?
Hello, As this little program illustrates, duplicating a STRSXP does not seem deep enough. require( inline ) fx <- cfunction( signature( x = "character"), ' SEXP y = PROTECT( duplicate( x ) ); int n = LENGTH(x); int nc = 0 ; char* p = 0 ; for( int i=0; i<n; i++){ p = (char*)( CHAR( STRING_ELT( y , i ) ) ); nc = strlen( p ) ; for( int j=0; j<nc; j++){ p[j] =
2006 Mar 27
Safe to UNPROTECT() when object is assigned to a list?
Hi, I'm troubleshooting some native code on Windows that very occationally (and semi-randomly) crashes R. Already looked at "everything", I just want to double check that it is safe to UNPROTECT() allocated variables as soon as they are assigned to, say, a PROTECTed list. >From (R v2.3.0) Section 5.7.1 "Handling the effects of garbage collection" in "Writing R
2003 Oct 03
allocating memory in a C module
Hi, I'm using a package that has a number of formats. I have C code to parse these formats the results of which are generally integer arrays. I would like to utilize these modules in R rather than writing R code to read in these files (and also to learn about R extensions). Essentially what I want is to do something like this: load_tsets <- function(t,c,p) .C( "c_load_tsets",
2007 Aug 03
How to properly finalize external pointers?
Dear R .Call() insiders, Can someone enlighten me how to properly finalize external pointers in C code (R-2.5.1 win)? What is the relation between R_ClearExternalPtr and the finalizer set in R_RegisterCFinalizer? I succeeded registering a finalizer that works when an R object containing an external pointer is garbage collected. However, I have some difficulties figuring out how to do that in an
2004 Mar 17
best methods for strings and structures?
I'm trying to generate an R interface for a library that's commonly used and I'm currently writing wrapper functions for file i/o and return an object (list?) that contains the elements of the C structure. For example, reading a file that contains: struct CONFIG_RECORD { char coeffs_filename[256]; char species_filename[256]; unsigned long
2013 Nov 26
dynamic lists at C level
Dear R-devel, I am trying to do something similar to dynamic length lists in R, but at C level. In R, that would be rather trivial: - determine the length of the list - create the list object - store the values for each component - access value components by using "[[" At C level, for a single component where I need to store a vector of length 5, I do: int *p_result; SEXP my_list =
2013 Dec 16
External pointers and changing SEXPTYPE
Dear Developers, I've been struggling through writing R extension in C. I've been using an external pointer to store my data (please see sample below). I encountered a very weird erroneous behaviour: when I tried to use my external pointer to a structure holding several types of data, including SEXPs, I discovered that SEXPs change their types between returning from initialization
2002 Dec 18
meta analysis
Dear R-lister, is there any function for Meta Analysis in R? (like homogeneity an, risk differences, relative riskm amd odds ratios? Many thanks, Edwin
2011 Jan 26
Dealing with R list objects in C/C++
Hi, I'd like to construct an R list object in C++, fill it with relevant data, and pass it to an R function which will return a different list object back. I have browsed through all the R manuals, and examples under tests/Embedding, but can't figure out the correct way. Below is my code snippet: #include <Rinternals.h> // Rf_initEmbeddedR and other setups already performed