Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Regression test failed when building on an "older" Linux cluster"
2006 Sep 08
Confidence intervals on Lowess (eg SiZer from J.S.Marron)
I have some very noisy, relatively sparse data; a biological response of
~8 subjects at ~8 times points). I've been following the data trend using a
line, over-plotted with several values of bandwidth, 'f <- seq(0.3, 0.9,
At this point, we have no models for these data.
I wonder if there is any way under R to assign some sort of confidence
interval to
2003 Oct 22
How to reformat data from database into data.frame?
I'm trying to find a clever way to re-map data from a database
query into a data.frame.
Querying a database often returns a table (data.frame) like this:
GeneID MethodID Value
6 1 123
6 2 456
6 3 987
7 1 234
7 3 432
8 2 190
8 3 34
8 1 864
Note that GeneID=7 doesn't have a value for MethodID=2.
Note that GeneID=8 doesn't have the
2007 Mar 15
Hardware for a new Workstation for best performance using R
we are looking for a new workstation for big datasets/applications (easily
up to 100'000 records and up to 300 Variables) using R. As an example:
Variable Selection for a multivariate regression using stepAIC.
What is the best configuration for a workstation to reach a high performance
level for computing with R?
Single core or multi core (is R together with nws package really able to
2014 Jun 15
Re: Fedora 19/20 new install :Unable to create vcpu cgroup
Thanks Kashyap for your answer.
I am trying to give more data:
virt-install invokation:
# virt-install --name eff1 --disk /home/kvmimages/eff1.img --cdrom
/home/kvmimages/Fedora-20-x86_64-DVD.iso --memory 4096
WARNING CDROM media does not print to the text console by default, so
you likely will not see text install output. You might want to use
Début d'installation...
2004 Jan 20
Re: Need help on how to list functions from a loaded package...
To All
How does one get a list of functions from a loaded package so that one can
then get the appropriate help for each of the functions. Currently my
method is
based on a lot of trial-and-error.
Here's an example of what I mean...
>From this forum I learn that an interesting package called "multtest" exists
on Bioconductor.
I then use R Console's "Packages" --
2014 Jun 15
Re: Fedora 19/20 new install :Unable to create vcpu cgroup
I have reinstall Fedora 20 from distrib. I have run yum update and yum
Running kernel is : 3.14.7-200.fc20.x86_64
Installed Libvirt packages are:
2008 Nov 23
Help in Programming using Methods
test <- function(x, ...) UseMethod('test', x)
test.data.frame = function(x, model, which, error, ...)
av <- aov(formula(model), data = x)
res <- test.aovlist(av, which = which, error = error)
test.aovlist <- function(x, which, error, ...)
mm <- model.tables(x, "means")
tabs <- mm$tables[-1]
2008 Oct 09
Two math expressions in plot
I am trying to put two math expressions in the title of a plot. As
you can see below, I can place correctly one expression at a time, but
not both. Ideally I would like to have them separated by a comma. Any
> k <- 1
> n.eff <- c(20, 30)
> ### this works
> plot(0,0, main = substitute(n == k, list(k = k)))
> ### this works
> plot(0,0, main =
2004 Apr 29
memory problems with lm
Hello list,
I've seen the recent discussions documenting problems with lm.
I have encountered the following problem. I use WinXP Pro with
service pack 1, and R 1.9.0, on a XEON 2GHz, with 1GB of RAM.
> eff.fro
std.dev mean
NSTRDSP 7.403749e-01 1.215686e-01
CPFGEP 9.056763e+00 1.815686e+00
WSWOLF 4.703588e+05 1.112832e+05
NPILGRIM 1.017640e+06 2.134335e+05
2014 Jun 15
Re: Fedora 19/20 new install :Unable to create vcpu cgroup
Thanks for your interest.
Here are the dir/files permissions for the kvmimages dir:
# ls -ld /home /home/kvmimages /home/kvmimages/*
drwxr-xr-x. 4 root root 4096 14 juin 23:05 /home
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 15 juin 09:19 /home/kvmimages
-rw-rw-rwx 1 root root 12884901888 14 juin 23:07 /home/kvmimages/eff1.img
-rw-rw-rwx 1 root root 12884901888 14 juin 23:11
2000 Mar 14
qr.solve (fwd)
Two friend reported me a problem, which I can't solve:
(I run R-1.0.0, Debian Linux)
They hava a function "corr.matrix" (see end of mail), and when they
create a 173x173 matrix with this function
V <- corr.matrix(0.3, n=173)
V1 <- qr.solve(V)
Error in qr(a, tol = tol) : NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 1)
For n < 173, qr.solve returns the correct
2003 Nov 30
bad performance on 2.4.23
- big and ugly mail. If you don't like them, delete it now :-) -
I have collected and classified some information of:
And I observed that ext3 performance is worse than previous
kernels(2.4.19...). -ac and -aa are here only as reference.
Complete information is in the upper URL.
dbench: Performance is worse.
dbench (Numbers are in
2016 Apr 20
Fresh build from source of R-3.2.5 failing "make check" under 64-bit Ubuntu
Let me justify building R from source. While I can obtain R built for me
under Ubuntu, I tend to build it from scratch as we use a NFS-shared
build as well as shared R libraries for all the bioinfo staff at this
company. Only one build and one set of packages to ensure uniformity
across all workstations.
My problem is that despite using a pretty standard build process, I am
failing at the
2010 Aug 26
Passing arguments between S4 methods fails within a function:bug? example with raster package.
Dear all,
This problem came up initially while debugging a function, but it
seems to be a more general problem of R. I hope I'm wrong, but I can't
find another explanation. Let me illustrate with the raster package.
For an object "RasterLayer" (which inherits from Raster), there is a
method xyValues defined with the signature
2010 Nov 16
Offset in glm poisson using R vs Exposure in Stata
I am hoping to find someone who uses both R and program Stata for GLMs.
I am a beginner R user, finding my own way through; learning code etc. at the same time as learning the statistics I need to complete my project.
What I have is the code from Stata and am trying to reproduce the same analysis in R - my program of choice.
. glm count md ms rf sg, family(poisson)
2006 Nov 28
Slight discrepancy between predict.lm() and all.effects()
In the course of exploring response prediction, I stumbled upon a
small discrepancy between the CIs produced by predict.lm() and
hsb.lm <- lm(mAch ~ minrty * sector, Hsb82)
hsb.new <- data.frame(
minrty = rep(c('No', 'Yes'), 2),
sector = rep(c('Public', 'Catholic'), each = 2))
hsb.eff <-
2012 Oct 16
Penalty function constrained optimization
Hi All,
I am trying to use optim() to minimize a function with a penalty function
term. This is a simple model bioeconomic model of a fishery. The penalty
function constrains the amount of effort (f) at 9. This works fine. The code
2012 Nov 16
Code works, but not as function.
I have some values in a list format generated by the following:
Path_Number <- 0010
ID.Path <- formatC(0001:Path_Number, width=4, flag=0) # Make vector of ID's.
No_of_Effectors <- sample(1:550, length(ID.Path), replace=TRUE) # Define Number of Effectors each individual gets.
Effectors <- split(sample(1:10000, sum(No_of_Effectors), replace=TRUE), rep(ID.Path, No_of_Effectors))
2014 Apr 29
"CBAnn" channel not going away in Asterisk 12
After an upgrade to Asterisk 12, I'm "collecting" channels. When I enter
and then exit a conference room, I see:
-- <CBAnn/207-0000067f;1> Playing 'confbridge-leave.slin' (language 'en')
-- Channel CBAnn/207-0000067f;2 joined 'softmix' base-bridge <5edb1920-3774-4ba3-8c4d-23e8fd04519c>
-- Channel CBAnn/207-0000067f;2 left
2009 May 26
Using package "exams" and xtable
I am trying to use the package "exams" to construct problem sets.
I have constructed an exercise which generates a list of integers and asks
the student to compute the median.
rx is the vector of n numbers
num [1:16] 21 9 8 18 4 12 17 2 9 7 ...
I want to print out the entire vector as part of the problem.
When I use \Sexpr(rx) only the first value (in this case