Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "partial correlation function for multivariate time series"
2007 Nov 23
Bug in pacf -- Proposed patch (PR#10455)
Dear all,
following the thread
regarding the bug in the partial autocorrelation function for
multivariate time series.
I have prepared a web page with patches and relevant information.
Please do not hesitate to contact me for further clarifications
2004 Aug 17
suggestion for ARMAacf()
in 1.9.1, the return value from ARMAacf(pacf=TRUE) is not named by lags,
contrary to ?ARMAacf. the simple fix is to move names(Acf) <-
down after if(pacf), with an appropriate starting lag as pacf=TRUE appears
to start at lag 1 (whereas pacf=FALSE starts at lag 0).
for consistency, one could argue to append 1 for lag 0 for pacf=TRUE
(or start pacf=F at lag 1). however, given the
2003 Sep 08
pacf lags
pacf in devel seems by default to return a different number of lags
than 1.7.1 for $pacf. I don't see any mention of this in the NEWS file,
or any change in the documentation, so I suspect it is and error,
though it may be an undocumented improvement.
(Newbie question: How is the simplest way to display a function like
pacf.default that is not exported from a namespace?)
2009 May 20
stationarity tests
How can I make sure the residual signal, after subtracting the trend extracted through some technique, is actually trend-free ?
I would greatly appreciate any suggestion about some Stationarity tests.
I'd like to make sure I have got the difference between ACF and PACF right.
In the following I am citing some definitions. I would appreciate your thoughts.
ACF(k) estimates the correlation
2003 Apr 02
I am getting the following:
*** Weave Errors ***
Error in driver$runcode(drobj, chunk, chunkopts) :
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : couldn't find function "pacf.mts"
*** Source Errors ***
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : couldn't find function "pacf.mts"
make[1]: *** [checkVignettes] Error 1
I don't really understand the new namespace mechanism,
2000 Jun 20
Dear list,
according to the documentation of acf{ts}
"the partial correlation coefficient is estimated by fitting
autoregressive models of successively higher orders up to lag.max. "
However, R seems to return the Yule-Walker estimates of the PACF by
default. You can check this using c(1:10) as the series: the YW
estimates are 0.7000000 and -0.1527035 for lags 1 and 2 . If the PACF
2008 Aug 28
Plots spanning columns
Hi! I want to plot three graphs (residuals, ACF and PACF of a
model). Ideally I would use a c(2,2) disposition where the residuals
plot would start at position 1,1 and span to position 1,2. Then I would
plot the ACF in position 2,1 and the PACF in position 2,2. Maybe is
clearer like this:
| |
| residuals |
2009 Sep 11
How to Label Certain Lags for a PACF Graph
When I use the command for PACF, lags 5, 10, 15, and 20 are labeled. I would
like to label lag 1. I would greatly appreciate if someone could tell me how
to do this. Below is the command that I am using:
pacf(data$R1,main="Series R1 Residuals")
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2004 Aug 09
Easy acf and pacf for irregular time series in R
Is there an easy way to get the acf and pacf for an irregular times
series? That is, the acf and pacf with lag lengths that are in units of
time, not observation number.
Jason Higbee
Research Associate
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
The views expressed in this email are the author's and not necessarily
those of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis or the Federal Reserve
2018 Aug 30
Cambiar la escala del eje x
Estimados amigos
Estoy dibujando las funciones acf y pacf de una variable de una serie "zoo":
> ls.str(pat="T0.5")
T0.5 : 'zoo' series from 2017-11-08 23:00:00 to 2017-11-15 06:59:00
Data: num [1:9120, 1:3] 55 49.8 51 50.1 36.5 ...
Index: POSIXct[1:9120], format: "2017-11-08 23:00:00" "2017-11-08
23:01:00" "2017-11-08
2007 Nov 23
Bug in pacf -- Proposed patch
Dear all,
following the thread
regarding the bug in the partial autocorrelation function for
multivariate time series.
I have prepared a web page with patches and relevant information.
Please do not hesitate to contact me for further clarifications
2011 Feb 23
mgcv: beta coefficient and 95%CI
Hi i am doing an environmental research
The equation is as follow:
gam(y1 ~ x1 + s(x2) + s(x3) + s(x4), family = gaussian, fit = true)
I would like to obtain the beta coefficient and 95CI of x4 (or s(x4)), what
should I do?
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/mgcv-beta-coefficient-and-95-CI-tp3320491p3320491.html
Sent from the R help mailing list
2011 Oct 19
ar() - AIC and BIC
I'm slowly working through Tsay's "Analysis of Financial Time Series"
3rd ed. ?I'm trying to replicate Table 2.1 on p.47, which gives PACF,
AIC, and BIC for the monthly simple returns of the CRSP value-weighted
The data:
> da <-
2012 Dec 30
acf () and pacf()
I have used acf() and pacf() in R to get the acf and pacf values at
but the output did not show the values associated with lag numbers. lag
numbers is shown in decimals.
Rashid Ameer
View my recent publication at
Details for my works are available directly at
2009 Feb 07
Output results to a single postscript document
Hello R users,
I have been trying to output all my results (text, plots, etc) into the same
postscript file as
one document, but have been unable to...Can anyone help me improve my code
below so that I can
accomplish this? Currently I have to output them separately then piece them
back together into
one document..
Thanks in Advance for any help!
options (scipen=999, digits=7)
2004 Mar 03
partial autocorrelation for Rt vs. Nt-1, ......., Nt-h
Dear list, following a previous querry we are still stuck!
As pointed out by Erin Hodges the "ts" library includes a PACF function
which reports the partial correlation of population density at time t
against lagged population density.
However, what we are trying to calculate is the partial correlation between
rate of population change, Rt=log Nt/Nt-1, against lagged population
2007 Aug 31
Choosing the optimum lag order of ARIMA model
Dear all R users,
I am really struggling to determine the most appropriate lag order of ARIMA model. My understanding is that, as for MA [q] model the auto correlation coeff vanishes after q lag, it says the MA order of a ARIMA model, and for a AR[p] model partial autocorrelation vanishes after p lags it helps to determine the AR lag. And most appropriate model choosed by this argument gives
2005 May 28
Lag selection
Dear All ,
Is it possible to find and select the best lags for time series in R? ( Lag Selection Problem )
Could you please introduce a package or function for this ?
Thanks a lot
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2004 Sep 27
Looking for .Call functions
In my ongoing quest to track down the source of an error (see message "[R] optim error in arima" above), I find in the cource code for arima0 the following:
arma0f <- function(p) {
par <- as.double(fixed)
par[mask] <- p
.Call("arma0fa", G, par, PACKAGE = "stats")
I would like to know what the function
2006 Aug 30
How to put title Vertically
Dear all R users,
Dear all R users,
pauto.cor = pacf(lh, plot=F)
max.lag = max(pauto.cor$lag)
min.lag = min(pauto.cor$lag)
centre = (max.lag - min.lag)/2
pauto.cor = pauto.cor$acf
pauto.cor = pauto.cor[-1]
barplot(pauto.cor, axes=F,xlim=c(max(pauto.cor),
min(pauto.cor)), space=0,
#This plots