Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "How to suppress 'Loading required package ...' via Depends/Imports"
2012 Jan 11
Silently loading and Depends: versus NAMESPACE imports
R CMD check really hates it when my .onLoad() function contains
However, _and for non-public packages not going to CRAN_ I prefer doing this
over using explicit Depends or import statements in the NAMESPACE file as the
latter do not give me an ability to make the loading less verbose. With the
R universe of packages being as vast as at is, a simple (non-public)
2012 Mar 15
ggplot2: goem_smooth and suppress messages
When I run my script using ggplot and geom_smooth I get messages that I
would like to suppress:
p <- ggplot(dataSubset)
p <- p + aes(x = as.Date(factor(key),format="%Y%m%d")) + geom_line()
p <- p + geom_smooth(span=0.2,se=FALSE,size=0.7)
The messages look like this:
geom_smooth: method="auto" and size of largest group is <1000, so using
loess. Use 'method
2015 Sep 10
Using IDs to suppress specific messages and warnings
The suppressMessages and suppressWarnings functions currently suppress
all the message or warnings that are generated by the input
The ability to suppress only specific messages or warnings is
sometimes useful, particularly for cases like file import where there
are lots of things that can go wrong.
Suppressing only messages that match a regular expression has rightly
been rejected
2008 Dec 08
Ubuntu 8.10: Package installation fails (lf77blas problem)
I just upgraded to Ubuntu 8.10 (i386) from 8.04. After the upgrade, I ran
update.packages(.libPaths()[1]) in R to get the packages installed from source
up to date too. Unfortunately, two packages could not be updated: mclust and
mboost. In both cases, the error I got mentioned lf77blas. Here's the output for
* Installing *source* package 'mboost' ...
** libs
gcc -std=gnu99
2010 Jul 28
Out-of-sample predictions with boosting model
Hi UseRs -
I am new to R, and could use some help making out-of-sample predictions
using a boosting model (the mboost command). The issue is complicated by the
fact that I have panel data (time by country), and am estimating the model
separately for each country. FYI, this is monthly data and I have 1986m1 -
2009m12 for 9 countries.
To give you a flavor of what I am doing, here is a simple
2009 Oct 13
gee: suppress printout
I'm using the function gee from the library(gee)
Every time it runs, it dutifully prints out
Beginning Cgee S-function, @(#) geeformula.q 4.13 98/01/27
user's initial regression estimate
[1,] -4.5278335
[2,] -0.2737999
[3,] -0.9528306
[4,] 0.9393861
2010 Oct 20
problem with predict(mboost,...)
I use a mboost model to predict my dependent variable on new data. I get the following warning message:
In bs(mf[[i]], knots = args$knots[[i]]$knots, degree = args$degree, :
some 'x' values beyond boundary knots may cause ill-conditioned bases
The new predicted values are partly negative although the variable in the training data ranges from 3 to 8 on a numeric scale. In order to
2010 Feb 07
mboost: Interpreting coefficients from glmboost if center=TRUE
I'm running R 2.10.1 with mboost 2.0 in order to build predictive
models . I am performing prediction on a binomial outcome, using a
linear function (glmboost). However, I am running into some confusion
regarding centering. (I am not aware of an mboost-specific mailing
list, so if the main R list is not the right place for this topic,
please let me know.)
The boost_control() function allows
2009 Aug 14
Package-level access to Rp->R_Quiet ?
I would like to simulate the effect of the command-line option --quiet from
user-level scripts and startup code. From src/main/CommandLineArgs.c I learn
that Rp->R_Quiet is set, and I see how that is used in main/main.c.
I would use this from code in Rprofile.site. In other words, I want to be
silent when --quiet is used (as e.g. by littler or Rscript) but not by R
itself in normal
2023 Feb 19
R: determine if `suppressMessages()` has been invoked
Awesome, this gets the job done.
To answer your question:
When using C or C++ via Rinside or within a package, those functions do not listen to suppressMessages, e.g. `Rprintf` keeps printing to the console. Since it's common to use wrapper functions in R anyway, they can run `are_messages_suppressed` and pass the information on to an explicit `verbose` argument of the C / C++ function.
2019 Jul 23
[External] Re: quiet namespace load is noisy
Dear Russ,
I had the same problem in my vignettes and setting both message and warning
to FALSE seems to remove all unwanted output:
```{r message=FALSE, warning=FALSE}
Am Di.,
2023 Feb 19
R: determine if `suppressMessages()` has been invoked
Hi all,
I would like to create a function that detects if suppressMessages has been invoked upon running that same function. I was looking through {https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/R-ints.html}, but I haven't found an answer. I do not understand **how** suppressMessages works.
I have not received an answer on SO
2011 Oct 05
suppressing stderr output from system() calls
Dear list,
I'm trying to suppress/redirect/squash the output from commands like install.packages, or download.file. The problem is that none of: sink(..., type="message"), sink(..., type="output"), capture.output, suppressMessages are quite doing the trick. Output gets written to the stderr stream, despite any combination of the above suppression commands.
According to
2007 Jun 27
"no applicable method"
I'm getting started in R, and I'm trying to use one of the gradient
boosting packages, mboost. I'm already installed the package with
install.packages("mboost") and loaded it with library(mboost).
My problem is that when I attempt to call glmboost, I get a message
that " Error in glmboost() : no applicable method for "glmboost" ".
Does anybody have
2012 Jul 23
mboost vs gbm
I'm attempting to fit boosted regression trees to a censored response using
IPCW weighting. I've implemented this through two libraries, mboost and
gbm, which I believe should yield models that would perform comparably.
This, however, is not the case - mboost performs much better. This seems
odd. This issue is meaningful since the output of this regression needs to
be implemented in a
2008 Apr 26
Calling a stored model within the predict() function
Hi all,
First of all, I'm a novice R user (less that a week), so perhaps my code
isn't very efficient.
Using the MBoost package I created a model using the following command and
saved it to a file for later use:
model <- gamboost(fpfm,data=SampleClusterData,baselearner="bbs") # Creating
a model
save(model,file="model.RData") # Saving a model
After this, during a
2012 Nov 04
blackboost (mboost package) function leads to non-reclaimable memory usage
Dear all,
I am puzzled by R's memory usage when calling the blackboost function from
package mboost to estimate a Gradient boosting model on a simulated dataset
with 20 correlated variables and 100,000 obs. The blackboost object created
by the function is only 15.3Mb, but R's memory usage increases by about
3.9Gb during the estimation of the model and the memory is not released even
2015 Jul 15
bquote/evalq behavior changed in R-3.2.1
Is your conclusion to just update the code and enforce using the most
recent version of R?
On Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 4:44 PM, Dayne Filer <dayne.filer at gmail.com> wrote:
> David,
> If you are referring to the solution that would be:
> rapply(list(test), eval, envir = fenv)
> I thought I explained in the question that the above code does not work.
2015 Jul 15
bquote/evalq behavior changed in R-3.2.1
Another aspect of the change is (using TERR's RinR package):
> options(REvaluators=list(makeREvaluator("R-3.1.3"),
> RCompare(rapply(list(quote(function(x)x),list(quote(pi),quote(7-4))),
R version 3.1.3 (2015-03-09) R version 3.2.0 (2015-04-16)
[1,] [1]
2009 Sep 26
mboost_1.1-3 blackboost_fit (PR#13972)
Full_Name: Ivan the Terrible
Version: 2.9.2
OS: Windows XP SP3
Submission from: (NULL) (
When using the method blackboost_fit of the package mboost appear following
error :
Error in party:::get_variables(obj at responses) :
trying to get slot "responses" from an object (class "boost_data") that is not
an S4 object
Simple test case that produce bug: