similar to: nls with algorithm = "port", starting values

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "nls with algorithm = "port", starting values"

2010 Apr 19
nls for piecewise linear regression not converging to least square
Hi R experts, I'm trying to use nls() for a piecewise linear regression with the first slope constrained to 0. There are 10 data points and when it does converge the second slope is almost always over estimated for some reason. I have many sets of these 10-point datasets that I need to do. The following segment of code is an example, and sorry for the overly precise numbers, they are just
2009 Dec 01
Starting estimates for nls Exponential Fit
Hello everyone, I have come across a bit of an odd problem: I am currently analysing data PCR reaction data of which part is behaving exponential. I would like to fit the exponential part to the following: y0 + alpha * E^t In which Y0 is the groundphase, alpha a fluorescence factor, E the efficiency of the reaction & t is time (in cycles) I can get this to work for most of my reactions,
2006 Jan 08
I have found some "issues" (bugs?) with nls confidence intervals ... some with the relatively new "port" algorithm, others more general (but possibly in the "well, don't do that" category). I have corresponded some with Prof. Ripley about them, but I thought I would just report how far I've gotten in case anyone else has thoughts. (I'm finding the code
2008 Oct 02
nls with plinear and function on RHS
Dear R gurus, As part of finding initial values for a much more complicated fit I want to fit a function of the form y ~ a + bx + cx^d to fairly "noisy" data and have hit some problems. To demonstrate the specific R-related problem, here is an idealised data set, smaller and better fitting than reality: # idealised data set aDF <- data.frame( x= c(1.80, 9.27, 6.48, 2.61, 9.86,
2010 Apr 15
using nls for gamma distribution (a,b,d)
Dear all i want to estimated the parameter of the gamma density(a,b,d) f(x) = (1/gamma(b)*(a^b)) * ((x-d)^(b-1)) * exp{-(x-d)/a)} for x>d f(x) = Age specific fertility rate x = age when i run this in R by usling nls() gamma.asfr <- formula(asfr ~ (((age-d)^(b-1))/((gamma(b))*(a^b)))* exp(-((age-d)/a))) gamma.asfr1 <- nls(gamma.asfr, data= asfr.aus, start = list(b = 28, a = 1, d= 0.5),
2008 May 06
NLS plinear question
Hi All. I've run into a problem with the plinear algorithm in nls that is confusing me. Assume the following reaction time data over 15 trials for a single unit. Trials are coded from 0-14 so that the intercept represents reaction time in the first trial. trl RT 0 1132.0 1 630.5 2 1371.5 3 704.0 4 488.5 5 575.5 6 613.0 7 824.5 8 509.0 9
2005 Jun 21
nls(): Levenberg-Marquardt, Gauss-Newton, plinear - PI curve fitting
Hello, i have a problem with the function nls(). This are my data in "k": V1 V2 [1,] 0 0.367 [2,] 85 0.296 [3,] 122 0.260 [4,] 192 0.244 [5,] 275 0.175 [6,] 421 0.140 [7,] 603 0.093 [8,] 831 0.068 [9,] 1140 0.043 With the nls()-function i want to fit following formula whereas a,b, and c are variables: y~1/(a*x^2+b*x+c) With the standardalgorithm
2018 May 05
Bug in profile.nls with algorithm = "plinear"
Dear sirs It seems like there is a bug in `profile.nls` with `algorithm = "plinear"` when a matrix is supplied on the right hand side. Here is the bug and a potential fix ##### # example where profile.nls does not work with `plinear` but does with # `default` require(graphics) set.seed(1) DNase1 <- subset(DNase, Run == 1) x <- rnorm(nrow(DNase1)) f1 <- nls(density ~ b1/(1 +
2012 Aug 23
NLS bi exponential Fit
Hi everyone, I'm trying to perform a bi exponential Fit with the package NLS. the plinear algorithm seems to be a good choice see: p<-3000 q<-1000 a<--0.03 b<--0.02 t<-seq(0:144);t y<-p*exp(a*t) + q*exp(b*t)+rnorm(t,sd=0.3*(p* exp(a*t) + q*exp(b*t))) fittA <- nls(y~cbind(exp(a*t), exp(b*t)), algorithm="plinear",start=list(a=-.1, b=-0.2), data=list(y=y, t=t),
2010 Apr 19
nls minimum factor error
Hi, I have a small dataset that I'm fitting a segmented regression using nls on. I get a step below minimum factor error, which I presume is because residual sum of square is still "not small enough" when steps in the parameter space is already below specified/default value. However, when I look at the trace, the convergence seems to have been reached. I initially thought I might
2007 May 31
predict.nls - gives error but only on some nls objects
Dear list, I have encountered a problem with predict.nls (Windows XP, R.2.5.0), but I am not sure if it is a bug... On the nls man page, an example is: DNase1 <- subset(DNase, Run == 1) fm2DNase1 <- nls(density ~ 1/(1 + exp((xmid - log(conc))/scal)), data = DNase1, start = list(xmid = 0, scal = 1)) alg = "plinear", trace =
2009 Feb 10
plotting the result of a nonlinear regression
Hello, to plot the result of a singular non linear regression (using nls) I usually use the function plotfit, for example: r.PTG.V<-nls(PTG.P~ fz1(Portata, a,b), data=dati, start=list(a=10, b=10), nls.control(maxiter=200), algorithm='port', trace=TRUE, na.action=na.omit, lower=list(a=0, b=10), upper=list(a=100, b=100)) plotfit(r.PTG.V) I tried to use the function plotfit on the
2008 Jul 08
nls and "plinear" algorithm
hello all i havnt had a chance to read through the references provided for the "nls" function (since the libraries are closed now). can anyone shed some light on how the "plinear" algorithm works? also, how are the fitted values obtained? also, WHAT DOES THE ".lin" below REPRESENT? thanking you in advance ###################################### i have a quick
2003 Mar 26
Hi, df <- read.table("data.txt", header=T); library(nls); fm <- nls(y ~ a*(x+d)^(-b), df, start=list(a=max(df->y,na.rm=T)/2,b=1,d=0)); I was using the following routine which was giving Singular Gradient, Error in numericDeriv(form[[3]], names(ind), env) : Missing value or an Infinity produced when evaluating the model errors. I also tried the
2010 Aug 13
Unable to retrieve residual sum of squares from nls output
Colleagues, I am using "nls" successfully (2.11.1, OS X) but I am having difficulties retrieving part of the output - residual sum of squares. I have assigned the output to FIT: > > FIT > Nonlinear regression model > model: NEWY ~ PMESOR + PAMPLITUDE * cos(2 * pi * (NEWX - POFFSET)/PERIOD) > data: parent.frame() > PMESOR PAMPLITUDE POFFSET >
2006 Sep 15
Formula aruguments with NLS and model.frame()
I could use some help understanding how nls parses the formula argument to a model.frame and estimates the model. I am trying to utilize the functionality of the nls formula argument to modify garchFit() to handle other variables in the mean equation besides just an arma(u,v) specification. My nonlinear model is y<-nls(t~a*sin(w*2*pi/365*id+p)+b*id+int,data=t1,
2012 Dec 16
nls for sum of exponentials
Hi there, I am trying to fit the following model with a sum of exponentials - y ~ Ae^(-md) + B e^(-nd) + c the model has 5 parameters A, b, m, n, c I am using nls to fit the data and I am using DEoptim package to pick the most optimal start values - fm4 <- function(x) x[1] + x[2]*exp(x[3] * -dist) + x[4]*exp(x[5] * -dist) fm5 <- function(x) sum((wcorr-fm4(x))^2) fm6 <- DEoptim(fm5,
2012 Jan 30
Problem in Fitting model equation in "nls" function
Dear R users,   I am struggling to fit expo-linear equation to my data using "nls" function. I am always getting error message as i highlighted below in yellow color:     ### Theexpo-linear equation which i am interested to fit my data:       response_variable =  (c/r)*log(1+exp(r*(Day-tt))), where "Day" is time-variable   ## my response variable   rl <-
2013 Jan 04
(no subject)
Hi, I am using the nls function and it stops because the number of iterations exceeded 50, but i used the nls.control argument to allow for 500 iterations. Do you have any idea why it's not working? fm1 <- nls(npe ~ SSgompertz(npo, Asym, b2, b3), data=f,control=nls.control(maxiter=500)) Error in nls(y ~ exp(-b2 * b3^x), data = xy, algorithm = "plinear", start = c(b2 =
2009 Jul 09
nls, reach limit bounds
Hi, I am trying to fit a 4p logistic to this data, using nls function. The function didn't freely converge; however, it converged if I put a lower and an upper bound (in algorithm port). Also, the b1.A parameter always takes value of the upper bound, which is very strange. Has anyone experienced about non-convergent of nls and how to deal with this kind of problem? Thank you very much.