similar to: Non-unique column names in data frames

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Non-unique column names in data frames"

2006 Apr 29
R-News submission
Dear Roman, I've attached the latex file for the copy-edited version of your manuscript -- correcting English grammar and style, and making the paper conform more closely to the R News style. Can you check this over to confirm that I've not altered the meaning of your text and to approve the copy-edits? Thanks, John -------------------------------- John Fox Department of Sociology
2005 Dec 04
FW: Error in structural equation model - "The model hasnegativedegrees of freedom"
Dear R-help list members, I forgot to copy my reply to the r-help list. Here's most of it. John -------------------------------- John Fox Department of Sociology McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario Canada L8S 4M4 905-525-9140x23604 -------------------------------- -----Original Message----- From: John Fox [mailto:jfox at] Sent: Sunday,
2008 Dec 23
Using transform to add a date column to a dataframe
I would like to add a column to the airquality dataset that contains the date 1950-01-01 in each row. This method does not appear to work: > attach(airquality) > data1 <- transform(airquality,Date=as.Date("1950-01-01")) Error in data.frame(list(Ozone = c(41L, 36L, 12L, 18L, NA, 28L, 23L, 19L, : arguments imply differing number of rows: 153, 1 I can't decipher what
2007 Sep 19
SEM - standardized path coefficients?
Dear list members, In sem, std.coef() will give me standardized coefficients from a sem model. But is there a trick so that path.diagram can use these coefficients rather than unstandardized ones? Thanks Steve Powell From: John Fox <> Date: Wed 28 Feb 2007 - 14:37:22 GMT Dear Tim, See ?standardized.coefficients (after loading the sem package). Regards, John John
2005 Jul 20
Internationalization of the Rcmdr package
Dear r-devel list members, I've prepared a version of the Rcmdr package that uses the new tools for internationalization and localization in R 2.1.x. For the present, this is the development version of the Rcmdr package (1.1-0), available at <>. There is currently a French translation provided with the package, courtesy of
2008 Jan 23
pseudo dataframes with RODBC
Dear R-devel list members, For several years, I've maintained for my private use and for demonstrations a set of functions [e.g., for indexing, with(), summary(), etc.] that employ the RODBC package and a database to provide a "pseudo" data frame. Row "indexes" can be specified as SQL queries. I know that the idea isn't original, and I haven't done anything with
2005 Apr 16
Version 1.0-0 of the Rcmdr package
Dear list members, I've just uploaded version 1.0-0 of the Rcmdr package to CRAN. For people who haven't seen the package before, the "R Commander" provides a basic-statistics graphical user interface to R, based on the tcltk package. The new version incorporates a number of improvements to the R Commander interface, as documented in the CHANGES file distributed with the
2005 Apr 16
Version 1.0-0 of the Rcmdr package
Dear list members, I've just uploaded version 1.0-0 of the Rcmdr package to CRAN. For people who haven't seen the package before, the "R Commander" provides a basic-statistics graphical user interface to R, based on the tcltk package. The new version incorporates a number of improvements to the R Commander interface, as documented in the CHANGES file distributed with the
2002 Nov 02
problem with expand.model.frame
Dear R list members, I'm encountering a problem with expand.model.frame(): Suppose that I define the following simple function (meant just to illustrate the problem): > fun <- function(model){ + expand.model.frame(model, all.vars(formula(model))) + } > and I have the following model, created with an explicit data argument: > mod Call:
2006 Feb 07
New car package with new linear.hypothesis function
Dear R-packages list members, Last month, Peter Muhlberger posted a message to the r-help list that suggested, among other things, a desire for a more convenient method of performing Wald tests for statistical models fit in R. Thanks largely to Achim Zeleis's help, the linear.hypothesis function in the car package has been reworked so that (1) it is applicable to any model object that
2006 Feb 07
New car package with new linear.hypothesis function
Dear R-packages list members, Last month, Peter Muhlberger posted a message to the r-help list that suggested, among other things, a desire for a more convenient method of performing Wald tests for statistical models fit in R. Thanks largely to Achim Zeleis's help, the linear.hypothesis function in the car package has been reworked so that (1) it is applicable to any model object that
2005 Jan 01
Use of expand.model.frame()
Dear list members, I've encountered a problem using expand.model.frame() with a model specified without an explicit data argument. To illustrate (R 2.0.1 under Windows XP): > x <- rnorm(10) > y <- x + rnorm(10) > mod <- lm(y ~ x) > z <- 1:10 > expand.model.frame(mod, "z") Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : Object "y"
2013 Jul 23
cbind error with check.names
Here is an example where?cbind?fails with an error when?check.names=TRUE?is set. data(airquality) airQualityBind =cbind(airquality,airquality,check.names =TRUE) ?I understand that?cbind?is a call to?data.frame?and the following works: airQualityBind =data.frame(airquality,airquality,check.names =TRUE) but I would like to understand why?cbind?throws an error. I asked this question on SO here:
2004 Nov 23
Convergence problem in GLMM
Dear list members, In re-running with GLMM() from the lme4 package a generalized-linear mixed model that I had previously fit with glmmPQL() from MASS, I'm getting a warning of a convergence failure, even when I set the method argument of GLMM() to "PQL": > bang.mod.1 <- glmmPQL(contraception ~ as.factor(children) + cage + urban, + random=~as.factor(children) + cage +
2003 Feb 11
Hi, i found tis message in the archive and have got the same problems ? John, perhaps you have found now a way install RPgSQL for windows2000, or anybody other ? many thanks for advance christian [SNIP] I wonder whether anyone has succeeded in building either the RPgSQL or the Rdbi.PGSQL and Rdbi packages for Windows. If so, would you be willing to share either the binary package(s) or
2006 Nov 02
correlation argument for lmer?
Dear r-help members, Can lmer() in the lme4 package fit models that have a specified within-group correlation structure, as provided, for example, by the correlation argument to lme() in the nlme package? Thanks, John -------------------------------- John Fox Department of Sociology McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario Canada L8S 4M4 905-525-9140x23604
2004 Dec 03
New package: polycor
Dear list members, I've uploaded a new package, called polycor (version 0.5-0), to CRAN. The package has functions for computing polychoric and polyserial correlations, either by maximum-likelihood (in which case, standard errors are available) or by faster approximations. There's also a function to compute "heterogeneous" correlation matrices composed of product-moment,
2004 Dec 03
New package: polycor
Dear list members, I've uploaded a new package, called polycor (version 0.5-0), to CRAN. The package has functions for computing polychoric and polyserial correlations, either by maximum-likelihood (in which case, standard errors are available) or by faster approximations. There's also a function to compute "heterogeneous" correlation matrices composed of product-moment,
2004 Apr 26
rgl for Windows
Dear list members, I think that it's a pity that there's no Windows binary for the rgl package on CRAN. I understand that rgl doesn't compile with the standard Windows tools and that there's a Windows binary on Daniel Adler's web site. But the lack of an rgl binary on CRAN provides presents a potential obstacle to at least some Windows users, such as many students in
2005 Apr 01
Selections from tcltk list boxes
Dear r-devel list members, I've experienced the following problem in getting a selection from a Tk list box using tcltk. This is a long-standing problem, but I've finally decided to tackle it. Consider the following: Library(tcltk) top <- tktoplevel() listbox <- tklistbox(top, height="10", width="2", exportselection="FALSE",