similar to: Am I missing something about debugging?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "Am I missing something about debugging?"

2010 Oct 29
how to debug (mtrace) a function defined inside a function?
Hi, everyone. I am using a fair amount of closures in my code. Problem i am experiencing is i cannot figure out how to mtrace functions defined within a function. There must be some way to name such function for mtrace to see it and let me step into it. For example, say i have code mymodel<-function(){ data<-numeric(0) build<-function(){ data<<-1 } m<-list()
2006 Jan 25
reducing learning curves?
Hi all, I am really new to the R language. I am a long time Matlab and C++ user and I was "forced" to learn R because I am taking a statistics class. I am seeking to reduce the learning curve to as smooth as possible. Are there any addon/plug-in features that can reduce the learning curve, for example, the following features can be very helpful for new learners: 1. Matlab-like
2005 Oct 18
Subsetting a list
Colleagues, I have created a list in the following manner: TEST <- list(c("A1", "A2"), c("B1", "B2"), c("C1", "C2")) I now want to delete one element from the list, e.g., the third. The command TEST[[3]] yields (as expected): [1] "C1" "C2" The command TEST[[-3]] yields: Error:
2009 Oct 28
Aggregate and cross tabulation
R-helpers: I have a data frame containing 4 factor variables (let's say A,B,C, and D) and 1 numerical variable (N). I would like to produce a cross-tabulated data frame in which A,B,C are individual columns, each factor of D is its own column, and the field is calculated as a given function of N (I would like to have two output data frames, one with the mean(N) and one with the
2010 Feb 23
Best style to organize code, namespaces
Hi all, I'm hoping someone could tell me what best practices are as far as keeping programs organized in R. In most languages, I like to keep things organized by writing small functions. So, suppose I want to write a function that would require helper functions or would just be too big to write in one piece. Below are three ways to do this: ################### Style 1 (C-style)
2012 Apr 19
How to "flatten" a multidimensional array into a dataframe?
Hi, I have a three dimensional array, e.g., my.array = array(0, dim=c(2,3,4), dimnames=list( d1=c("A1","A2"), d2=c("B1","B2","B3"), d3=c("C1","C2","C3","C4")) ) what I would like to get is then a dataframe: d1 d2 d3 value A1 B1 C1 0 A2 B1 C1 0 . . . A2 B3 C4 0 I'm sure there is one function to do
2007 Jul 31
extract columns of a matrix/data frame
Hello all, I have a matrix whose column names look like a1 a2 b1 b2 b3 c1 c2 1 2 3 7 1 3 2 4 6 7 8 1 4 3 Now, I can have any number of a's. not just two as shown above and same goes for b's and c's. I need to extract all the a's columns and put them in another matrix, extract all b's columns and put them in some matrix
2004 Mar 25
mlocal/mtrace inside a loop
Hello I need some help in figuring Bravington’s debugger out. Ok I have 2 functions, fun1 and fun2 saved in a ASCII file say filename is funs. Fun1 has a loop which calls fun2, fun2 has a loop which fails and I need to find out the value of the variables of the fun2 and fun1 loops at the specific iteration that fails. Both fun1 and fun2 loops will iterate thousands of times so line by line debug
2010 Feb 09
How can I rearange my dataframe
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2005 Aug 15
queer data set
I have a dataset that is basically structureless. Its dimension varies from row to row and sep(s) are a mixture of tab and semi colon (;) and example is HEADER1 HEADER2 HEADER3 HEADER3 A1 B1 C1 X11;X12;X13 A2 B2 C2 X21;X22;X23;X24;X25 A3 B3 C3 A4 B4 C4 X41;X42;X43 A5 B5 C5 X51 etc., say. Note that a blank
2005 Apr 20
newby trying to solve a system
Dear R-gurus, being very new to R, (as well as lazy and not too smart !) I have some problems (and get lost in the docs) trying to write something to find the 9 values (A1,B1,C1,A2,B2,C2....C3) which are solutions of a 12 equations system of the form : > x1-(A1/(A1+B1+C1)) = 0 > y1-(B1/(A1+B1+C1))= 0 > z1-(C1/(A1+B1+C1)) = 0 > 3 same equations with subscript 2 > 3 same
2012 Aug 28
Cut command behaviour - bug or feature
Greetings, I have a CSV file with three fields. eg. a1,b1,c1 a2,b2,c2 .... I wanted the output to be: b1,c1,a1 b2,c2,a2 .... the command cut -d, -f2,3,1 <file> returns a1,b1,c1 cut -d, -f2,3 <file> works as advertised. Is it specific to linux? In that case how do I go about swapping two columns? I do not think a gazzillion byte gui is required. The file size is about 43Megs.
2009 Mar 20
how to make aggregation in R ?
Hi, I am trying to aggregate the sum of my test data.frame as follow: testDF <- data.frame(v1 = c("a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "b", "b", "b", "b", "b", "c", "c", "c", "c", "c", "d", "d", "d", "d",
2009 Sep 01
Simple question about data.frame reduction
Hi, this is a simple question I have this data.frame: > test <- data.frame(var1=c(1,1,1,1,1,1),var2=c("a","a","b","c","d","e"),var3=c("a1","a1","b1","a1","c1","d1")) > test var1 var2 var3 1 1 a a1 2 1 a a1 3 1 b b1 4 1 c a1 5 1
2005 Dec 12
store and retrieve object names in a vector
hi netters, suppose i have a series of objects X1, X2, B1,C1........... they all have the same dimensions. i want to combine into one by using cbind: y<-cbind(X1,X2,B1,C1.....) but i don't want to type the names of these objects one by one. instead, i've put their names into a vector: x<-c("X1","X2","B1","C1",....) i used y<-cbind(x).
2005 Jun 03
rearrange data
Dear all: I have this: A1 B1 C1 D1 E1 A2 B2 C2 D2 E2 A3 B3 C3 D3 E3 And I want this A1 E1 B1 E1 C1 E1 D1 E1 A2 E2 B2 E2 C2 E2 D2 E2 A3 E3 B3 E3 C3 E3 D3 E3 Example: m<- matrix(1:15,nrow=3,byrow=T) m v<- unlist(list(t(m[,1:4]))) u<- rep(c(5,10,15),c(4,4,4)) data.frame(v,u) This is the result I want but I would like to learn a simpler way to do it. Any clue?
2009 Jul 30
edit.row.names taking row names from the edited dataframe
Hi all, I am struggling to work out how to use the rownames from an edited dataframe rather than the row names from the original dataframe. In my data set i'm trying to extract several rows of data on particular individuals, i don't doubt i'm using the long way round but what i have in the way of a script is this: ##selecting the IDs from the dataframe individually
2005 Aug 25
how to use ruby debugger instead of irb from script/breakpointer
Hello - I would like to use the ruby debugger instead of irb for a breakpoint enabled by script/breakpointer in order to step through some code. How do I do that? Aaron
2017 Aug 07
AliasAnalysis: may-alias subcategory
There are function which does have optimization opportunities but because of may-alias memory dependencies sometimes optimization is not effective. May be runtime checks kills the gains of optimization. For such cases aiming to do interprocedural function specialization optimization where in the clone function version no-alias assumption can be assumed and the original function version will hold
2012 Dec 16
averaging X of specific Y (latitude)
Hello I have a table describing butterfly range traits. It is composed of three columns as below Species name range size (X) latitude of range midpoint (Y) There are 11 kinds of butterflies. Each has its range size, and the latitude of each range midpoint ranges from 9 to 19. I would like to have the average range size of every degree of latitude. For example, the average range