Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Curious finding in MASS:::confint.glm() tied to eval()"
2012 Jan 18
confint function in MASS package for logistic regression analysis
I have the following binary data set:
Response 0 1
0 159 162
1 4 37
My commands
The coefficients in the output are
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -3.6826 0.5062 -7.274 3.48e-13
2003 Nov 17
confint: which method attached?
the function
uses the profiling method of the function of the package MASS
even after the package has been detached!
1: might this be the intenden behavior?
2. How does the function remember its 'MASS' functionality after detaching the package?
R: 1.8.0; Windows 2000
Here is a sample program
> set.seed(7882)
> x<-rep(c(0,1),c(20,20))
2018 Jul 20
Should there be a confint.mlm ?
It seems that confint.default returns an empty data.frame for objects of
class mlm. For example:
nobs <- 20
# some fake data
datf <-
fitm <- lm(cbind(y1,y2) ~ x1 + x2,data=datf)
# returns:
2.5 % 97.5 %
I have seen proposed workarounds on stackoverflow and elsewhere, but
2004 Jul 13
confint.glm in a function
I can't get confint.glm to work from within a function. Consider
the following (using R 1.9.1, Windows 2000):
DF <- data.frame(y=.1, N=100)
(fit <- glm(y~1, family=binomial, data=DF,
Call: glm(formula = y ~ 1, family = binomial, data = DF, weights =
DF[, "N"])
2011 Aug 02
How to 'mute' a function (like confint())
Dear R-helpers,
I am using confint() within a function, and I want to turn off the message
it prints:
x <- rnorm(100)
y <- x^1.1+rnorm(100)
nlsfit <- nls(y ~ g0*x^g1, start=list(g0=1,g1=1))
> confint(nlsfit)
Waiting for profiling to be done...
2.5% 97.5%
g0 0.4484198 1.143761
g1 1.0380479 2.370057
I cannot find any way to turn off 'Waiting for. .."
I tried
2007 Dec 05
confint for coefficients from lm model (PR#10496)
Full_Name: Christian Lajaunie
Version: 2.5.1
OS: Fedora fc6
Submission from: (NULL) (
confint() does not use the appropriate variance term when the design
matrix contains a zero column (which of course should not happen).
A 10x2 matrix with trivial column 1:
> junk <- data.frame(x=rep(0,10), u=factor(sample(c("Y", "N"), 10, replace=T)))
2011 Feb 11
Problem with confint function
I am currently doing logistic regression analyses and I am trying to get
confidence intervals for my partial logistic regression coefficients.
Supposing I am right in assuming that the formula to estimate a 95% CI for a
log odds coefficient is the following:
log odds - 1.96*SE to log odds + 1.96*SE
then I am not getting the right CI.
For instance, this is a summary of my model:
2019 Apr 24
Bug in "stats4" package - "confint" method
Dear R developers,
I noticed a bug in the stats4 package, specifically in the confint method applied to ?mle? objects.
In particular, when some ?fixed? parameters define the log likelihood, these parameters are stored within the mle object but they are not used by the ?confint" method, which retrieves their value from the global environment (whenever they still exist).
Sample code:
2008 Sep 16
One helps with the command "confint"
Dear colleagues,
I have used statistical software "R" in academic research, and I find very
interesting. So now I have started my studies at advanced level. I have
conducted several statistical models of the type "*nls*". In respect of
procedures for models of the type nls, I'd like you answer only one question
that I have had doubts, related to the formula
2011 May 06
Confidence intervals and polynomial fits
Hi all! I'm getting a model fit from glm() (a binary logistic regression fit, but I don't think that's important) for a formula that contains powers of the explanatory variable up to fourth. So the fit looks something like this (typing into mail; the actual fit code is complicated because it involves step-down and so forth):
x_sq <- x * x
x_cb <- x * x * x
x_qt <- x * x * x
2009 Dec 07
confint for glm (general linear model)
I have a glm gives summary as follows,
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -2.03693352 1.449574526 -1.405194 0.159963578
A 0.01093048 0.006446256 1.695633 0.089955471
N 0.41060119 0.224860819 1.826024 0.067846690
S -0.20651005 0.067698863 -3.050421 0.002285206
then I use confint(k.glm)
2005 Apr 06
make error in R devel
Dear list,
I just hit an error that stopped my make && make check-devel operation
on my linux box (FC3, i686 P4 2GB RAM). Just to note that I've been
building the development branch(?) for some time and this is the first
hint of a problem.
1) updated the src tree using svn update
2) ran ../configure --with-recommended-package=no from my build directory
3) got:
R is now configured
2012 Mar 09
How do I force confint() for glm() to be quiet?
I need confint() for glm() to supress the messages
"Waiting for profiling to be done..."
because they mess up the caching mechanism of pgfSweave (see
I have read the help page of confint(), but I do not know how to get
the help page for the glm() version, if any such help page exists.
Is there a general way of turning of output
2018 Jul 20
Should there be a confint.mlm ?
>>>>> steven pav
>>>>> on Thu, 19 Jul 2018 21:51:07 -0700 writes:
> It seems that confint.default returns an empty data.frame
> for objects of class mlm. For example:
> It seems that confint.default returns an empty data.frame for objects of
> class mlm.
Not quite: Note that 'mlm' objects are also 'lm' objects, and so
it is
2024 May 21
confint Attempts to Use All Server CPUs by Default
? Tue, 21 May 2024 08:00:11 +0000
Dario Strbenac via R-devel <r-devel at r-project.org> ?????:
> Would a less resource-intensive value, such as 1, be a safer default
> CPU value for confint?
Which confint() method do you have in mind? There is at least four of
them by default in R, and many additional classes could make use of
stats:::confint.default by implementing vcov().
2008 Jan 07
xtable (PR#10553)
Full_Name: Soren Feodor Nielsen
Version: 2.5.0
OS: linux-gnu
Submission from: (NULL) (
The print-out of xtable in the following example is wrong; instead of yielding
the correct ci's for the second model it repeats the ci's from the first model.
2000 Jul 21
confint() error
Dear all,
I have run the confint() function according to below and I get the
following error message:
> confint(stepAIC.glm.spe.var.konn2.abund, level=0.95)
Waiting for profiling to be done...
Error: missing value where logical needed
In addition: Warning message:
NaNs produced in: sqrt((fm$deviance - OriginalDeviance)/DispersionParameter)
> confint(stepAIC.glm.spe.var.konn2.abund,
2024 May 21
confint Attempts to Use All Server CPUs by Default
Would a less resource-intensive value, such as 1, be a safer default CPU value for confint? I noticed excessive CPU usage on a I.T. administrator-managed server which was being three-quarters used by another staff member when the confidence interval calculation in an R Markdown document suddenly changed from two seconds to ninety seconds because of competition for CPUs between users. Also,
2009 Oct 02
confint fails in quasibinomial glm: dims do not match
I am unable to calculate confidence intervals for the slope estimate in a
quasibinomial glm using confint(). Below is the output and the package info
for MASS. Thanks in advance!
R 2.9.2
MASS 7.2-48
> confint(glm.palive.0.str)
Waiting for profiling to be done...
Error: dims [product 37] do not match the length of object [74]
> glm.palive.0.str
Call: glm(formula = cbind(alive, red) ~ str,
2006 Jan 08
I have found some "issues" (bugs?) with nls confidence intervals ...
some with the relatively new "port" algorithm, others more general
(but possibly in the "well, don't do that" category). I have
corresponded some with Prof. Ripley about them, but I thought I
would just report how far I've gotten in case anyone else has
thoughts. (I'm finding the code