Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "include libraries for C code called from R"
2006 Dec 12
Undefined symbol when trying to dyn.load a shared object
I hope that someone reading this list can offer some suggestions on how I can incorporate external C libraries in C functions that I want to call from R. I have gone through all of the documentation, help files and mailing list archives and have not been able to find a satisfactory solution.
I have constructed a simple example of the problem, since my "real" program is much more
2008 Aug 16
Lattice: problem using panel.superpose and panel.groups
Hi. I'm embarking on my first attempt at creating my own panel
function for lattice graphics, and despite all of my online research
and pouring through the documentation, I cannot figure out how to
solve my particular problem. Hopefully, a generous fellow R user can
I have some data that is split into two groups: some "actual" data,
and some simulated data,
2007 Sep 16
Using gsl libraries in R packages
I have some compiled C code that I call from R, and I would like to
distribute this code as an R package through CRAN. In the C code, I use the
gsl numerical libraries, mainly for the BLAS interface, some linear algebra
functions, and some optimization routines. As I prepare this code to
conform to the specs for R packagtes, I am wondering if there is a
restriction on the use of external
2008 Nov 20
Turning off compiler optimization
Hi. I am writing some code in C that I would like to link into R.
My Makevars file is:
PKG_LIBS=-L/usr/local/lib -lgsl
PKG_CFLAGS = -Wall -O0 -g -p -pg
The source file is core.c,. and I am compiling using R CMD SHLIB
core.c The output is
gcc -arch x86_64 -O3 -g -p -std=gnu99 -I/Library/Frameworks/
2016 Nov 01
On 01/11/16 21:08, Kirill M?ller wrote:
> Did you reinstall the gsl package [1]?
Apparently not. I did a complete update.packages() which reinstalled a
great number of packages (I have a great number in my personal library).
There were complaints about 4 packages, one of which was "copula", but
"gsl" was not one of them.
I would have *thought* that if "gsl"
2016 Nov 01
I have just upgraded to the latest R (3.3.2) and thought I should update
my library of contributed packages.
Ran into problems with "copula". Got the error:
> Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) :
> unable to load shared object '/home/rolf/Rlib/gsl/libs/gsl.so':
> libgsl.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
So after a bit
2004 Sep 09
Dyn.load of sharing object with GSL library
Following the recommendation of Prof. Ripley, I have created the Makevars
file with the line:
PKG_LIBS="-L/usr/lib/libm -lm -L/usr/local/lib/libgsl -lgsl -L/usr/local/lib
/libgslcblas -lgslcblas"
in the working directory.
Now I have the code file Example3.c which computes the Bessel function value
(the example is taken from the GSL reference book).
I am running:
R CMD SHLIB Example3.c
2007 Jan 04
Parameter changes and segfault when calling C code through .Call
I am experiencing some odd behavior with the .Call interface, and I am hoping someone out there can help me with it. Below is a simple example (in that there are R packages that do exactly what I want), but this code illustrates the problem. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
Suppose I want to compute the log density of a multivariate normal distribution using C code and the gsl
2008 Jan 25
Problem building R with Intel MKL v10 BLAS
Hi. I'm not sure if this is an R-help or R-devel problem, so I'm
starting here in the hope that someone can help (and willing to go to
the other list if it's more appropriate). I think I am following all of
the instructions in the various manuals, but clearly I am missing something.
I have an Intel EM64T Dell with 2 dual-core Xeon processors running Red
Hat EL5. I would
2009 Nov 20
how to link C code with gsl from R CMD and dyn.load
I am writing a function in C that is meant to be called by R. In the C
function, I used a gsl function gsl_stats_mean. The code is as simple as
void gsl(double *m, int *dim){
int r, c;
r = dim[0];
c = dim[1];
double mean = gsl_stats_mean(&m[0], 1, r);
Rprintf("mean = %f\n", mean);
The C code is succesfully compiled and the output is as follows.
2009 Apr 05
Problem with Dynamo-Package
Good day,
I am facing a problem when I am installing the dynamo-package and loading it. After I installed the package, I received the following warning message:
"In file.create(f.tg) :
cannot create file 'C:\PROGRA~2\R\R-28~1.1/doc/html/packages.html', reason 'Permission denied'"
and when I load the package, an error message pops up saying that "the application
2004 Sep 09
Adding GSL library path to SHLIB
Dear R-list people,
I asked a similar question a few hours before. I will try to be more specific.
We like to add the GSL library to the file SHLIB in order to make it possible to run the C code using GSL functions from R.
We read that the path to the libgsl.a should be added to the line shlib_libadd=' ' in the file SHLIB but it does not work on our system. Dyn.load fails with error
2002 Apr 16
Problem with dyn.load()
I tried to dynamically load a c++ function. Everything seems to be OK
when dyn.load() is executed but then I get this error
Error in .C("integral", sumInMean, sumInVar, boundError,
numberSampleClasses, :
C/Fortran function name not in load table
The code of the function is something like this:
#include <cmath>
extern "C" {
2010 Oct 30
Trouble installing gsl wrapper
I'm trying to install the gsl wrapper source code
(http://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/gsl_1.9-8.tar.gz) on a Linux
system (OpenSuse 11.1), but encountering the following problem. I've
already installed 'gsl' version 1.14
(ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gsl/gsl-1.14.tar.gz) on the system. What's
missing? Thanks a lot...
* installing to library
2007 May 29
Use of Rf_duplicate
First, thanks to those of you who responded to my previous post about my
code that was taking longer and longer to process. After following your
suggestions, and I now thinking that the problem was some calls to
Rf_duplicate in my C code.
So I'm hoping I could get some clarification on what Rf_duplicate actually
does. What is the real difference between
PROTECT(y=x); and
2012 May 03
Modified Cholesky decomposition for sparse matrices
I am trying to estimate a covariance matrix from the Hessian of a posterior mode. However, this Hessian is indefinite (possibly because of numerical/roundoff issues), and thus, the Cholesky decomposition does not exist. So, I want to use a modified Cholesky algorithm to estimate a Cholesky of a pseudovariance that is reasonably close to the original matrix. I know that there are R packages that
2012 Jul 24
Trouble with Installing R Package gsl
Dear R users:
I have a problem when installing the R package *gsl*. The procedure is as
(1) Since it needs a GSL vesion >=1.12, and the GSL library on the serve I
use is too old, I download GSL 1.15 and install it in my own account, such
as $HOME/local/gsl. Because I do not have root access, so it cannot be
installed in standard folder.
(2) Then I download the source code of R
2007 May 25
R scripts slowing down after repeated called to compiled code
Thanks in advance to anyone that might be able to help me with this
problem. I have not been able to find a reference to it in the
documentation on online sources, so I am turning to this group.
I am running R 2.4.1 under Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4, on an x86_64
platform (multi-core Intel Xeon processors, 3.6Ghx, 8GB of RAM). I have
some rather complicated code (so I won't attach it here),
2006 Dec 24
FW: Passing lists from R to C, extracting elements, and sending lists back again
Thank you to everyone who responded to my previous post regarding the integration into R of C programs that use external libraries. I have another issue that I simply have not been able to figure out using documentation, list archives, and so forth.
I have data that is stored in R lists. I would like to pass the list to C code using the .Call function, perform mathematical operations on the
2012 Aug 17
R package compilation: files in src directory should be ignored if C library is not available
I have written an R package which contains C source code (in the directory pkg/src).
Only a subset of the functions in the pkg/R directory contain a .C() call to the functions in the pkg/src directory. The rest of the package will still work and be useful without the functions containing a .C() call.
To compile the code in pkg/src requires the GSL library. This is detailed in the