similar to: Smallest R executable

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "Smallest R executable"

2004 Jun 16
Loading 'akward' data file
Generally you'd use file() to open the file, then use readLines(), say inside a while() loop to read one `chunk' at a time. However, your example looks a bit strange. The possibility of empty line makes it a bit more complicated, by that last couple of lines seems to suggest that you could have a line of data follow by another line of data without variable label. If that's true, I
2005 Feb 17
Subsetting using dimnames on S4 array-based class
Hello, I did send this message to r-help and got no reply, no I am resubmitting here in case this was a bit too specific for the other list. Many thanks, Iago From: Iago Mosqueira <> To: Subject: Subsetting using dimnames on S4 array-based class
2010 Jan 29
Plotmath: suprscript on scalable delimiter?
ComRades, How do you put a superscript on a scalable delimiter? I want to put 'b' as the power of the expression in the following plot: t <- 1:25 K <- 0.2 y <- ((1-exp(-K*t))/(1-exp(-K*t)*exp(K)))^3 plot(t,y,"l",main="K=0.2, b=3") text(15,5,expression(bgroup("(",frac(1-e^-Kt,1-e^-Kt*e^K),")"))) Plotmath examples in demo(plotmath) do not
2011 Mar 31
Simple lattice question
DeaR ComRades, require(lattice) data <- data.frame(SP=sort(rep(as.factor(c('A','B','C','D','E')),12)), x=rpois(60,10), y=rep(c(rep(0,4),rep(10,4),rep(20,4)),5), z=rep(1:4,15)) xyplot(x~y|SP,data=data,groups=z,layout=c(2,3),pch=1:4,lty=1:4,col='black',type='b') How do I put a legend
2010 Jun 21
Problem with package installation
Dear ComRades, I am having the "wrong MD5 checksums" error with every package I try to install. It happened with R 2.11.0, then I updated to R 2.11.1, same thing. sessionInfo() R version 2.11.1 (2010-05-31) i386-pc-mingw32 locale: [1] LC_COLLATE=Spanish_Spain.1252 LC_CTYPE=Spanish_Spain.1252 LC_MONETARY=Spanish_Spain.1252 [4] LC_NUMERIC=C
2011 Mar 23
R helps win competitions
DeaR ComRades, This is a quote from a News article in Science's 11-February issue, about competitions to model data: "For Chris Raimondi, a search-engine expert based in Baltimore, Maryland, and winner of the HIV-treatment competition, the Kaggle contest motivated him to hone his skills in a newly learned computer language called R, which he used to encode the winning data model.
2010 Mar 10
Tinn-R RGui Send problem
ComRades, On a recent Windows XP system that I have to use at work, I installed Tinn-R and R 2.10.1 When I mark-select a piece of code, say summary(x) written in Tinn-R and send it to the RGui using the send button, the RGui console instead of showing me my piece of code, it shows something like source(.trPaths[5], echo=FALSE, max.deparse.length=150) The code is executed fine but if
2011 Mar 23
R helps win competitions
DeaR ComRades, This is a quote from a News article in Science's 11-February issue, about competitions to model data: "For Chris Raimondi, a search-engine expert based in Baltimore, Maryland, and winner of the HIV-treatment competition, the Kaggle contest motivated him to hone his skills in a newly learned computer language called R, which he used to encode the winning data model.
2011 Nov 17
RV: Reporting a conflict between ADMB and Rtools on Windows systems
De: Rubén Roa Enviado el: jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2011 9:53 Para: '' Asunto: Reporting a conflict between ADMB and Rtools on Windows systems Hi, I have to work under Windows, it's a company policy. I've just found that there is a conflict between tools used to build R packages (Rtools) and ADMB due to the need to put Rtools compiler's
2005 Jun 14
operators as S4 methods
Dear all, I need to re-define some mathematical operators (+, *, /, etc) for an S4 class based on array. All references I have found (S Programming, Green Book) show how to define S3 methods for this (like in page 89 of S Programming for "-.polynomial"). What is the preferred S4 way for doing this? I hope I haven't missed some obvious piece of documentation. Many thanks, Iago
2004 Nov 29
\link{} to help pages in Debian
Hello, In my Debian 3.0 systems, packages are installed in two different places, namely /usr/lib/R/library and /usr/local/lib/R/site-library, depending on whether they come from debian packages or CRAN ones. Help pages for my own packages, installed in the second location, cannot find help pages from, for example, the base package via \link{}. I also tried specifying the package with
2007 Jul 24
plotting gam models
Hi everybody, I am working with gams and I have found some questions when plotting gams models. I am using mgcv, and my model looks something like this: model<- gam(x ~ s(lat,long)) I can plot the output of the model using plot(model) or plot.gam(model) and I get a surface plot. That is ok, but what I want to do now is to extract the data used to perform the surface plot. Like that I
2003 Aug 21
Hello, I am about to move all of my modelling work into R, and I have been investigating the present state of MCMC and Bayesian methods in R. Following a thread on the mailing list in 2000, I have looked at mcmcpack and Hydra. Three years down the line, is there anything new in this area? I have used both MCSim and WinBUGS in the past. The first one seems promising, but is too focused towards
2008 Apr 29
generic question ==>> mapping Longhurst biogeochemical ocean provinces in R
*Hello all ** I am a newbie to R plotting maps. I am trying to plot over a world map a layer of Biogeochemical provinces (BGCP) by A.R. Longhurst. Each ocean region unfortunately are quite irregular in shape (not perfect squares). In GIS this layer of ocean provinces would be a layer of polygons, which I am assuming it cannot be plotted with R. I was wondering If anybody has encounter this
2012 Sep 10
problem building vignette
Hi, I'm trying to get a package to pass through "R CMD check --as-cran" and have run into a problem that gives me no idea where to look to fix it. I'm running R version 15.1 on a Windows 7 64-bit machine, with the current set of Rtools. An attempt to check the package dies at the following step: * checking running R code from vignettes ... 'SIBER.Rnw'
2007 Jun 14
How to set degrees of freedom in cor.test?
Hello, I want to compute a correlation test but I do not want to use the degrees of freedom that are calculated by default but I want to set a particular number of degrees of freedom. I looked in the manual, different other functions but I did not found how to do it Thanks in advance for your answers Yours Florence Dufour PhD Student AZTI Tecnalia - Spain
2007 Jun 16
Fwd: How to set degrees of freedom in cor.test?
You could calculate the confidence interval of the correlation at your desired df: The below code takes as arguments the observed correlation, N, and alpha, calculates the confidence interval and checks whether this includes 0. cor.test2=function(r,n,a=.05){ phi=function(x){ log((1+x)/(1-x))/2 } inv.phi=function(x){
2015 Apr 27
Como conectar R con una base de datos Access en Windows 64-bit (RODBC package)
Hola a tod en s, Tengo un problema a la hora de conectar una base de datos (*.mdb) de Access a RStudio utilizando windows 64-bit. Con el paquete RODBC utilizo el siguiente script que devuelve el error que indico: mdbConnect <- odbcConnectAccess("C:/Users/database.mdb") Error in odbcConnectAccess("C:/Users/Isa/FPI-AZTI/JUVENA/Databases/MEGASCOPE_JUVENA2014.mdb") :
2008 Sep 24
weights option in lmer
Hi all, I am trying to run a linear mixed effect models in lmer() from the lme4 package using the weights option. I am using the R version 2.7.2 (2008-08-25) and lmer version in lme4_0.999375-26, which I think it is the latest version! I am getting and error message when I add the option "weights" in the lmer function. This is the error message I get "Error en
2008 May 20
S4 generic for lowess
Hi, A lowess method is defined in our package for one of our S4 classes. To explicitely define the generic this is being used if (!isGeneric("lowess")) setGeneric("lowess", useAsDefault = lowess) This works fine for many other methods inherited from various R packages. In this case a warning is issued in R CMD check: * checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE