Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40000 matches similar to: "inconsistency or bug in coef() (PR#9358)"
2004 Dec 29
Discrepancy between intervals.lme and coef.lme
I'm using R on Windows v2.0.1 with the nlme package (v3.1-53) and am finding some unexpected discrepancies in the output of intervals.lme and coef.lme. I've included a toy dataset at the end, but briefly, the data are longitudinal data from couples in marital therapy. Each spouse's relationship satisfaction is measured 4 times; I've fit both linear and quadratic models to the
2004 Sep 27
Funny behaviour of coef() and vcov() if X is singular
coef() and vcov() have different dimensions if a model contains alised
as the following example illustrates.
A search on "alised" gave noting as far as I could see.
Is this a known bug?
Bendix C
Bendix Carstensen
Senior Statistician
Steno Diabetes Center
Niels Steensens Vej 2
DK-2820 Gentofte
tel: +45 44 43 87 38
mob: +45 30 75 87 38
fax: +45
2006 Aug 31
NaN when using dffits, stemming from lm.influence call
Hi all
I'm getting a NaN returned on using dffits, as explained
below. To me, there seems no obvious (or non-obvious reason
for that matter) reason why a NaN appears.
Before I start digging further, can anyone see why dffits
might be failing? Is there a problem with the data?
# Load data
dep <-
2017 Sep 13
vcov and survival
Dear Terry,
Even the behaviour of lm() and glm() isn't entirely consistent. In both cases, singularity results in NA coefficients by default, and these are reported in the model summary and coefficient vector, but not in the coefficient covariance matrix:
> mod.lm <- lm(Employed ~ GNP + Population + I(GNP + Population),
+ data=longley)
2017 Sep 14
vcov and survival
>>>>> Martin Maechler <maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch>
>>>>> on Thu, 14 Sep 2017 10:13:02 +0200 writes:
>>>>> Fox, John <jfox at mcmaster.ca>
>>>>> on Wed, 13 Sep 2017 22:45:07 +0000 writes:
>> Dear Terry,
>> Even the behaviour of lm() and glm() isn't entirely consistent. In both cases,
2017 Nov 02
vcov and survival
>>>>> Fox, John <jfox at mcmaster.ca>
>>>>> on Thu, 14 Sep 2017 13:46:44 +0000 writes:
> Dear Martin, I made three points which likely got lost
> because of the way I presented them:
> (1) Singularity is an unusual situation and should be made
> more prominent. It typically reflects a problem with the
> data or the
2003 Jan 20
quadratic trends and changes in slopes
I'd like to use linear and quadratic trend analysis in order to find
out a change in slope. Basically, I need to solve a similar problem as
discussed in http://www.gseis.ucla.edu/courses/ed230bc1/cnotes4/trend1.html
My subjects have counted dots: one dot, two dots, etc. up to 9 dots.
The reaction time increases with increasing dots. The theory is that
1 up to 3 or 4 points can be counted
2011 Nov 09
Interpreting Multiple Linear Regression Summary
I would appreciate pointers on what I should read to understand this
summary(lm(TDS ~ Cond + Ca + Cl + Mg + Na + SO4))
lm(formula = TDS ~ Cond + Ca + Cl + Mg + Na + SO4)
ALL 1 residuals are 0: no residual degrees of freedom!
Coefficients: (6 not defined because of singularities)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 125 NA
2009 Aug 02
two-factor linear models with missing cells
I am wondering how to interpret the parameter estimates that lm()
reports in this sort of situation:
y = round(rnorm(n=24,mean=5,sd=2),2)
A = gl(3,2,24,labels=c("one","two","three"))
B = gl(4,6,24,labels=c("i","ii","iii","iv"))
# Make both observations for A=1, B=4 missing
y[19] = NA
y[20] = NA
nonadd = lm(y ~
2008 Feb 03
Effect size of comparison of two levels of a factor in multiple linear regression
Dear R users,
I have a linear model of the kind
outcome ~ treatment + covariate
where 'treatment' is a factor with three levels ("0", "1", and "2"),
and the covariate is continuous. Treatments "1" and "2" both have
regression coefficients significantly different from 0 when using
treatment contrasts with treatment "0" as the
2005 Dec 06
standardized residuals (rstandard & plot.lm) (PR#8367)
Full_Name: Heather Turner
Version: 2.2.0
OS: Windows XP
Submission from: (NULL) (
Standardized residuals as calculated by rstandard.lm, rstandard.glm and plot.lm
are Inf/NaN rather than zero when the un-standardized residuals are zero. This
causes plot.lm to break when calculating 'ylim' for any of the plots of
standardized residuals. Example:
2009 Jan 20
inconsistent lm results with fixed response variable
I'm analyzing a large number of simulations using lm(), a sample of the
resulting data is pasted below. In some simulations, the response
variable doesn't vary, ie:
> tmp[[2]]$richness
[1] 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
When I analyze this using R version 2.8.0 (2008-10-20) on a linux
cluster, I get an appropriate result:
## begin R
2012 Oct 03
will 9 data points work for a regression in R?
See error message below: can someone please help with this? Thanks!
ALL 9 residuals are 0: no residual degrees of freedom!
Residual standard error: NaN on 0 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 1, Adjusted R-squared: NaN
F-statistic: NaN on 8 and 0 DF, p-value: NA
The information transmitted,
2013 Feb 14
Problems plotting and regression w.r.t. date data type on x axis
probably a newbie question, but i didnt find any information on
plotting/regressing w.r.t. a date data type. My trials were unfruitful. Can
anyone help ? Thanks in advance!
Here is my interaction with R:
> tabelle
date number date2
1 2009-01-1 1673 2009-01-01
2 2009-12-1 2111 2009-12-01
3 2010-7-1 2487 2010-07-01
4 2013-2-1 4301 2013-02-01
> regression.punkte<-lm(tabelle$number
2011 Mar 14
Standardized Pearson residuals
Is there any reason that rstandard.glm doesn't have a "pearson" option?
And if not, can it be added?
Background: I'm currently teaching an undergrad/grad-service course from
Agresti's "Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis (2nd edn)" and
deviance residuals are not used in the text. For now I'll just provide
the students with a simple function to use, but I
2006 Apr 28
stepwise regression
Dear all,
I have encountered a problem when perform stepwise regression.
The dataset have more 9 independent variables, but 7 observation.
In R, before performing stepwise, a lm object should be given.
fm <- lm(y ~ X1 + X2 + X3 + X11 + X22 + X33 + X12 + X13 + X23)
However, summary(fm) will give:
Residual standard error: NaN on 0 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-Squared: 1, Adjusted
2012 Mar 31
lm no calcula un coeficiente
quiero hacer una regresión lineal
lm(y ~ x * grupo, data =datos)
y: numérica, x: numérica, grupo: factor con dos niveles (1 y 2)
pero no calcula el coeficiente de x:grupo2 a cuenta de una singularidad
Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -1.283e+06 2.276e+04 -56.359 < 2e-16 ***
2006 Aug 11
help:coerce lmer.coef to matrix
Thanks for your response, it nearly worked! But it only wrote one coloumn
of data and not the three columns I need.
Using fixef(m1) doesnt give the same results as coef(m1) when you are
using more than one random effect. I need the coefficients for each
individual so I use coef(m1) to get this which results in an object of
class lmer.coef, 3 columns by 700 rows.
as.data.frame() wont work on
2003 Apr 24
R-1.7.0 build feedback: NetBSD 1.6 (PR#2837)
R-1.7.0 built on NetBSD 1.6, but the validation test suite failed:
Machinetype: Intel Pentium III (600 MHz); NetBSD 1.6 (GENERIC)
Remote gcc version: gcc (GCC) 3.2.2
Remote g++ version: g++ (GCC) 3.2.2
Configure environment: CC=gcc CXX=g++ LDFLAGS=-Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib
make[5]: Entering directory `/local/build/R-1.7.0/src/library'
>>> Building/Updating
2004 Jun 05
coef and vcoc for polr inconsistent??
Is the following an inconsistency, programming glitch or a feature?
One would expect that vcov(obj) was the variance-covariance of
but apparently this is not the case for polr objects:
> x <- rnorm( 100 )
> y <- rnorm( 100 )
> ff <- factor( sample( 1:4, 100, replace=T ) )
> pm <- polr( ff ~ x + y )
> coef( pm )
x y
0.21219010 0.03558506