Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "change in output wording causes make check to fail"
2010 Oct 21
Limitations and scale of R, and performance issues if and when limit reached
Hi there
Thank you for everyone's help in all my previous questions.
By way of intro, I am a masters student in actuarial science at the
University of Cape Town, and I am doing a project in R on some healthcare
cost data. Just for clarity before I embark on further research may I please
ask the following.
I want to take the direction of modelling healh insurance claims data with
2001 Apr 07
Hypothesis test
Dear colleague:
Actually that is what is done.
When using the z-test between proportions in two different groups, or using
chi-squared to test the null hypothesis of equal proportions of two or more
groups, the null hypothesis is that
H0: p1=p2=p3.....=p
where this p is the pooled proportion, the proportion in the summed groups =
in the z-test between two
2013 Mar 09
question on why Rigroup package moved to Archive on CRAN
Who should I ask about my package Rigroup_0.83 being moved to Archive status on CRAN and no longer available via install.package? I have no problems with the move if this was simply because of low demand. However, if there was a build issue with the newest releases that caused problems, I would be happy to address it. I'll just ask my students to install it from my own locally hosted
2008 Oct 23
Interpretation of t.test results
I have run a t.test in R, and received these results:
Two Sample t-test
data: rsa and umple
t = 0.9819, df = 10, p-value = 0.3493
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
-76.1541 196.1541
sample estimates:
mean of x mean of y
508.3333 448.3333
Can someone give me a detailed interpretation of the above results?
2003 Jan 20
make check for R-1.6.2 on IBM AIX
Dear all,
The 'make check' step fails for the pacakge mva on IBM AIX.
The tail of the Rout log file looks like:
> for(factors in 2:4) print(update(Harman23.FA, factors = factors))
factanal(factors = factors, covmat = Harman23.cor)
height arm.span forearm lower.leg weight
0.170 0.107 0.166
2006 Sep 07
pairwise.t.test vs. t. test
If I set the p.adjust="none", does it meant that the output p values from the pairwise.t.test will be the same as those from individual t.tests (set var.equal=T, alternative="t")?
I actually got different p values from the two tests. See below. Is it supposed to be this way?
> x
[1] 61.6 52.7 61.3 65.2 62.8 63.7 64.8 58.7 44.9 57.0 64.3 55.1 50.0 41.0
2006 Jun 21
Modifying Model Output
I''m a very-very new Ruby-on-Rails user even if I have some experience
with other Languages (mostly PHP, so this is my first real
object-oriented language)
My problem, newbie-ish as it is, is the following: I have a model,
Article, that returns Articles from the DB. Now, when a certain field of
the model (the intro text) contains no data, I want to fill it with a
2010 Feb 10
heplot3d / rgl : example causes R GUI to crash
[Env: Tested under Win Xp, R 2.9.2 and R 2.10.1; sessionInfo() at end]
I've run into a problem with the heplot3d() function in my heplots
package which causes the R GUI to crash
('R for Windows GUI encountered a problem and needs to close...'). I
think the problem comes from an
rgl call, but, I can't get a traceback or other information because my R
session crashes. I've
2006 May 12
wilcox.exact function (PR#8856)
Full_Name: Patrick Hodgson
Version: 2.0
OS: solaris 2.9
Submission from: (NULL) (
The value reported for the parameter W in the function wilcox.exact appears to
be incorrect. I have checked the reference in the help file for this function
(Myles & Hollander 1973, as well as 2nd ed. 1999 by same authors) and it is
clear that W is the sum of the ranks of the data set with the
2002 Dec 12
t-test bootstrap versus permutation question
I have a little problem that puzzles me about contradictory results returned
by a bootstraped t-test (as in MASS 3rd ed p. 146) versus a permutation
t-test (as in MASS 3rd ed, p 147).
Data are measurements done on 100 cells in 9 slides of fish blood. With one
method, cells are randomly sampled, and with the other method, the operator
selects cells arbitrarily (in a way it is done usually
2008 Aug 09
how to interpret t.test output
# Hi all:
#I got a vector with fish lengths(mm)
# Can someone help me interpret the output of
# a t.test in plain english?
# Based on the t.test below I can say that
# I reject the null hypothesis because
# the p-value is smaller than the the significance
# level(alpha=0.05). What else can I conclude here?
Ho = 36 mm
Ha <> 36 mm
2008 Dec 29
Valve Source games display problem
I'm hoping someone can help me figure this problem out. It's been bugginng me for quite a while. First, basic specs:
8.04 Kubuntu
x86 64 bit system.
Nvidia 9600 GT video card
Wine version 1.1.10
I've been running wine for several years, so it's distinctly possible that I've got some leftover configuration information that's messing me up. I've tried
2001 Oct 17
Type III sums of squares.
Peter Dalgaard writes (in response to a question about 2-way ANOVA
with imbalance):
> ... There are various
> boneheaded ways in which people try to use to assign some kind of
> SumSq to main effects in the presence of interaction, and they are all
> wrong - although maybe not very wrong if the unbalance is slight.
People keep saying this
2008 Feb 05
How to generate table output of t-test
test <- matrix(c(1, 1,2,2), 2,2)
t <- apply(test, 1, t.test)
How can I obtain a table of p-values, confidence interval etc, instead of
One Sample t-test
data: newX[, i]
t = 3, df = 1, p-value = 0.2048
alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
-4.853102 7.853102
sample estimates:
mean of x
2007 Apr 05
about systemfit
Hello. I am still a newbie in R. Excuse me if I am asking something obvious. My efforts to get an answer through browsing the mailing archives failed. I want to perform an augmented Dickey-Fuller test and to obtain AIC and BIC and to be able to impose some linear restrictions on the ADF regression so as to decide the correct order of autoregression. However I could find no obvious way to impose
2025 Jan 16
question about the recursive algorithm
I always run rsync as follows: "sudo rsync -PaSHAXvi --del DIR1/
DIR2". I would think that whenever I see in the output of this rsync
command a few lines of the form A/B/... and then further down in the
output again a few lines of the form A/B/... (dots are dirs or files),
then every line between such two lines is also of this form.
I then discovered that this is incorrect
2010 Feb 01
Question about interpretation of paired t-tests
hi there,
i have a few questions about the correct interpretation of a paired t-test.
(i don't think that this matters, but I'm using R 2.10.1 on Windows).
to my questions:
i've been using a lot of time about this minor concerns now and I hope
you can help me...
I use one- and two-sided t-tests. My questons are on one side about how
R uses the hypothesis' and the second one
2006 Feb 03
Problems with ks.test
Hi everybody,
while performing ks.test for a standard exponential distribution on samples
of dimension 2500, generated everytime as new, i had this strange behaviour:
One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
data: data
D = 0.0147, p-value = 0.6549
alternative hypothesis: two.sided
2005 Jun 08
IceCast 2.2 MP3 stream and Real Player noise
I tested it this morning and here are my findings:
1) The Intro tag causes Real Player to give an error that the stream
"contains unexpected data and may be corrupt". It does not play with the
Intro tag in the mount point. If I remove the Intro tag the stream plays,
and, the Real Player noise caused by meta-data is gone and the meta-data
updates work.
2) The Intro plays in iTunes and
2002 Aug 08
Problems with Samba 2.2.5 and Solaris 8
we've got a Problem with our Samba-Fileserver.
Shortly I installed Samba 2.2.5 compiled under Solaris 8 with gcc version 2.95.2
19991024 (release).
We have some NT-Servers using Windows NT4 Terminal Server Edition. And there are
round about 70 Users per Server using them.
Now my Problem:
Everything works fine until one Client opens the 129th Connection to the
Samba-Server. The