Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "ISwR (PR#9204)"
2007 Apr 09
ISwR library
I am learning to use R using a book that uses examples from the ISwR library
so I need to have that library. When I type library (ISwR), R says: Error
in library(ISwR) : there is no package called 'ISwR'
Do I need to install ISwR separately? How do I do this?
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/ISwR-library-tf3548959.html#a9907582
Sent from the R help mailing
2017 Sep 20
Install the Package "ISwR"
Dear All: good morning
I am trying to install the "" package, but I am getting this error message.
*> utils:::menuInstallPkgs()*
*Warning in install.packages(NULL, .libPaths()[1L], dependencies = NA, type
= type) :*
* 'lib = "C:/Program Files/R/R-3.4.1/library"' is not writable*
*Error in install.packages(NULL, .libPaths()[1L], dependencies = NA, type =
type) : *
2008 Feb 21
problem on pg32 of ISwR
> hist.with.normal<-function(x,xlab=deparse(substitute(x)),...)+ (+ h<-hist(x, plot=F, ...)+ s<-sd(x)Error: unexpected symbol in:"h<-hist(x, plot=F, ...)s">
I am using ISwR to teach myself R. Above is what happens when I try to duplicate the example on page 32. What went wrong? Note: I am using shift-enter to advance to the next line.
2017 Sep 20
Install the Package "ISwR"
What if you answer 'Yes' ?
On Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 1:03 PM, AbouEl-Makarim Aboueissa <
abouelmakarim1962 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear All: good morning
> I am trying to install the "" package, but I am getting this error message.
> *> utils:::menuInstallPkgs()*
> *Warning in install.packages(NULL, .libPaths()[1L], dependencies = NA, type
2010 Aug 08
Problem with installing a package in R!
Dear friends,
I am having problem with installing some packages in R in Ubuntu like
"ISwR". Bellow is the outcome. Anybody can help me to solve this problem.
Thanks a lot and sorry if it is very simple question.
Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done
trying URL 'http://probability.ca/cran/src/contrib/ISwR_2.0-5.tar.gz'
Content type
2006 Feb 19
changing names of vectors in list or data.frame
When I combine separate vectors into one list, there are new names
created. I'd like to change them to something more meaningful.
Here are two examples using data(zelazo) from library(ISwR):
> library(ISwR)
> data(zelazo)
> attach(zelazo)
> zelazo
[1] 9.00 9.50 9.75 10.00 13.00 9.50
[1] 11.00 10.00 10.00 11.75 10.50 15.00
[1] 11.50 12.00 9.00
2004 Oct 19
Matrix/Table col headings R 2.0.0
I have been looking at some 'table' examples in Peter Dalgaard's ISwR book, and I am confused by how to get right justification of my table headings when I use the tables() command. Compare the following:
# Produces right justfified column names
2009 Jan 23
Stat textbook recommendations?
I'm looking for a textbook that can explain some of the math behind
the intro-to-intermediate stuff like ANOVA, multiple regression, non-
parametric tests, etc.
A little background: I took an intro stats course last year and
would like to further my education. Being as that was the highest
(and only) stats class the local community college offers, it looks
like I'm on
2012 Jan 12
Template for building .deb packages for missing libraries?
Greeting R debianites -
There are a number of R libraries I need debianized (for Ubuntu Maverick
systems, if it matters) -- ISwR, Hmisc, mosaic, mosaicManip, HSAUR2 --
which I couldn't find debian packages for.
The structure of R libraries is so regular that I'm guessing surely
there must be a template for creating debian packages for them, or maybe
a set of instructions?
2005 Dec 29
use of predict() with confidence/prediction bands
To my understanding, a confidence interval typically covers a single
valued parameter. In contrast, a confidence band covers an entire line
with a band. In regression, it is quite common to construct confidence
and prediction bands. I have found that many people are connecting
individual confidence/prediction interval values produced with
predict(object,sd.fit=T,type="conf/pred") and
2010 Sep 10
pairwise.t.test vs t.test
Dear all, I am perplexed when trying to get the same results using pairwise.t.test and t.test.
I'm using examples in the ISwR library,
I can get the same result for pairwise.t.test and t.test when I set the variances to be non-equal, but not when they are assumed to be equal. Can anyone explain the differences, or what I'm doing wrong?
Here's an example
2006 Nov 21
NEWBIE: Help explaining use of lm()?
I'm attempting the heruclean task of teaching myself Introductory
Statistics and R at the same time. I'm working through Peter Dalgaard's
Introductory Statistics with R, but don't understand why the answer to
one of the exercises works. I'm hoping someone will have the patience to
explain the answer to me, both in the statistics and R areas.
Exercise 6.1 says:
The zelazo data
2004 Sep 29
displaying sample size in boxplots
I was wondering if there is a ready made function or parameter
for indicating the sample size in boxplots?
Here's what I came up with so far:
sample.size <- tapply(expend, stature, length)
sample.size <- paste("N=", sample.size, sep="")
mtext(sample.size, at=1:length(unique(stature)), line=2,
2007 Aug 02
Q: calling par() in .First()
As a result of another thread here, I need to be sure that the
function par(bg='white') has executed before I create a plot. The
simplest thing seemed to put it in .Rprofile:
.First <- function() {
But now R complains at startup:
Error in .First() : couldn't find function "par"
I have confirmed that once R has started,
2007 Oct 29
lm.boot function gives error
When I run this calculation
fit <- lm(thuesen$short.velocity~thuesen$blood.glucose)
fit.sb <- lm.boot(fit,R=1000,rows=F)
I get the following error from the lm.boot routine:
newdata' had 100 rows but variable(s) found have 24 rows
I don't know what this error means. Also, this example is
2024 Nov 23
dplyr summarize by groups
# Get mean, min, max sigma and skew by group
options (digits = 3)
library (ISwR
data %>%
group_by(stature) %>%
Mean = mean(expend),
Min = min(expend),
Max = max(expend),
Sigma = sd(expend),
Skew = skew(expend))
# Output
stature Mean Min Max Sigma Skew
<fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
2008 Jul 10
Basic help needed
Hello all,
New user here. I have R 2.7.1. installed, but don?t have internet access in my PC. Therefore, I downloaded the ISwR package (Introductory Statistics with R) from CRAN and then moved it into my HD.
I can?t seem to install the local package under Windows Vista system. I've tried using the men? "packages" "install package(s) from local zip files...", as suggested
2007 Oct 19
In a SLR, Why Does the Hat Matrix Depend on the Weights?
I understand that the hat matrix is a function of the predictor variable
alone. So, in the following example why do the values on the diagonal of the
hat matrix change when I go from an unweighted fit to a weighted fit? Is the
function hatvalues giving me something other than what I think it is?
fit <- lm(short.velocity ~ blood.glucose)
2008 Dec 19
Misuse of $<matn expressions>$ in Rd files
'Writing R Extensions' tells you that $ needs to be escaped in Rd files
outside \code and similar. So I was surprised to find that ca 80 CRAN
packages have constructions like (from ISwR)
a numeric vector, folate concentration ($\mu$g/l).
This does not render sensibly in non-latex conversions, and it is what we
have \eqn{} for.
That $ needs to be
2010 Apr 19
Kaplan-Meier survfit problem
When I try to the code from library(survival) of library(ISwR),
the following code
that could produce Kaplan-Meier estimates shows the following error
"Error in survfit(Surv(days, status == 1)) :
Survfit requires a formula or a coxph fit as the first argument"
How it can be done in R.2.10
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