Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "R-2.3.1.tar.gz does not contain VR bundle (PR#9084)"
2008 Feb 21
triangle.plot - change the axes orientation
Hello, I need to chenge axes orirentation in triangle plot. (function
triangle.plot in ade4 package)
I want to plot elasticities of some species in demographic triangle, where
axes values commnly increace "clockwise".
If some better imangination is needed, see
I am sorry if I just
2006 Feb 24
possible Slide and Blind IE bug
I''m new to this list, new to script.aculo.us but pretty comfortable with
javascript. I''m trying to get a combination of Effect.SlideUp and Down
and Effect.BlindUp and Down to well... it''s hard to describe, maybe have
a visit here (try in firefox first):
Click on "next month" a couple times, then click on
2012 Jun 21
install package mixdist
Hi all,
I'm trying to install the mixdist package with:
But I'm getting the following errors:
* installing *source* package ‘mixdist’ ...
** R
** data
** preparing package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
** building package indices ...
Warning in utils::data(list = f, package = package, lib.loc = lib.loc,
envir = dataEnv) :
2002 Jul 02
problem with qq( ) (PR#1729)
Full_Name: Jarno Tuimala
Version: 1.5.0
OS: Windows Nt
Submission from: (NULL) (
Running the following analysis gives as a result kukot vs. kisut.
aikaero <- -27.5+5*(0:10)
frekvenssi.m <- c(0,1,15,37,53,45,23,18,4,1,1)
frekvenssi.n <- c(2,8,12,19,33,47,42,15,2,1,0)
aikaero <- rep(c(aikaero,aikaero), c(frekvenssi.m,frekvenssi.n))
a.ero <-
2004 Dec 06
VR package not found for R version 1.9.1
I'm trying to install the VR package for version 1.9.1 but I'm getting
the following error message:
> install.packages("VR")
trying URL `http://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/contrib/1.9/PACKAGES'
Content type `text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1' length 20716 bytes
opened URL
downloaded 20Kb
trying URL
2005 Apr 05
Fitdistr and likelihood
Hi all,
I'm using the function "fitdistr" (library MASS) to fit a distribution to
given data.
What I have to do further, is getting the log-Likelihood-Value from this
Is there any simple possibility to realize it?
Regards, Carsten
2009 Feb 10
Problem installing MASS-Package
Dear R-Help-Team,
I tried to use isoMDS-Function of the MASS-Package:
Fehler: konnte Funktion "isoMDS" nicht finden
(error: could not find function "isoMDS")
so I tried to install the package MASS:
> utils:::menuInstallPkgs()
versuche URL 'http://cran.rakanu.com/bin/windows/contrib/2.8/VR_7.2-45.zip'
Content type 'application/zip' length 1598763
2007 Apr 12
problems in loading MASS
Hi, there:
After I upgraded my R to 2.4.1, it is my first time of trying to use
MASS and found the following error message:
> install.packages("MASS")
--- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
trying URL 'http://cran.cnr.Berkeley.edu/bin/macosx/universal/contrib/2.4/VR_7.2-33.tgz'
Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 995260 bytes
opened URL
2008 Sep 01
why isoMDS not found?
When I type "isoMDS()" in the R environment, a error shows up: no such
function "isoMDS". Why? And what should I do to use isoMDS? Additionally, I
cannot install add-on packages. Typing "Rcmd.exe INSTALL e:/VR_7.2-44.zip"
results in "'perl' is neither command nor executable file...". Why this
The setup file I downloaded is
2004 May 28
Regression model type II
I am trying to fit regression models type II with R, but it seems to me
that most (all) of the linear model functions are for type I regressions.
Does anyone knows whether type II regressions functions exist in R.
Benjamin Planque
Laboratoire d'Ecologie Halieutique
BP 21105
44311 Nantes Cedex 03
Tel: +33 (0)2 40 37 41 17
Fax: +33 (0)2 40 37 40 75
2005 Sep 14
R CMD check
Dear r-devel members,
I tried to build R packages on a PC running Windows XP but experience
problems. However, it is ok when there is no inst directory in a package.
Any help would be appreciated.
The following is an example,
C:\work>R CMD check VR_7.2-19.tar.gz
* checking for working latex ... OK
* using log directory 'C:/work/VR.Rcheck'
* using R version 2.1.1, 2005-06-20
2004 May 27
Source Code for Linear Discriminant Analysis
Dear R users,
I am not an R user myself, but someone searching the web for C source code that will do linear discriminant function analysis.
The only lead I have been able to locate is that R contains a function called "lda" which is contained in the MASS package.
I downloaded the R source file R-1.9.0.tgz, and
2008 Sep 17
Source code of Strauss Process
Dear all,
I want to simulate a Strauss Hard Core process in 3D. I have found
that someone else tried to do the same and he recived this answer,
"If you need this immediately, I suggest you follow Brian Ripley's advice.
This probably involves downloading a source tar file of the R package
and finding the Fortran code in library/spatial/src/. The Fortran should be
edited to generate 3D
2005 Mar 11
Package Installation in RGui (PR#7262)
In reference to the thread
I have the same problem updating packages with newly-installed version of
released version of R 2.0.1. Previous posts refer to a bug in windows. I
wonder if there is a work-around? This probably should go to R-help but it
follows on from the post in R-devel. Apologies in advance.
OS: Windows XP Professional,
2009 Sep 17
RCurl and Google Scholar's EndNote references
I've performed a Google Scholar Search using a query, let's say "Frank
Harrell", and parsed the links to the EndNote references from the resulting
HTML code. Now I'd like to download all the references automatically. For
this, I have tried to use RCurl, but I can't seem to get it working: I
always get error code "403 Forbidden" from the web server.
2010 Oct 20
[Rpy] "lapack routines cannot be loaded" in Ubuntu Linux 9.10
On 20 October 2010 at 09:57, Aman Thakral wrote:
| Thanks for your reply. I just created a link to
| /usr/local/lib/R/lib/libRlapack.so in /usr/local/lib. It works now.
| I'm just curious, is this the "right" way to do it? Is there a better way?
I am coming to this a little late but ... it is a band aid to a self-inflicted wound.
You only have libRlapack because you built R
2005 Apr 11
R: function code
sorry to be a nuisance to all!!!
how can i see the code of a particular function?
e.g. nnet just as an example
2005 May 18
Advice requested: installation failing for foreign_0.8-7, mgcv_1.2-4, rpart_3.1-23, VR_7.2-15
I'm running R Version 2.1.0 (2005-04-18), ISBN 3-900051-07-0
on Machine Model: Power Mac G5
CPU Type: PowerPC 970 (2.2)
Number Of CPUs: 2
CPU Speed: 2 GHz
L2 Cache (per CPU): 512 KB
Memory: 2 GB
with software: System Version: Mac OS X 10.3.9 (7W98)
Kernel Version: Darwin 7.9.0
Here is what happened when I tried to update the "foreign" package
2008 Feb 27
Bug in help(). (PR#10859)
There appears to be a bug in help() when there are multiple packages
containing functions with the same name, and offline=TRUE.
If one simply does:
help(gam) # No ``offline=TRUE''
then the following message appears:
Help on topic 'gam' was found in the following packages:
Package Library
2008 Feb 01
Accessing the elements of a list
Hi R,
I wanted to know how do we access the elements of a list. In particular,
I want to access all the thirds items of the elements of the list. i.e.,
I want to access the elements, 3,33,333,3333. This can be done through
sapply as:
sapply(v,function(x) x[3])
But I need to access this without using