similar to: S4 class slot name 'names' is not allowed (PR#8768 S4Methods)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "S4 class slot name 'names' is not allowed (PR#8768 S4Methods)"

2006 Dec 07
FW: test of spatial dependence?? - ask a geographer (was ask an ecologist)?
No, you do not necessarily need the XY coordinates. You can also use polygon (field, in your case) adjacency information. See Rogerson, Peter A. 2001. _Statistical methods for geography_. Thousand Oaks: Sage. You might also look at GeoDA, a free and soon-to-be open source spatial analysis package. For your application, it might be easier to use than R. Go to
2010 Apr 09
Combining ggplot2 objects and/or extracting layers
Hi, Other then rebuilding the plots, is there any way either (1) to combine existing ggplot2 plots or (2) to extract a layer from an existing plot so that it can be added to another? Thanks. -- Dr. Marshall Feldman, PhD Director of Research and Academic Affairs Center for Urban Studies and Research The University of Rhode Island email: marsh @ uri .edu (remove spaces) Contact
2008 Mar 26
S4 slot with NA default
Hi How do I specify an S4 class with a slot that is potentially numeric, but NA by default? I want the slot to be NA until I calculate its value (an expensive operation, not needed for all applications). When its value is known, I will create a new object with the correct value inserted in the slot. I want "NA" to signify "not known". My attempt fails because
2007 Nov 13
slots of type "double"
Hi, Any idea why S4 doesn't allow slots of type "double"? > setClass("A", representation(a="double")) Error in makePrototypeFromClassDef(properties, ClassDef, immediate, where) : in making the prototype for class "A" elements of the prototype failed to match the corresponding slot class: a (class ?double? ) "numeric",
2003 Jun 23
FW: S4 classes, creating in C
I am using C code to create an S4 object based on Douglas Bates's example in his lecture notes on < s.pdf> .pdf e.g. SEXP La_DGE_dc(SEXP A) { SEXP aa = PROTECT(duplicate(A)); SEXP adims, pivot, val; int
2004 Oct 14
Hello, I have a question concerning "setClassUnion". I'm working with R 2.0.0 Patched (2004-10-06) on windows 2000. I tried to use "setClassUnion" in a package I am currently working on. The situation is similar to the following example: The DESCRIPTION file has entries: Depends: R (>= 2.0.0), methods Imports: methods LazyLoad: yes The NAMESPACE file has
2004 Oct 14
Hello, I have a question concerning "setClassUnion". I'm working with R 2.0.0 Patched (2004-10-06) on windows 2000. I tried to use "setClassUnion" in a package I am currently working on. The situation is similar to the following example: The DESCRIPTION file has entries: Depends: R (>= 2.0.0), methods Imports: methods LazyLoad: yes The NAMESPACE file has
2005 May 26
Buidling R on Linux (Itanium) fails (PR#7897)
Full_Name: Reinhold Bader Version: 2.1.0 OS: SLES 9 Submission from: (NULL) ( I tried to build R using the Intel compilers (icc, ifort) and the Math Kernel Libraries for BLAS/LAPACK Optimizations used were -O3, and the FPICFLAGS="-fpic" was exported. The build failed with the following error message: ... dumping R code in package 'methods' Saving namespace image
2012 Mar 07
SSOAP and Chemspider: Security token?
Dear community, has anyone managed to get SSOAP working with the ChemSpider Web APIs, using functions which need the security token? I use SSOAP 0.9-0 from the OmegaHat repository. In the example code from SSOAP there is a sample which uses a token function. Interestingly, it checks if(!is.character(token)) first (and proceeds if the token is NOT character.) I can't test that function since I
2006 Apr 13
S4 class slot name 'names' is not allowed (PR#8768)
Martin, Thanks! I'll use name for now. Steve -----Original Message----- From: Martin Maechler [mailto:maechler at] Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2006 3:11 AM To: Steven Lacey Cc: R-bugs at; r-help at Subject: S4 class slot name 'names' is not allowed >>>>> "SteveL" == Steven Lacey <slacey at
2016 Nov 03
.S4methods inconsistent behavior with methods, .S3methods
If I call .S4methods(sd) I get the error ## Error in getGeneric(generic.function) : ## argument 'f' must be a string, generic function, or primitive: got an ordinary function By contrast, methods and .S3methods just state that no methods are found. methods(sd) ## no methods found S3methods(sd) ## no methods found It seems like the behavior of these functions ought to be consistent.
2010 May 03
Hierarchical factors
Hello, Hierarchical factors are a very common data structure. For instance, one might have municipalities within states within countries within continents. Other examples include occupational codes, biological species, software types (R within statistical software within analytical software), etc. Such data structures commonly use hierarchical coding systems. For example, the 2007 North
2009 May 05
S4 slot of type connection [Sec=Unclassified]
I am having trouble declaring a slot of type "connection" or "file" in which to store a file connection. I get a warning message when class definition is loaded: In .completeClassSlots(ClassDef, where) : undefined slot classes in definition of "Element": datafileConn(class "file") Can anyone suggest what type I should be using for the slot. Type
2004 Jun 18
Problem with setValidity() or resetClass() or ... ?
Hi, I'm working with Version 1.9.0 (2004-04-12) on Windows 98/NT/2000 where I found the following wrong (?) behavior of setValidity(). I already mentioned this on the R-help list (2004-06-11, was "setValidity changes Extends?") , but as I got no answer I tried to figure out what's happening. Well, setValidity() behaves not as I would expect (something about the
2010 Apr 09
Beyond reshape: automatically streamlining data
Hello, I've been very impressed by the reshape package and how easy it makes reorganizing statistical data structures. This makes me wonder if there's another package out there that addresses another set of tasks that one often does when preparing data for analysis. For any particular set of analyses, one typically recodes variables and deletes cases and variables. It would be really
2006 Jul 18
FW: Large datasets in R
Hi, I have two further comments/questions about large datasets in R. 1. Does R's ability to handle large datasets depend on the operating system's use of virtual memory? In theory, at least, VM should make the difference between installed RAM and virtual memory on a hard drive primarily a determinant of how fast R will calculate rather than whether or not it can do the calculations.
2003 Mar 31
I've recently updated from an early February version of 1.7.0 to Version 1.7.0 Under development (unstable) (2003-03-25) and am now having problems with errors giving the message: ' getExtends(ClassDef) : @ must be used on an object with a formal class' which seems to be caused by 'setIs("character","character or NULL")' which attempts to define
2010 Jul 27
how to generate a random data from a empirical, distribition
On 7/27/2010 6:00 AM, r-help-request at wrote: > Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2010 11:36:29 -0700 (PDT) > From: xin wei<xinwei at> > To:r-help at > Subject: [R] how to generate a random data from a empirical > distribition > Message-ID:< at> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii > >
2005 Nov 22
failure in `setClass' examples
Hello, Below is what I got running the examples from `setClass'. Could somebody please help explain why the last `setIs' call is returning the warning and whether this is expected? R> setClass("track", + representation(x="numeric", y="numeric")) [1] "track" R> setClass("trackCurve", +
2006 Aug 07
cwrsync strange path in error message
Dear Patricia: First off, my apologies ahead of time for bothering you. I am attempting to locate a Patricia Palumbo. She worked in Doylestown, Pa., as a court officer in the '60s. She would now be somewhere in her 70s. She was a very close friend at the time, but we lost contact with one another over the years. And, no, this is NOT a romance thing. :o) By any chance, do you know